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Traceo SDK for Java

Library for integration with the Traceo Platform.


To install this SDK add this package to your pom.xml like below:


or to build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.traceo.sdk:traceo-sdk:1.0.0'


To init SDK in your project use internal TraceoClientBuilder to create client configuration and pass configurations to static init() method from TraceoClient class.

TraceoClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = TraceoClientBuilder


Table of available options in TraceoClientBuilder:

Method Description Default Required
withApiKey Project api key generated in Traceo Platform
withHost Host on which Traceo Platform is running provided in format [protocol]://[domain]:[port]
withDebug Set to true if you want to check internal logs for SDK. false
withEnabled If false then client is not initialized. None of the captured exceptions, spans or metrics are send to Traceo Platform. true
withCatchUncaughtException Set to true if you want to catch every uncaught exception. false
withPackages List of packages where SDK is used. Based on this values, SDK can check wheter incoming exception is inside client code or in external library.
withExportIntervalMs Set custom value for export default metrics interval. 5000

Incidents handling

Incidents are all the exceptions and other problems that occur in your application. After each exception occurs, the Traceo SDK catches the exception and sends it to the Traceo Platform. To catch an exception and send it to the Traceo platform, use the static catchException() method from the TraceoClient class.

try {
    // your code
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception) {


The Traceo SDK can be used also as a logger. Each log is saved on the Traceo Platform, thanks to which it is possible to later easily access the recorded information. Logs are sent to Traceo in every 180 seconds. Example of using logger:

public class HttpClient {
    public static final TraceoLogger LOGGER = TraceoClient.getLogger(HttpClient.class);

    // your code

    public void makeRequest() {
        // your code


Available logger methods:

Method Description
log The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
debug The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
error The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
warning The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.

TIP: Remember to init TraceoClient before using TraceoLogger.


This package is also required to integration with OpenTelemetry for Java. Full implementation guide can be found here.


Feel free to create Issues, Pull Request and Discussion. If you want to contact with the developer working on this package click here.