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Spring Cloud Sleuth 3.0 Migration Guide

Adrian Cole edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 18 revisions

Spring Cloud Sleuth 3.0 Migration Guide


Most changes in Sleuth 3.0 are around propagation and Baggage. The changes are mostly property names and default header policy.

ExtraFieldPropagation -> BaggagePropagation

ExtraFieldPropagation.Factory -> BaggagePropagation.Factory

If you were overriding ExtraFieldPropagation.Factory to control the underlying trace format, do the same with BaggagePropagation.Factory now.

BaggagePropagation.FactoryBuilder baggagePropagationFactoryBuilder() {
	return BaggagePropagation.newFactoryBuilder(StackdriverTracePropagation.FACTORY);

ExtraFieldPropagation.get,set BaggageField

BaggageField should be used to manipulate current baggage.


// assuming country-code is setup in sleuth.baggage.remote-keys
BaggageField COUNTRY_CODE = BaggageField.create("country-code");

COUNTRY_CODE.updateValue(span.context(), "FO");
String countryCode = COUNTRY_CODE.get(span.context());


Property names

Properties controlling SLF4J are now under "spring.sleuth.baggage", but with the same meaning.

Those coming from 2.x should migrate with the following:

  • spring.sleuth.log.slf4j.whitelisted-mdc-keys -> spring.sleuth.baggage.correlation-fields
  • spring.sleuth.log.slf4j.enabled -> spring.sleuth.baggage.correlation-enabled

The former property names are still read, but will be removed at some point.

parentId and sampled (spanExportable) MDC Fields names are no longer set

For performance reasons, we no longer set the following fields by default:

  • parentId
  • spanExportable

These are only used for log scraping. If you need these fields, you can add them back with Java config:

@Bean CorrelationScopeCustomizer addParentAndSpanExportable() {
  return b -> b.add(SingleCorrelationField.create(BaggageFields.PARENT_ID))

X-B3-* MDC Fields names are no longer set

The Sleuth 1.x MDC field names are no longer set in correlation config. Their replacements exist in Sleuth 2.x, noted here for completion:

  • X-B3-TraceId -> traceId
  • X-B3-ParentSpanId -> parentId
  • X-B3-SpanId -> spanId
  • X-Span-Export -> sampled

If you need these fields, you can add an additional scope decorator like so:

@Bean ScopeDecorator legacyIds() {
  return MDCScopeDecorator.newBuilder()

MDC Fields no longer default to "dirty"

Before, all (whitelisted) correlation fields were treated as dirty. Regardless of if values were the same when entering a scope, each value was reverted. This caused extreme overhead in defense of an edge case where someone uses MDC.put() on the same span, and wants it cleaned up for them. We no longer clean up out-of-band changes by default.

If you want to have sleuth clean up ad-hoc use of MDC.put(), you can mark all fields dirty like this, or do similar for the field you want to control:

CorrelationScopeCustomizer makeCorrelationFieldsDirty() {
	return b -> {
		Set<CorrelationScopeConfig> configs = b.configs();

		for (CorrelationScopeConfig config : configs) {
			if (config instanceof SingleCorrelationField) {
				SingleCorrelationField field = (SingleCorrelationField) config;
				if (!field.readOnly()) {
					config = field.toBuilder().dirty().build();


Property names

Properties controlling Baggage are now under "spring.sleuth.baggage", but with the same meaning.

Those coming from 2.x should migrate with the following:

  • spring.sleuth.baggage-keys -> custom BaggagePropagationCustomizer described later
  • spring.sleuth.local-keys -> spring.sleuth.baggage.local-fields
  • spring.sleuth.propagation-keys -> spring.sleuth.baggage.remote-fields
  • spring.sleuth.propagation.tag.whitelisted-keys -> spring.sleuth.baggage.tag-fields

The former property names are still read, but will be removed at some point.

spring.sleuth.baggage-keys (prefixing) is deprecated

The "spring.sleuth.baggage-keys" property assigned two headers for each field. This causes unnecessary overhead and can be accomplished in another way now:

@Configuration static class CustomBaggageConfiguration { @Bean BaggagePropagationCustomizer countryCodeBaggageConfig() { return fb -> fb.add(SingleBaggageField.newBuilder(BaggageField.create("country-code")) .addKeyName("baggage-country-code") .addKeyName("baggage_country-code") .build()); } }

Spring Messaging

Sleuth 1.x Trace ID Headers are deprecated for "b3"

The following custom spring-messaging headers added in Sleuth 1.0 are no longer sent, and a log warning is issued once if they are by outside code.

  • spanId
  • spanSampled
  • spanParentSpanId
  • spanTraceId
  • spanFlags

Sending the above headers actually increases the headers by up to 10 because they are duplicated in the "native" part of messages. This overhead is extreme especially if messages never leave the process.

The solution is to only send b3 single format, which has been in sleuth since 2.0 and is compatible with JMS. The B3 single format is always parsed and takes precedence, even if multiple headers are sent, so this is a safe change.

Note: Unlike RPC, messaging spans never join with their parent. Better performance is achieved by not propagating the producer's parentId downstream.

Migration Guides

v2.0 -> v3.0

v1.3 -> v2.0

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