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PandaIT PandaTwo

Shen Zhen LighTake Shen Zhen China

chubby ajeebtech
obsessions create the best ideas

Bengaluru, India

Rishu Shrivastava rishuatgithub
Solution Architect - Data & AI, Pentaho, Analytics

@hitachi-vantara London, United Kingdom

Aneesh Krishna aneeshkrishna4739
Data Science Graduate Student with 2+ years of experience as a senior systems engineer

University at Buffalo Buffao, NY

Sarim Zafar sarim-zafar
I am just another brick in the wall ... or not!

Manchester, UK

Derek Willis dwillis
I teach data journalism at the University of Maryland and am co-founder of @openelections. I enjoy cricket, scraping and other things people enjoy.


Ben Wylie plottheball
Data journalist

