Sensemore Duck is a compact IoT data acquisition hardware to collect process data not only vibration, temperature, and pressure but also whole analog data such as; mass flow rate, speed, current, etc.
Chekout Duck data sheet
Chekout Duck installation guide
Before starting to speak about Duck system integration, configure your Duck's MQTT, NTP and HTTP settings.
Shortly after the Duck is plugged in, it broadcats a Wi-Fi acces point network with DUCK-CA:B8:DA:XX:XX:XX SSID'. Use default password to connect to the AP. Your device will launch configuration page in captive portal. If your device does not automatically launch captive portal, navigate to http:\\ in your default browser.
Once Duck is connected to a network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, its configuration page can be accessed through its local IP address from the same network. The local IP address is displayed on the home tab of the configuration page and is also shown in the MQTT information message.
Duck supports both Wi-Fi and Ethernet for network connections. By default, the network adapter is set to Wi-Fi, but this can be modified in the Settings of the Configuration page Settings > Connectivity
Time information is also used in the measurement messages sent by Duck. Time synchronization is needed for this. For OnPremise or private installations, default NTP server can be modified in Duck Configuration page Settings > NTP
Duck needs MQTT / TLS configuration and supports variety of authentication mechanisms including: plaintext MQTT, MQTTs with and without password, and MQTTs with Client certificate.
The MQTT Broker Server to be used must support TLS and provide the following for certificate-based connections:
- MQTT endpoint (mqtts: //my-mqtt-broker.server: 8883)
- CA (CA certificate)
- Client Cert (a created and signed certificate from CA)
- Client Key (private key of the certificate generated through the CA)
Required certificates and endpoint information are defined at Settings > MQTT
in the Duck configuration page. Duck uses these certificates for the future MQTT connections.
Duck can be controlled over HTTP, allowing for configuration modifications and measurement actions on attached devices. Accessing HTTP endpoints requires an initial login, after which the received token must be used for subsequent communications. Detailed information about HTTP endpoints, including those utilized by the Duck Configuration Web Page, is available in the HTTP Integration section.
Duck is compatible with industry standard 4-20mA sensors. Duck sensor configuration consists of sensor groups. Each group is indented to monitor a single point on an equipment.
- Multiple sensors can be grouped in a single sensor group to monitor different characteristics of a point such as temperature and humidity or acceleration and magnetic field.
- One sensor can be configured with one or multiple input channels depending on sensor's functionality. For example, distance sensor is configured with a single input channel whereas 3-axis acceleration sensor is configured with 3 input channels for x, y z axes.
Device Config | Explaniation | |
"heartbeat_interval_min": 15,
"sensor_groups": [
"sensor_group_code": "fe1e2714-5ac0-404c-9eb1-20f3a1d2a214",
"sensors": [
"sensor": "accelerometer",
"channels": [0, 1, 2],
"channel_codes": [
"min_max_voltage": [-5, 5],
"min_max_value": [-1000, 1000],
"trigger_differancel_rate": 2
} |
"heartbeat_interval_min": 15,
"sensor_groups": [
"sensor_group_code": "fe1e2714-5ac0-404c-9eb1-20f3a1d2a214",
"sensors": [
"sensor": "accelerometer",
"channels": [0, 1, 2],
"channel_codes": [
"min_max_voltage": [-5, 5],
"min_max_value": [-1000, 1000],
"trigger_differancel_rate": 2
} |
This section explains which topics to use when communicating with Duck over MQTT and how messages should be interpreted.
sends Payload
with PayloadType
format to Topic
When Duck powers on, it publishes a status message containing basic device information including Firmware Version. This status message can also be retrieved using the following topic:
Actor | Topic | Payload Type | Payload Schema | Example |
User | sensemore/<DuckMac>/info | JSON | Empty JSON | |
Duck | sensemore/<DuckMac>/info/accepted | JSON |
"Product": "Duck",
"Current Running Application": "<DUCK_VERSION>",
"Version": "<FIRMWARE_VERSION>",
"Compile Date": "<FIRMWARE_COMPILE_DATE>",
"Compile Time": "<FIRMWARE_COMPILE_TIME>",
"Last Reset Reason": "<RESET_REASON>",
"Memory Info": {
"Total Free Bytes": <STORAGE_CAPACITY>,
"Total Allocated Bytes": <USABLE_STORAGE>,
"Min Free Bytes": <MIN_FREE_BTYES>,
"Largest Free Bytes": <LARGEST_FREE_BYTES>
} |
"Product": "Duck",
"Current Running Application": "Duck-3.0.0",
"Version": "3.0.0",
"Compile Date": "Jan 8 2018",
"Compile Time": "12:00:00",
"ESP-IDF Version": "v5.1.2",
"Network Mode": "WIFI",
"RSSI": -56,
"Local IP": "",
"Network MAC": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"Last Reset Reason": "POWERON",
"Runtime MS": 3244190,
"Memory Info": {
"Total Free Bytes": 4084904,
"Total Allocated Bytes": 384008,
"Min Free Bytes": 4038248,
"Largest Free Bytes": 3997696
} |
Sensemore devices accept firmware update over HTTP. In order to start firmware update on the device, valid binary link sent to firmware update topic. Duck downloads the binary from given url and start firmware update.
Actor | Topic | Payload Type | Payload Schema | Example |
User | sensemore/<DuckMac>/ota | JSON | http url |
"url": ""
} |
Duck | sensemore/<DuckMac>/ota/accepted | JSON | Status JSON |
"status": "OTA accepted"
} |
Duck | sensemore/<DuckMac>/ota/rejected | Text | Error Text | Invalid payload! Url can't be null. Valid payload scheme: { "url":"" } |
Duck | sensemore/<DuckMac>/restart | JSON | Status JSON |
"status": "Restarting device due to OTA"
} |
Duck can be restarted using the following topic.
Actor | Topic | Payload Type | Payload Schema | Example |
User | sensemore/<DuckMac>/restart | JSON | Empty JSON |
Duck's sensor configuration can be viewed or changed over MQTT with the following topics.
Actor | Topic | Payload Type | Payload Schema | Example |
User | sensemore/<DuckMac>/config/get | JSON | Empty JSON | |
Duck | sensemore/<DuckMac>/config/get/accepted | JSON | Config JSON |
"heartbeat_interval_min": 98,
"sensor_groups": [
"sensor_group_code": "fe1e2714-5ac0-404c-9eb1-20f3a1d2a214",
"sensors": [
"sensor": "accelerometer",
"channels": [0],
"channel_codes": ["accelerometer_x"],
"min_max_voltage": [-5, 5],
"min_max_value": [-1000, 1000],
"trigger_differancel_rate": 2
} |
❗ Changing Duck’s sensor configuration will trigger a restart of the device.
Actor | Topic | Payload Type | Payload Schema | Example |
User | sensemore/<DuckMac>/config/set | JSON | Config JSON |
"heartbeat_interval_min": 15,
"sensor_groups": [
"sensor_group_code": "fe1e2714-5ac0-404c-9eb1-20f3a1d2a214",
"sensors": [
"sensor": "accelerometer",
"channels": [0],
"channel_codes": ["accelerometer_x"],
"min_max_voltage": [-5, 5],
"min_max_value": [-1000, 1000],
"trigger_differancel_rate": 2
} |
Duck | sensemore/<DuckMac>/config/set/accepted | JSON | Status JSON |
"status": "OK, device will be restarted"
} |
Duck device is designed for high-performance data acquisition with multiple ways to trigger measurements. It continuously collects data and evaluates conditions for publishing measurements based on the following mechanisms:
1. Heartbeat:
If no measurement has been published within a time period exceeding the configured heartbeat value, Duck automatically publishes a measurement.
2. Trigger Difference:
Duck publishes a measurement when the difference between the current and previous measurements exceeds the configured percentage threshold. The Trigger Difference can be adjusted in the device’s configuration settings.
3. Sensemore Lake:
Users can send manual measurement requests through the Sensemore Lake platform.
4. MQTT:
Manual measurement requests can also be sent via MQTT. Details about the MQTT topics are provided in down below.
Actor | Topic | Payload Type | Payload Schema | Example |
User | sensemore/<DuckMac>/device/<DuckMac>/measure/<MEASUREMENT_UUID> | JSON | Empty JSON | |
Duck | sensemore/<DuckMac>/device/<DuckMac>/measure/<MEASUREMENT_UUID>/accepted | JSON | Status JSON |
"status": "initiated"
} |
Duck | sensemore/<DuckMac>/device/<DuckMac>/measure/<MEASUREMENT_UUID>/metadata | JSON | Metadata JSON |
"measurement_uid": "f86e2b10-6475-42ed-95ab-b37fe24ca888",
"calibrated_sampling_rate": 6403,
"sampling_rate": 6403,
"unixtimestamp": "1734094422",
"device-mac": "CA:B8:DA:DE:AD:00",
"version": "3.0.0",
"reason": "measurement_request",
"channel0_rms": 1.504085898399353,
"channel1_rms": -1,
"channel2_rms": -1,
"channel3_rms": -1,
"channel4_rms": -1,
"channel5_rms": -1,
"channel6_rms": -1,
"channel7_rms": -1,
"config": {
"heartbeat_interval_min": 98,
"sensor_groups": [
"sensor_group_code": "fe1e2714-5ac0-404c-9eb1-20f3a1d2a214",
"sensors": [
"sensor": "accelerometer",
"channels": [0],
"channel_codes": ["accelerometer_x"],
"min_max_voltage": [-5, 5],
"min_max_value": [-1000, 1000],
"trigger_differancel_rate": 2
} |
Duck offers extensive HTTP endpoints for retrieving or modifying settings on Duck and its attached devices.
Some endpoints require an authentication token in the header. Endpoints requiring an authentication token in the header are marked with the 🔐 symbol.
This token is obtained using the Login endpoint, as shown below:
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
POST | /# | application/json |
"password": "<DEFAULT_PASSWORD>"
} |
GET | /# | application/json |
"token": "CLjziyTeTzlMsv100mvgkxnTQl1nGYXpQvsIStAW16WrMjxzLvhNTOGhcFFzU38mT8sHKFhxBOm3309qxSmzKIHJux3rUbjVTkywmayA1O05hKaQn9jlY99YMmp1NorF"
} |
Once the authentication token is obtained via the Login endpoint, it must be included in the header of each HTTP request for 🔐 endpoints, as shown below.
"Authorization": "CLjziyTeTzlMsv100mvgkxnTQl1nGYXpQvsIStAW16WrMjxzLvhNTOGhcFFzU38mT8sHKFhxBOm3309qxSmzKIHJux3rUbjVTkywmayA1O05hKaQn9jlY99YMmp1NorF"
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
POST | /logout | application/json |
Basic information about the device, including its Firmware Version, can be retrieved using the following HTTP endpoint:
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
GET | /info | application/json |
"mac_address": "CA:B8:DA:XX:XX:XX",
"version": "3.0.0",
"is_network_connected": true,
"is_internet_connected": true
} |
The device’s HTTP and web configuration interface password can be changed using the following HTTP endpoint:
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
PUT | /change_password | application/json |
"old_password": "<DEAFULT_PASSWORD>",
"new_password": "12345678"
} |
Time information is part the measurement messages sent by Duck. NTP configuration can be retrieved or modified using the following HTTP endpoint:
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
GET | /sntp | application/json |
"sntp_server": ""
} |
POST | /sntp | application/json |
"sntp_server": ""
} |
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
POST | /ota | application/octet-stream | {} |
Duck can be restarted using the following endpoint.
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
GET | /restart | application/json |
Duck manages measurement uploads for attached devices by publishing metadata over MQTT and transmitting signal binaries via HTTP.
The default binary upload URL is,
however, the URL can be retrieved or modified using the following endpoint.
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
GET | /binary-url | application/json |
"url": ""
} |
POST | /binary-url | application/json |
"url": ""
} |
Duck's sensor configuration can be viewed or changed over HTTP with the following endpoints.
Method | Endpoint | Content-Type | Example |
GET | /configuration | application/json |
"heartbeat_interval_min": 98,
"sensor_groups": [
"sensor_group_code": "fe1e2714-5ac0-404c-9eb1-20f3a1d2a214",
"sensors": [
"sensor": "accelerometer",
"channels": [0],
"channel_codes": ["accelerometer_x"],
"min_max_voltage": [-5, 5],
"min_max_value": [-1000, 1000],
"trigger_differancel_rate": 2
} |
POST | /configuration | application/json |
"heartbeat_interval_min": 98,
"sensor_groups": [
"sensor_group_code": "fe1e2714-5ac0-404c-9eb1-20f3a1d2a214",
"sensors": [
"sensor": "accelerometer",
"channels": [0],
"channel_codes": ["accelerometer_x"],
"min_max_voltage": [-5, 5],
"min_max_value": [-1000, 1000],
"trigger_differancel_rate": 2
} |
❗ Changing Duck’s sensor configuration will trigger a restart of the device.