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How to open neovim in org capture? #845

Answered by kristijanhusak
aareman asked this question in Q&A
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I actually added this for me recently since I needed to capture some stuff on the fly.
I have 2 things:

  1. A shell script that I put in the /usr/local/bin with this content:

kitty nvim -c "autocmd BufEnter * only" -c "lua require('orgmode').capture:open_template_by_shortcut('t')"

It opens up kitty terminal window, starts nvim and selects a default capture template by my choice. Then I run this with rofi when needed. Once the capture is finished it closes everything out.

  1. A zsh function that I can execute from the terminal:
nt() {
  nvim -c "autocmd BufEnter * only" -c "lua require('orgmode').capture:open_template_by_shortcut('t')"

If i'm in the terminal and I need to do somet…

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