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phga qhga
Emacs ❤️


Xenia fwam
NixOS User, Wanna-be Sysadmin pfp: Seishun buta yarō


Johannes Arnold j0hax
Programming & Linux aficionado

Hannover, Germany

Sebastian Mathes sebastianmathes
Linux Consultant @b1-systems

@b1-systems Germany



Apprentice, interested in all things Tech. Trying to become a Cloud Engineer / Cloud Solution Architect or Cybersecurity specialist. Loves Open Source


Claus-Peter Käpplinger Clausinho
Linux Consultant at b1-systems

b1-systems Tübingen, Germany

stuck in the clouds
macinsight macinsight
Linux Systems Administrator - Breaking k8s

B1 Systems GmbH Hamburg

Sarah Hisham sarahishamsaied
Software Engineer

Alexandria, Egypt

Ahmed Abaza aabaza97
SWE. Student of complex systems. BCs of computer engineering.


Mohamed Elkhawaga moelkhawaga

AAST Cairo/Alexandria, Egypt

I wonder if I can help you with your project in any way ?
paul paulphys
standing on the shoulders of giants

@b1-systems Frankfurt, Germany

Tim Beermann tibeer
Consultant, Trainer, Author, Product Owner, Developer & Operator. Mainly on automation and cloud technologies.

@berryit Germany

triobant triobant

B1 Systems GmbH

Alexander Müller DoctorCr4nk
Linux Sysadmin, openSUSE User

@airbus Germany

Qb QbDesu
CCC Cologne | hacker | application + web developer

@b1-systems NRW, Germany