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Folders and files

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refactoring plan:

  1. change in build.gradle
    test {
        exclude '**/**AfterRefactor*'
    test {
        exclude '**/**BeforeRefactor*'
    and we want to fix all failing tests
  2. rewrite patterns using Validation instead of throwing exception
    • method: validateWorkshop in classes
      • Age
      • City
      • Email
      • Name
      • PostalCode
  3. rewrite *Workshop classes using Validation instead of throwing exception and try-catch blocks (more hints in the classes)
    • NewAddressRequestValidatorWorkshop
    • NewPersonRequestValidatorWorkshop
    • PersonControllerWorkshop
  4. delete
    • ErrorMessagesControllerAdvice
    • ValidationException
  5. all tests **/*WorkshopAfterRefactor* should pass in this step

theory in a nutshell

  • Validation is an applicative functor and facilitates accumulating errors
  • when trying to compose Monads, the combination process will short circuit at the first encountered error as getting subsequent wrapped values depends on results of previous calculations
  • Validation will continue processing and accumulate all errors (if any)
  • it is especially useful when doing validation of multiple fields, say a web form, and you want to know all errors encountered, instead of one at a time
  • contrary to Bean Validation standard (JSR-303 and JSR-349):
  • interface Validation<E, T> extends Value<T>, Serializable
    • interface Value<T> extends Iterable<T>
  • two implementations:
    • final class Valid<E, T> implements Validation<E, T> - contains valid data
    • final class Invalid<E, T> implements Validation<E, T> - is an error representation

conclusions in a nutshell

  • creating
    • static <E, T> Validation<E, T> valid(T value)
    • static <E, T> Validation<E, T> invalid(E error)
    • example
      private static final IntPredicate PREDICATE = i -> i > 0;
      public static Validation<String, Age> validateAnswer(int age) {
          return PREDICATE.test(age)
                  ? Validation.valid(new Age(age))
                  : Validation.invalid("Age: " + age + " is not > 0");
  • combining
    • static <E, T1, ...> Builder<E, T1, ...> combine(Validation<E, T1> validation1, Validation<E, T2> validation2, ...)
    • public <R> Validation<Seq<E>, R> ap(FunctionN<T1, T2, ..., R> f)
    • example
      static Validation<Seq<String>, NewAddressCommand> validate(NewAddressRequest request) {
          return Validation
                  .ap((city, postalCode) -> NewAddressCommand.builder()
    • up to 8 arguments
    • combine and functionN in ap should have the same number of params
    • valid type of combine params should be the same as type of arguments of functionN in ap
    • combine params order corresponds to the order of params in the functionN in ap
    • if all of Validations in combine are Valid, the ap(f) method maps all results to a single value using a function f
    • if at least one of Validations is Invalid, then ap(f) returns Invalid with all errors aggregated
    • for example, for 3 arguments ap looks like
      • ap in Builder class (Builder is returned by combine method)
        public <R> Validation<Seq<E>, R> ap(Function3<T1, T2, T3, R> f) {
            return v3.ap(v2.ap(v1.ap(Validation.valid(f.curried()))));
      • ap in Validation class
          default <U> Validation<Seq<E>, U> ap(Validation<Seq<E>, ? extends Function<? super T, ? extends U>> validation) {
              Objects.requireNonNull(validation, "validation is null");
              if (isValid()) {
                  if (validation.isValid()) {
                      final Function<? super T, ? extends U> f = validation.get();
                      final U u = f.apply(this.get());
                      return valid(u);
                  } else {
                      final Seq<E> errors = validation.getError();
                      return invalid(errors);
              } else {
                  if (validation.isValid()) {
                      final E error = this.getError();
                      return invalid(List.of(error));
                  } else {
                      final Seq<E> errors = validation.getError();
                      final E error = this.getError();
                      return invalid(errors.append(error));
  • consuming
    • pattern matching
      return Match(validation).of(
              Case($Valid($()), ...),
              Case($Invalid($()), ...)
    • folding to single value
      return validation.fold(..., ....)
      • U fold(Function<? super E, ? extends U> fInvalid, Function<? super T, ? extends U> fValid)
  • transforming
    • mapping
      • Validation<E, U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> f)
      • Validation<U, T> mapError(Function<? super E, ? extends U> f)
    • bimapping
      validation.bimap(..., ...)
      • Validation<E2, T2> bimap(Function<? super E, ? extends E2> errorMapper, Function<? super T, ? extends T2> valueMapper)
    • bimap vs fold - bimap returns Validation and fold returns any arbitrary type