IoT - Sense_Temp_Humidity (
- This project has evolved to Log data to CSV on the RaspberryPi and also upload data to the ThingSpeak/IoT Platform
- Components required for the programs in this folder include
- 1 x Raspberry Pi 3 (I have used a 3, Model B. You can use whatever you have at your disposal.)
- 3 x 50 Ohm Resistors
- 1 x 10 KOhm Resistors
- 3 x LED's
- LED's connected to the following GPIO ports : Red LED on GPIO17, amber LED on GPIO27, Green LED on GPIO22
- 1 x Breadboard
- 1 x Extension cable (Suggested) to extend the GPIO ports of the Raspberry Pi and bring them closed to the breadboard
- 6 x Jumper cables - Female (connect to Rasberry Pi GPIO) to Male (Connect to the Breadboard)
- 4 x Jumper cables - Female (connect to Rasberry Pi GPIO) to Male (Connect to the Breadboard)
- 1 x Tactile Push button
- 1 x Raspberry Pi Cobbler board (Recommended, to breakout the GPIO's) and make working easier
- 1 x Arduino compatible Temperature and Humidity sensor
- Sensor should be connected to GPIO04 (Pin 7)
- 1 x Speaker connected to the Raspberry Pi if you want it to speak
- 1 x 3.5mm Audio cable to connect the speaker to the Raspberry Pi
- Python Adafruit DHT Library -
- Data directory to log captured data in CSV form in /opt/data.
- The folder /opt/data will need to be created.
- Permissions on the folder to be granted to user executing the program.
- To log data at the ThingSpeak IoT platform, create an account at ThingSpeak (
- This program uses the DHT11 and logs both Temperatury, Humidity
- Create a new channel at Thingspeak. Create two new fields at ThingSpeak i.e. field1, field2
- Copy your API key to the program and update the WriteDataThinkSpeak() function.
- This program has now been updated to pull data from a local Arduino Mega 2560 over http. The Arduino has a DHT11 connected to it.
- The Arduino also includes an Ethernet module based on the enc28j60 chip allowing it to connect over the network.
- For details on connecting up the Arduino and configuring the ethernet module please refer to my contribution at ArduinoProjects here on Github.