If you own the game in another language that is not fully translated (or you have found a typo) and want to contribute, I'd really appreciate that. To make the whole process the easiest, please follow the next steps.
If the language is already partially translated, simply download the corresponding file from above. If not, copy the file
and name it according to the respective ISO 639-1 2-letter language code (e.g. for German it would bede.xlsx
) and save it in this folder. (Note: If you don't see rows for new expansion birds and bonus cards, checktemplate.xlsx
and copy the missing rows from there.) -
Fill the necessary information in the file. Do not change any predefined cells. The file consists of 3 sheets.
Pay attention to the following format. Specify icons in card descriptions using their name inside of square brackets.
E.g. for American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), the power text in English looks like this: Player(s) with the fewest [wetland] birds: draw 1 [card].
Below you find the table of all needed icons and their codes.
Some languages (such as Spanish) may use different wording for the bonus cards Anatomist, Cartographer, Historian, and Photographer, as translating the name would result in the percentages of qualifying cards for those bonus cards being affected, some new icons may be used to tag these cards instead.
Icon | Code |
![]() |
[anatomist] |
![]() |
[cartographer] |
![]() |
[historian] |
![]() |
[photographer] |
Field | Description |
id | Internal identificator of the bird, do not change this value |
English name | The common name of a bird in english. It helps you to identify, which bird should be in that row |
Scientific name | The name of a bird in latin. It helps you to identify, which bird should be in that row |
Name | Fill there the common name of a bird in a desired language |
Power text | Fill there the ability of the bird. Leave empty if the bird has no ability |
Note | Fill there additional information about a bird from the appendix. Leave empty if the bird has no additional info |
Language-dependent bonus cards - applicable birds for these bonus cards may differ in your language. There are predefined values for English, please change those columns according to the rules of your language.
Field | Description |
Anatomist | Type X if the bird is eligible for this bonus card. Leave empty otherwise |
Cartographer | Type X if the bird is eligible for this bonus card. Leave empty otherwise |
Historian | Type X if the bird is eligible for this bonus card. Leave empty otherwise |
Photographer | Type X if the bird is eligible for this bonus card. Leave empty otherwise |
Field | Description |
id | Internal identificator of the bird, do not change this value |
English name | The name of a bonus card in english. It helps you to identify, which bonus card should be in that row |
Name | Fill there the title of a bonus card in a desired language |
Condition | Main description of a bonus card following the title |
Explanatory text | Additional explanation of bonus card condition, typically found at the bottom of the card |
VP | Victory points scoring system. Multiple scoring systems are separated by ; . Please, follow the format from this examples: Anatomist - 2 to 3 birds: 3[point]; 4+ birds: 7[point] , Behaviorist - 3[point] per column |
Note | Additional information from the appendix |
Field | Description |
WHEN ACTIVATED | Add local translation of respected brown power text |
WHEN PLAYED | Add local translation of respected white power text |
ONCE BETWEEN TURNS | Add local translation of respected pink power text |
ROUND END | Add local translation of respected teal power text (European expansion) |
GAME END | Add local translation of respected yellow power text (Oceania expansion) |
of cards | % of cards is the text found at the bottom of bonus cards describing how many percent of bird cards fulfill the condition |
In the case of any further uncertainties, take a look at the format used in this spreadsheet or open a GitHub issue.
If you know how to work with git, just open the pull request. If not, you can email me the file at matej.cief@gmail.com