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Marlon Braga marlon-b89
👋 Hi, I’m @marlon-b89🌱 I’m attempting to teach myself: SQL and Python 👀 I’m interested in financial markets, economics, sports, music, etc.

Financial Services New York, NY

Dean Hansen deanhansen
PhD in Statistics

McMaster University Toronto, ON

Owen Ren owen-ze

ML Engineer @ TELUS Vancouver, BC

Tom Mellish HansMellman
Hobbyist coder with too much time and not enough cognitive capacity.
Nebojsa Bozanic nebojsa-bozanic
Machine Learning Research Engineer x-Postdoc at Stanford University

Belgrade, Serbia

Linh T. Duong linhduongtuan
Obtain a PhD in medical microbiology from the University of Greifswald, Germany. Interested in Microbiology, Molecular biology, Epidemiology, & Machine Learning

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm - Sweden

Yoshitaka Inoue inoue0426
PhD Student at the University of Minnesota. Pre-Doc fellow at Biomed Institute

Bethesda, MD

Frank Odom fkodom
I like neural nets, and neural nets like me.

Huntsville, AL

Preston Thomas preston-thomas

Mutually Human Grand Rapids, MI

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mick mwelisevich
I have no idea what I'm doing.
hjose_reies hjreies
I love patterns, and I dedicated 20 years to Data Analytics in Volleyball. Now, I am looking to integrate my experience into a broader range of Data Analysis.

American International College Longmeadow, Massachusetts

Cory Boulé cjboule
Data Engineer

New Hampshire

Mark Schaver markschaver
Ex-news hack, now a diplomat.

Washington, D.C.