Simplify your graph rendering with this online tool! Just feed it JSON objects and watch the magic happen
This project supports a semi-standardized JSON-based graph format known as Cytoscape JSON, which adheres to the json-graph-specification.
cytoscape ^3.21.1
- A feature-rich graph library written in pure JS with a permissive open-source license (MIT) for the core ( Cytoscape.js library and all first-party extensions) π
elkjs ^0.7.1
- The Eclipse Layout Kernel (ELK)'s layout algorithms for JavaScript
- elkjs is the successor of klayjs.
- Implemented by the Eclipse Foundation in Java, the source code is compiled to JS by the elk.js project using GWT.
cytoscape-elk ^2.0.2
- The elk layout algorithm adapter for Cytoscape.js π
Feel free to explore the Online Demo to visualize your JSON-based graphs effortlessly! π