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File metadata and controls

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Chapter 20. Systems Programming in Haskell

So far, we’ve been talking mostly about high-level concepts. Haskell can also be used for lower-level systems programming. It is quite possible to write programs that interface with the operating system at a low level using Haskell.

In this chapter, we are going to attempt something ambitious: a Perl-like “language” that is valid Haskell, implemented in pure Haskell, that makes shell scripting easy. We are going to implement piping, easy command invocation, and some simple tools to handle tasks that might otherwise be performed with grep or sed.

Specialized modules exist for different operating systems. In this chapter, we will use generic OS-independent modules as much as possible. However, we will be focusing on the POSIX environment for much of the chapter. POSIX is a standard for Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, or Solaris. Windows does not support POSIX by default, but the Cygwin environment provides a POSIX compatibility layer for Windows.

Running External Programs

It is possible to invoke external commands from Haskell. To do that, we suggest using rawSystem from the System.Cmd module. This will invoke a specified program, with the specified arguments, and return the exit code from that program. You can play with it in ghci:

ghci> :module System.Cmd
ghci> rawSystem "ls" ["-l", "/usr"]
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done.
Loading package directory- ... linking ... done.
Loading package unix- ... linking ... done.
Loading package process- ... linking ... done.
total 124
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  49152 2008-08-18 11:04 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 2008-03-09 05:53 games
drwxr-sr-x  10 jimb guile  4096 2006-02-04 09:13 guile
drwxr-xr-x  47 root root   8192 2008-08-08 08:18 include
drwxr-xr-x 107 root root  32768 2008-08-18 11:04 lib
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root      3 2007-09-24 16:55 lib64 -> lib
drwxrwsr-x  17 root staff  4096 2008-06-24 17:35 local
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   8192 2008-08-18 11:03 sbin
drwxr-xr-x 181 root root   8192 2008-08-12 10:11 share
drwxrwsr-x   2 root src    4096 2007-04-10 16:28 src
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root   4096 2008-07-04 19:03 X11R6

Here, we run the equivalent of the shell command ls -l /usr. rawSystem does not parse arguments from a string or expand wildcards.[fn:1] Instead, it expects every argument to be contained in a list. If you don’t want to pass any arguments, you can simply pass an empty list like this:

ghci> rawSystem "ls" []
calendartime.ghci  modtime.ghci    rp.ghci    RunProcessSimple.hs
cmd.ghci       posixtime.hs    rps.ghci   timediff.ghci
dir.ghci       rawSystem.ghci  RunProcess.hs  time.ghci

Directory and File Information

The System.Directory module contains quite a few functions that can be used to obtain information from the filesystem. You can get a list of files in a directory, rename or delete files, copy files, change the current working directory, or create new directories. System.Directory is portable and works on any platform where GHC itself works.

The [[][library reference for System.Directory~]] provides a comprehensive list of the functions available. Let's use ~ghci to demonstrate a few of them. Most of these functions are straightforward equivalents to C library calls or shell commands.

ghci> :module System.Directory
ghci> setCurrentDirectory "/etc"
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done.
Loading package directory- ... linking ... done.
ghci> getCurrentDirectory
ghci> setCurrentDirectory ".."
ghci> getCurrentDirectory

Here we saw commands to change the current working directory and obtain the current working directory from the system. These are similar to the cd and pwd commands in the POSIX shell.

ghci> getDirectoryContents "/"

getDirectoryContents returns a list for every item in a given directory. Note that on POSIX systems, this list normally includes the special values "." and "..". You will usually want to filter these out when processing the content of the directory, perhaps like this:

ghci> getDirectoryContents "/" >>= return . filter (`notElem` [".", ".."])

You can also query the system about the location of certain directories. This query will ask the underlying operating system for the information.

ghci> getHomeDirectory
ghci> getAppUserDataDirectory "myApp"
ghci> getUserDocumentsDirectory

Program Termination

Developers often write individual programs to accomplish particular tasks. These individual parts may be combined to accomplish larger tasks. A shell script or another program may execute them. The calling script often needs a way to discover whether the program was able to complete its task successfully. Haskell automatically indicates a non-successful exit whenever a program is aborted by an exception.

However, you may need more fine-grained control over the exit code than that. Perhaps you need to return different codes for different types of errors. The System.Exit module provides a way to exit the program and return a specific exit status code to the caller. You can call exitWith ExitSuccess to return a code indicating a successful termination (0 on POSIX systems). Or, you can call something like exitWith (ExitFailure 5), which will return code 5 to the calling program.

Dates and Times

Everything from file timestamps to business transactions involve dates and times. Haskell provides ways for manipulating dates and times, as well as features for obtaining date and time information from the system.

ClockTime and CalendarTime

In Haskell, the System.Time module is primarily responsible for date and time handling. It defines two types: ClockTime and CalendarTime.

ClockTime is the Haskell version of the traditional POSIX epoch. A ClockTime represents a time relative to midnight the morning of January 1, 1970, UTC. A negative ClockTime represents a number of seconds prior to that date, while a positive number represents a count of seconds after it.

ClockTime is convenient for computations. Since it tracks Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), it doesn’t have to adjust for local timezones, daylight saving time, or other special cases in time handling. Every day is exactly (60 * 60 * 24) or 86,400 seconds[fn:2], which makes time interval calculations simple. You can, for instance, check the ClockTime at the start of a long task, again at the end, and simply subtract the start time from the end time to determine how much time elapsed. You can then divide by 3600 and display the elapsed time as a count of hours if you wish.

ClockTime is ideal for answering questions such as these:

  • How much time has elapsed?
  • What will be the ClockTime 14 days ahead of this precise instant?
  • When was the file last modified?
  • What is the precise time right now?

These are good uses of ClockTime because they refer to precise, unambiguous moments in time. However, ClockTime is not as easily used for questions such as:

  • Is today Monday?
  • What day of the week will May 1 fall on next year?
  • What is the current time in my local timezone, taking the potential presence of Daylight Saving Time (DST) into account?

CalendarTime stores a time the way humans do: with a year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone, and DST information. It’s easy to convert this into a conveniently-displayable string, or to answer questions about the local time.

You can convert between ClockTime and CalendarTime at will. Haskell includes functions to convert a ClockTime to a CalendarTime in the local timezone, or to a CalendarTime representing UTC.

Using ClockTime

ClockTime is defined in System.Time like this:

data ClockTime = TOD Integer Integer

The first Integer represents the number of seconds since the epoch. The second Integer represents an additional number of picoseconds. Because ClockTime in Haskell uses the unbounded Integer type, it can effectively represent a date range limited only by computational resources.

Let’s look at some ways to use ClockTime. First, there is the getClockTime function that returns the current time according to the system’s clock.

ghci> :module System.Time
ghci> getClockTime
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
Mon Aug 18 12

If you wait a second and run getClockTime again, you’ll see it returning an updated time. Notice that the output from this command was a nice-looking string, complete with day-of-week information. That’s due to the Show instance for ClockTime. Let’s look at the ClockTime at a lower level:

ghci> TOD 1000 0
Wed Dec 31 18
ghci> getClockTime >>= (\(TOD sec _) -> return sec)

Here we first construct a ClockTime representing the point in time 1000 seconds after midnight on January 1, 1970, UTC. That moment in time is known as the epoch. Depending on your timezone, this moment in time may correspond to the evening of December 31, 1969, in your local timezone.

The second example shows us pulling the number of seconds out of the value returned by getClockTime. We can now manipulate it, like so:

ghci> getClockTime >>= (\(TOD sec _) -> return (TOD (sec + 86400) 0))
Tue Aug 19 12

This will display what the time will be exactly 24 hours from now in your local timezone, since there are 86,400 seconds in 24 hours.

Using CalendarTime

As its name implies, CalendarTime represents time like we would on a calendar. It has fields for information such as year, month, and day. CalendarTime and its associated types are defined like this:

data CalendarTime = CalendarTime
   {ctYear :: Int,         -- Year (post-Gregorian)
    ctMonth :: Month,
    ctDay :: Int,          -- Day of the month (1 to 31)
    ctHour :: Int,         -- Hour of the day (0 to 23)
    ctMin :: Int,          -- Minutes (0 to 59)
    ctSec :: Int,          -- Seconds (0 to 61, allowing for leap seconds)
    ctPicosec :: Integer,  -- Picoseconds
    ctWDay :: Day,         -- Day of the week
    ctYDay :: Int,         -- Day of the year (0 to 364 or 365)
    ctTZName :: String,    -- Name of timezone
    ctTZ :: Int,           -- Variation from UTC in seconds
    ctIsDST :: Bool        -- True if Daylight Saving Time in effect

data Month = January | February | March | April | May | June
             | July | August | September | October | November | December

data Day = Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday
           | Thursday | Friday | Saturday

There are a few things about these structures that should be highlighted:

  • ctWDay, ctYDay, and ctTZName are generated by the library functions that create a CalendarTime, but are not used in calculations. If you are creating a CalendarTime by hand, it is not necessary to put accurate values into these fields, unless your later calculations will depend upon them.
  • All of these three types are members of the Eq, Ord, Read, and Show type classes. In addition, Month and Day are declared as members of the Enum and Bounded type classes. For more information on these type classes, refer to the section called “Important Built-In Type Classes”

    You can generate CalendarTime values several ways. You could start by converting a ClockTime to a CalendarTime such as this:

    ghci> :module System.Time
    ghci> now <- getClockTime
    Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
    Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
    Mon Aug 18 12
    ghci> nowCal <- toCalendarTime now
    CalendarTime {ctYear = 2008, ctMonth = August, ctDay = 18, ctHour = 12, ctMin = 10, ctSec = 35, ctPicosec = 804267000000, ctWDay = Monday, ctYDay = 230, ctTZName = "CDT", ctTZ = -18000, ctIsDST = True}
    ghci> let nowUTC = toUTCTime now
    ghci> nowCal
    CalendarTime {ctYear = 2008, ctMonth = August, ctDay = 18, ctHour = 12, ctMin = 10, ctSec = 35, ctPicosec = 804267000000, ctWDay = Monday, ctYDay = 230, ctTZName = "CDT", ctTZ = -18000, ctIsDST = True}
    ghci> nowUTC
    CalendarTime {ctYear = 2008, ctMonth = August, ctDay = 18, ctHour = 17, ctMin = 10, ctSec = 35, ctPicosec = 804267000000, ctWDay = Monday, ctYDay = 230, ctTZName = "UTC", ctTZ = 0, ctIsDST = False}

    We used getClockTime to obtain the current ClockTime from the system’s clock. Next, toCalendarTime converts the ClockTime to a CalendarTime representing the time in the local timezone. toUTCTime performs a similar conversion, but its result is in the UTC timezone instead of the local timezone.

    Notice that toCalendarTime is an IO function, but toUTCTime is not. The reason is that toCalendarTime returns a different result depending upon the locally-configured timezone, but toUTCTime will return the exact same result whenever it is passed the same source ClockTime.

    It’s easy to modify a CalendarTime value:

    ghci> nowCal {ctYear = 1960}
    CalendarTime {ctYear = 1960, ctMonth = August, ctDay = 18, ctHour = 12, ctMin = 10, ctSec = 35, ctPicosec = 804267000000, ctWDay = Monday, ctYDay = 230, ctTZName = "CDT", ctTZ = -18000, ctIsDST = True}
    ghci> (\(TOD sec _) -> sec) (toClockTime nowCal)
    ghci> (\(TOD sec _) -> sec) (toClockTime (nowCal {ctYear = 1960}))

    In this example, we first took the CalendarTime value from earlier and simply switched its year to 1960. Then, we used toClockTime to convert the unmodified value to a ClockTime, and then the modified value, so you can see the difference. Notice that the modified value shows a negative number of seconds once converted to ClockTime. That’s to be expected, since a ClockTime is an offset from midnight on January 1, 1970, UTC, and this value is in 1960.

    You can also create CalendarTime values manually:

    ghci> let newCT = CalendarTime 2010 January 15 12 30 0 0 Sunday 0 "UTC" 0 False
    ghci> newCT
    CalendarTime {ctYear = 2010, ctMonth = January, ctDay = 15, ctHour = 12, ctMin = 30, ctSec = 0, ctPicosec = 0, ctWDay = Sunday, ctYDay = 0, ctTZName = "UTC", ctTZ = 0, ctIsDST = False}
    ghci> (\(TOD sec _) -> sec) (toClockTime newCT)

    Note that even though January 15, 2010, isn’t a Sunday—and isn’t day 0 in the year—the system was able to process this just fine. In fact, if we convert the value to a ClockTime and then back to a CalendarTime, you’ll find those fields properly filled in:

    ghci> toUTCTime . toClockTime $ newCT
    CalendarTime {ctYear = 2010, ctMonth = January, ctDay = 15, ctHour = 12, ctMin = 30, ctSec = 0, ctPicosec = 0, ctWDay = Friday, ctYDay = 14, ctTZName = "UTC", ctTZ = 0, ctIsDST = False}

TimeDiff for ClockTime

Because it can be difficult to manage differences between ClockTime values in a human-friendly way, the System.Time module includes a TimeDiff type. TimeDiff can be used, where convenient, to handle these differences. It is defined like this:

data TimeDiff = TimeDiff
   {tdYear :: Int,
    tdMonth :: Int,
    tdDay :: Int,
    tdHour :: Int,
    tdMin :: Int,
    tdSec :: Int,
    tdPicosec :: Integer}

Functions such as diffClockTimes and addToClockTime take a ClockTime and a TimeDiff and handle the calculations internally by converting to a CalendarTime in UTC, applying the differences, and converting back to a ClockTime.

Let’s see how it works:

ghci> :module System.Time
ghci> let feb5 = toClockTime $ CalendarTime 2008 February 5 0 0 0 0 Sunday 0 "UTC" 0 False
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
ghci> feb5
Mon Feb  4 18
ghci> addToClockTime (TimeDiff 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) feb5
Tue Mar  4 18
ghci> toUTCTime $ addToClockTime (TimeDiff 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) feb5
CalendarTime {ctYear = 2008, ctMonth = March, ctDay = 5, ctHour = 0, ctMin = 0, ctSec = 0, ctPicosec = 0, ctWDay = Wednesday, ctYDay = 64, ctTZName = "UTC", ctTZ = 0, ctIsDST = False}
ghci> let jan30 = toClockTime $ CalendarTime 2009 January 30 0 0 0 0 Sunday 0 "UTC" 0 False
ghci> jan30
Thu Jan 29 18
ghci> addToClockTime (TimeDiff 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) jan30
Sun Mar  1 18
ghci> toUTCTime $ addToClockTime (TimeDiff 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) jan30
CalendarTime {ctYear = 2009, ctMonth = March, ctDay = 2, ctHour = 0, ctMin = 0, ctSec = 0, ctPicosec = 0, ctWDay = Monday, ctYDay = 60, ctTZName = "UTC", ctTZ = 0, ctIsDST = False}
ghci> diffClockTimes jan30 feb5
TimeDiff {tdYear = 0, tdMonth = 0, tdDay = 0, tdHour = 0, tdMin = 0, tdSec = 31104000, tdPicosec = 0}
ghci> normalizeTimeDiff $ diffClockTimes jan30 feb5
TimeDiff {tdYear = 0, tdMonth = 12, tdDay = 0, tdHour = 0, tdMin = 0, tdSec = 0, tdPicosec = 0}

We started by generating a ClockTime representing midnight February 5, 2008 in UTC. Note that, unless your timezone is the same as UTC, when this time is printed out on the display, it may show up as the evening of February 4 because it is formatted for your local timezone.

Next, we add one month to to it by calling addToClockTime. 2008 is a leap year, but the system handled that properly and we get a result that has the same date and time in March. By using toUTCTime, we can see the effect on this in the original UTC timezone.

For a second experiment, we set up a time representing midnight on January 30, 2009 in UTC. 2009 is not a leap year, so we might wonder what will happen when trying to add one month to it. We can see that, since neither February 29 or 30 exist in 2009, we wind up with March 2.

Finally, we can see how diffClockTimes turns two ClockTime values into a TimeDiff, though only the seconds and picoseconds are filled in. The normalizeTimeDiff function takes such a TimeDiff and reformats it as a human might expect to see it.

File Modification Times

Many programs need to find out when particular files were last modified. Programs such as ls or graphical file managers typically display the modification time of files. The System.Directory module contains a cross-platform getModificationTime function. It takes a filename and returns a ClockTime representing the time the file was last modified. For instance:

ghci> :module System.Directory
ghci> getModificationTime "/etc/passwd"
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done.
Loading package directory- ... linking ... done.
Fri Aug 15 08

POSIX platforms maintain not just a modification time (known as mtime), but also the time of last read or write access (atime) and the time of last status change (ctime). Since this information is POSIX-specific, the cross-platform System.Directory module does not provide access to it. Instead, you will need to use functions in System.Posix.Files. Here is an example function to do that:

import System.Posix.Files
import System.Time
import System.Posix.Types

-- | Given a path, returns (atime, mtime, ctime)
getTimes :: FilePath -> IO (ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime)
getTimes fp =
    do stat <- getFileStatus fp
       return (toct (accessTime stat),
               toct (modificationTime stat),
               toct (statusChangeTime stat))

-- | Convert an EpochTime to a ClockTime
toct :: EpochTime -> ClockTime
toct et =
    TOD (truncate (toRational et)) 0

Notice that call to getFileStatus. That call maps directly to the C function stat(). Its return value stores a vast assortment of information, including file type, permissions, owner, group, and the three time values we’re interested in. System.Posix.Files provides various functions, such as accessTime, that extract the information we’re interested out of the opaque FileStatus type returned by getFileStatus.

The functions such as accessTime return data in a POSIX-specific type called EpochTime, which se convert to a ClockTime using the toct function. System.Posix.Files also provides a setFileTimes function to set the atime and mtime for a file.[fn:3]

Extended Example: Piping

We’ve just seen how to invoke external programs. Sometimes we need more control that that. Perhaps we need to obtain the output from those programs, provide input, or even chain together multiple external programs. Piping can help with all of these needs. Piping is often used in shell scripts. When you set up a pipe in the shell, you run multiple programs. The output of the first program is sent to the input of the second. Its output is sent to the third as input, and so on. The last program’s output normally goes to the terminal, or it could go to a file. Here’s an example session with the POSIX shell to illustrate piping:

$ ls /etc | grep 'm.*ap' | tr a-z A-Z

This command runs three programs, piping data between them. It starts with ls /etc, which outputs a list of all files or directories in /etc. The output of ls is sent as input to grep. We gave grep a regular expression that will cause it to output only the lines that start with 'm' and then contain "ap" somewhere in the line. Finally, the result of that is sent to tr. We gave tr options to convert everything to uppercase. The output of tr isn’t set anywhere in particular, so it is displayed on the screen.

In this situation, the shell handles setting up all the pipelines between programs. By using some of the POSIX tools in Haskell, we can accomplish the same thing.

Before describing how to do this, we should first warn you that the System.Posix modules expose a very low-level interface to Unix systems. The interfaces can be complex and their interactions can be complex as well, regardless of the programming language you use to access them. The full nature of these low-level interfaces has been the topic of entire books themselves, so in this chapter we will just scratch the surface.

Using Pipes for Redirection

POSIX defines a function that creates a pipe. This function returns two file descriptors (FDs), which are similar in concept to a Haskell Handle. One FD is the reading end of the pipe, and the other is the writing end. Anything that is written to the writing end can be read by the reading end. The data is “shoved through a pipe”. In Haskell, you call createPipe to access this interface.

Having a pipe is the first step to being able to pipe data between external programs. We must also be able to redirect the output of a program to a pipe, and the input of another program from a pipe. The Haskell function dupTo accomplishes this. It takes a FD and makes a copy of it at another FD number. POSIX FDs for standard input, standard output, and standard error have the predefined FD numbers of 0, 1, and 2, respectively. By renumbering an endpoint of a pipe to one of those numbers, we effectively can cause programs to have their input or output redirected.

There is another piece of the puzzle, however. We can’t just use dupTo before a call such as rawSystem because this would mess up the standard input or output of our main Haskell process. Moreover, rawSystem blocks until the invoked program executes, leaving us no way to start multiple processes running in parallel. To make this happen, we must use forkProcess. This is a very special function. It actually makes a copy of the currently-running program and you wind up with two copies of the program running at the same time. Haskell’s forkProcess function takes a function to execute in the new process (known as the child). We have that function call dupTo. After it has done that, it calls executeFile to actually invoke the command. This is also a special function: if all goes well, it never returns. That’s because executeFile replaces the running process with a different program. Eventually, the original Haskell process will call getProcessStatus to wait for the child processes to terminate and learn of their exit codes.

Whenever you run a command on POSIX systems, whether you’ve just typed ls on the command line or used rawSystem in Haskell, under the hood, forkProcess, executeFile, and getProcessStatus (or their C equivalents) are always being used. To set up pipes, we are duplicating the process that the system uses to start up programs, and adding a few steps involving piping and redirection along the way.

There are a few other housekeeping things we must be careful about. When you call forkProcess, just about everything about your program is cloned.[fn:4] That includes the set of open file descriptors (handles). Programs detect when they’re done receiving input from a pipe by checking the end-of-file indicator. When the process at the writing end of a pipe closes the pipe, the process at the reading end will receive an end-of-file indication. However, if the writing file descriptor exists in more than one process, the end-of-file indicator won’t be sent until all processes have closed that particular FD. Therefore, we must keep track of which FDs are opened so we can close them all in the child processes. We must also close the child ends of the pipes in the parent process as soon as possible.

Here is an initial implementation of a system of piping in Haskell.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

module RunProcessSimple where

import System.Process
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Text.Regex
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Types

{- | The type for running external commands.  The first part
of the tuple is the program name.  The list represents the
command-line parameters to pass to the command. -}
type SysCommand = (String, [String])

{- | The result of running any command -}
data CommandResult = CommandResult {
    cmdOutput :: IO String,              -- ^ IO action that yields the output
    getExitStatus :: IO ProcessStatus    -- ^ IO action that yields exit result

{- | The type for handling global lists of FDs to always close in the clients
type CloseFDs = MVar [Fd]

{- | Class representing anything that is a runnable command -}
class CommandLike a where
    {- | Given the command and a String representing input,
         invokes the command.  Returns a String
         representing the output of the command. -}
    invoke :: a -> CloseFDs -> String -> IO CommandResult

-- Support for running system commands
instance CommandLike SysCommand where
    invoke (cmd, args) closefds input =
        do -- Create two pipes: one to handle stdin and the other
           -- to handle stdout.  We do not redirect stderr in this program.
           (stdinread, stdinwrite) <- createPipe
           (stdoutread, stdoutwrite) <- createPipe

           -- We add the parent FDs to this list because we always need
           -- to close them in the clients.
           addCloseFDs closefds [stdinwrite, stdoutread]

           -- Now, grab the closed FDs list and fork the child.
           childPID <- withMVar closefds (\fds ->
                          forkProcess (child fds stdinread stdoutwrite))

           -- Now, on the parent, close the client-side FDs.
           closeFd stdinread
           closeFd stdoutwrite

           -- Write the input to the command.
           stdinhdl <- fdToHandle stdinwrite
           forkIO $ do hPutStr stdinhdl input
                       hClose stdinhdl

           -- Prepare to receive output from the command
           stdouthdl <- fdToHandle stdoutread

           -- Set up the function to call when ready to wait for the
           -- child to exit.
           let waitfunc =
                do status <- getProcessStatus True False childPID
                   case status of
                       Nothing -> fail $ "Error: Nothing from getProcessStatus"
                       Just ps -> do removeCloseFDs closefds
                                          [stdinwrite, stdoutread]
                                     return ps
           return $ CommandResult {cmdOutput = hGetContents stdouthdl,
                                   getExitStatus = waitfunc}

        -- Define what happens in the child process
        where child closefds stdinread stdoutwrite =
                do -- Copy our pipes over the regular stdin/stdout FDs
                   dupTo stdinread stdInput
                   dupTo stdoutwrite stdOutput

                   -- Now close the original pipe FDs
                   closeFd stdinread
                   closeFd stdoutwrite

                   -- Close all the open FDs we inherited from the parent
                   mapM_ (\fd -> catch (closeFd fd) (\_ -> return ())) closefds

                   -- Start the program
                   executeFile cmd True args Nothing

-- Add FDs to the list of FDs that must be closed post-fork in a child
addCloseFDs :: CloseFDs -> [Fd] -> IO ()
addCloseFDs closefds newfds =
    modifyMVar_ closefds (\oldfds -> return $ oldfds ++ newfds)

-- Remove FDs from the list
removeCloseFDs :: CloseFDs -> [Fd] -> IO ()
removeCloseFDs closefds removethem =
    modifyMVar_ closefds (\fdlist -> return $ procfdlist fdlist removethem)

    procfdlist fdlist [] = fdlist
    procfdlist fdlist (x:xs) = procfdlist (removefd fdlist x) xs

    -- We want to remove only the first occurrence ot any given fd
    removefd [] _ = []
    removefd (x:xs) fd
        | fd == x = xs
        | otherwise = x : removefd xs fd

{- | Type representing a pipe.  A 'PipeCommand' consists of a source
and destination part, both of which must be instances of
'CommandLike'. -}
data (CommandLike src, CommandLike dest) =>
     PipeCommand src dest = PipeCommand src dest

{- | A convenient function for creating a 'PipeCommand'. -}
(-|-) :: (CommandLike a, CommandLike b) => a -> b -> PipeCommand a b
(-|-) = PipeCommand

{- | Make 'PipeCommand' runnable as a command -}
instance (CommandLike a, CommandLike b) =>
         CommandLike (PipeCommand a b) where
    invoke (PipeCommand src dest) closefds input =
        do res1 <- invoke src closefds input
           output1 <- cmdOutput res1
           res2 <- invoke dest closefds output1
           return $ CommandResult (cmdOutput res2) (getEC res1 res2)

{- | Given two 'CommandResult' items, evaluate the exit codes for
both and then return a "combined" exit code.  This will be ExitSuccess
if both exited successfully.  Otherwise, it will reflect the first
error encountered. -}
getEC :: CommandResult -> CommandResult -> IO ProcessStatus
getEC src dest =
    do sec <- getExitStatus src
       dec <- getExitStatus dest
       case sec of
            Exited ExitSuccess -> return dec
            x -> return x

{- | Execute a 'CommandLike'. -}
runIO :: CommandLike a => a -> IO ()
runIO cmd =
    do -- Initialize our closefds list
       closefds <- newMVar []

       -- Invoke the command
       res <- invoke cmd closefds []

       -- Process its output
       output <- cmdOutput res
       putStr output

       -- Wait for termination and get exit status
       ec <- getExitStatus res
       case ec of
            Exited ExitSuccess -> return ()
            x -> fail $ "Exited: " ++ show x

Let’s experiment with this in ghci a bit before looking at how it works.

ghci> :load RunProcessSimple.hs

    Could not find module `Text.Regex':
      Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Failed, modules loaded: none.
ghci> runIO $ ("pwd", []

ghci> runIO $ ("ls", ["/usr"])

ghci> runIO $ ("ls", ["/usr"]) -|- ("grep", ["^l"])


ghci> runIO $ ("ls", ["/etc"]) -|- ("grep", ["m.*ap"]) -|- ("tr", ["a-z", "A-Z"])




We start by running a simple command, pwd, which just prints the name of the current working directory. We pass [] for the list of arguments, because pwd doesn’t need any arguments. Due to the type classes used, Haskell can’t infer the type of [], so we specifically mention that it’s a String.

Then we get into more complex commands. We run ls, sending it through grep. At the end, we set up a pipe to run the exact same command that we ran via a shell-built pipe at the start of this section. It’s not yet as pleasant as it was in the shell, but then again our program is still relatively simple when compared to the shell.

Let’s look at the program. The very first line has a special OPTIONS_GHC clause. This is the same as passing -fglasgow-exts to ghc or ghci. We are using a GHC extension that permits us to use a (String, [String]) type as an instance of a type class.[fn:5] By putting it in the source file, we don’t have to remember to specify it every time we use this module.

After the import lines, we define a few types. First, we define type SysCommand = (String, [String]) as an alias. This is the type a command to be executed by the system will take. We used data of this type for each command in the example execution above. The CommandResult type represents the result from executing a given command, and the CloseFDs type represents the list of FDs that we must close upon forking a new child process.

Next, we define a class named CommandLike. This class will be used to run “things”, where a “thing” might be a standalone program, a pipe set up between two or more programs, or in the future, even pure Haskell functions. To be a member of this class, only one function – invoke~—needs to be present for a given type. This will let us use ~runIO to start either a standalone command or a pipeline. It will also be useful for defining a pipeline, since we may have a whole stack of commands on one or both sides of a given command.

Our piping infrastructure is going to use strings as the way of sending data from one process to another. We can take advantage of Haskell’s support for lazy reading via hGetContents while reading data, and use forkIO to let writing occur in the background. This will work well, although not as fast as connecting the endpoints of two processes directly together.[fn:6] It makes implementation quite simple, however. We need only take care to do nothing that would require the entire String to be buffered, and let Haskell’s laziness do the rest.

Next, we define an instance of CommandLike for SysCommand. We create two pipes: one to use for the new process’s standard input, and the other for its standard output. This creates four endpoints, and thus four file descriptors. We add the parent file descriptors to the list of those that must be closed in all children. These would be the write end of the child’s standard input, and the read end of the child’s standard output. Next, we fork the child process. In the parent, we can then close the file descriptors that correspond to the child. We can’t do that before the fork, because then they wouldn’t be available to the child. We obtain a handle for the stdinwrite file descriptor, and start a thread via forkIO to write the input data to it. We then define waitfunc, which is the action that the caller will invoke when it is ready to wait for the called process to terminate. Meanwhile, the child uses dupTo, closes the file descriptors it doesn’t need, and executes the command.

Next, we define some utility functions to manage the list of file descriptors. After that, we define the tools that help set up pipelines. First, we define a new type PipeCommand that has a source and destination. Both the source and destination must be members of CommandLike. We also define the -|- convenience operator. Then, we make PipeCommand an instance of CommandLike. Its invoke implementation starts the first command with the given input, obtains its output, and passes that output to the invocation of the second command. It then returns the output of the second command, and causes the getExitStatus function to wait for and check the exit statuses from both commands.

We finish by defining runIO. This function establishes the list of FDs that must be closed in the client, starts the command, displays its output, and checks its exit status.

Better Piping

Our previous example solved the basic need of letting us set up shell-like pipes. There are some other features that it would be nice to have though:

  • Supporting more shell-like syntax
  • Letting people pipe data into external programs or regular Haskell functions, freely mixing and matching the two
  • Returning the final output and exit code in a way that Haskell programs can readily use

Fortunately, we already have most of the pieces to support this in place. We need only add a few more instances of CommandLike to support this, and a few more functions similar to runIO. Here is a revised example that implements all of these features:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

module RunProcess where

import System.Process
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception(evaluate)
import System.Posix.Directory
import System.Directory(setCurrentDirectory)
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Text.Regex
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Types
import Data.List
import System.Posix.Env(getEnv)

{- | The type for running external commands.  The first part
of the tuple is the program name.  The list represents the
command-line parameters to pass to the command. -}
type SysCommand = (String, [String])

{- | The result of running any command -}
data CommandResult = CommandResult {
    cmdOutput :: IO String,              -- ^ IO action that yields the output
    getExitStatus :: IO ProcessStatus    -- ^ IO action that yields exit result

{- | The type for handling global lists of FDs to always close in the clients
type CloseFDs = MVar [Fd]

{- | Class representing anything that is a runnable command -}
class CommandLike a where
    {- | Given the command and a String representing input,
         invokes the command.  Returns a String
         representing the output of the command. -}
    invoke :: a -> CloseFDs -> String -> IO CommandResult

-- Support for running system commands
instance CommandLike SysCommand where
    invoke (cmd, args) closefds input =
        do -- Create two pipes: one to handle stdin and the other
           -- to handle stdout.  We do not redirect stderr in this program.
           (stdinread, stdinwrite) <- createPipe
           (stdoutread, stdoutwrite) <- createPipe

           -- We add the parent FDs to this list because we always need
           -- to close them in the clients.
           addCloseFDs closefds [stdinwrite, stdoutread]

           -- Now, grab the closed FDs list and fork the child.
           childPID <- withMVar closefds (\fds ->
                          forkProcess (child fds stdinread stdoutwrite))

           -- Now, on the parent, close the client-side FDs.
           closeFd stdinread
           closeFd stdoutwrite

           -- Write the input to the command.
           stdinhdl <- fdToHandle stdinwrite
           forkIO $ do hPutStr stdinhdl input
                       hClose stdinhdl

           -- Prepare to receive output from the command
           stdouthdl <- fdToHandle stdoutread

           -- Set up the function to call when ready to wait for the
           -- child to exit.
           let waitfunc =
                do status <- getProcessStatus True False childPID
                   case status of
                       Nothing -> fail $ "Error: Nothing from getProcessStatus"
                       Just ps -> do removeCloseFDs closefds
                                          [stdinwrite, stdoutread]
                                     return ps
           return $ CommandResult {cmdOutput = hGetContents stdouthdl,
                                   getExitStatus = waitfunc}

        -- Define what happens in the child process
        where child closefds stdinread stdoutwrite =
                do -- Copy our pipes over the regular stdin/stdout FDs
                   dupTo stdinread stdInput
                   dupTo stdoutwrite stdOutput

                   -- Now close the original pipe FDs
                   closeFd stdinread
                   closeFd stdoutwrite

                   -- Close all the open FDs we inherited from the parent
                   mapM_ (\fd -> catch (closeFd fd) (\_ -> return ())) closefds

                   -- Start the program
                   executeFile cmd True args Nothing

{- | An instance of 'CommandLike' for an external command.  The String is
passed to a shell for evaluation and invocation. -}
instance CommandLike String where
    invoke cmd closefds input =
        do -- Use the shell given by the environment variable SHELL,
           -- if any.  Otherwise, use /bin/sh
           esh <- getEnv "SHELL"
           let sh = case esh of
                       Nothing -> "/bin/sh"
                       Just x -> x
           invoke (sh, ["-c", cmd]) closefds input

-- Add FDs to the list of FDs that must be closed post-fork in a child
addCloseFDs :: CloseFDs -> [Fd] -> IO ()
addCloseFDs closefds newfds =
    modifyMVar_ closefds (\oldfds -> return $ oldfds ++ newfds)

-- Remove FDs from the list
removeCloseFDs :: CloseFDs -> [Fd] -> IO ()
removeCloseFDs closefds removethem =
    modifyMVar_ closefds (\fdlist -> return $ procfdlist fdlist removethem)

    procfdlist fdlist [] = fdlist
    procfdlist fdlist (x:xs) = procfdlist (removefd fdlist x) xs

    -- We want to remove only the first occurrence ot any given fd
    removefd [] _ = []
    removefd (x:xs) fd
        | fd == x = xs
        | otherwise = x : removefd xs fd

-- Support for running Haskell commands
instance CommandLike (String -> IO String) where
    invoke func _ input =
       return $ CommandResult (func input) (return (Exited ExitSuccess))

-- Support pure Haskell functions by wrapping them in IO
instance CommandLike (String -> String) where
    invoke func = invoke iofunc
        where iofunc :: String -> IO String
              iofunc = return . func

-- It's also useful to operate on lines.  Define support for line-based
-- functions both within and without the IO monad.

instance CommandLike ([String] -> IO [String]) where
    invoke func _ input =
           return $ CommandResult linedfunc (return (Exited ExitSuccess))
       where linedfunc = func (lines input) >>= (return . unlines)

instance CommandLike ([String] -> [String]) where
    invoke func = invoke (unlines . func . lines)

{- | Type representing a pipe.  A 'PipeCommand' consists of a source
and destination part, both of which must be instances of
'CommandLike'. -}
data (CommandLike src, CommandLike dest) =>
     PipeCommand src dest = PipeCommand src dest

{- | A convenient function for creating a 'PipeCommand'. -}
(-|-) :: (CommandLike a, CommandLike b) => a -> b -> PipeCommand a b
(-|-) = PipeCommand

{- | Make 'PipeCommand' runnable as a command -}
instance (CommandLike a, CommandLike b) =>
         CommandLike (PipeCommand a b) where
    invoke (PipeCommand src dest) closefds input =
        do res1 <- invoke src closefds input
           output1 <- cmdOutput res1
           res2 <- invoke dest closefds output1
           return $ CommandResult (cmdOutput res2) (getEC res1 res2)

{- | Given two 'CommandResult' items, evaluate the exit codes for
both and then return a "combined" exit code.  This will be ExitSuccess
if both exited successfully.  Otherwise, it will reflect the first
error encountered. -}
getEC :: CommandResult -> CommandResult -> IO ProcessStatus
getEC src dest =
    do sec <- getExitStatus src
       dec <- getExitStatus dest
       case sec of
            Exited ExitSuccess -> return dec
            x -> return x

{- | Different ways to get data from 'run'.

 * IO () runs, throws an exception on error, and sends stdout to stdout

 * IO String runs, throws an exception on error, reads stdout into
   a buffer, and returns it as a string.

 * IO [String] is same as IO String, but returns the results as lines

 * IO ProcessStatus runs and returns a ProcessStatus with the exit
   information.  stdout is sent to stdout.  Exceptions are not thrown.

 * IO (String, ProcessStatus) is like IO ProcessStatus, but also
   includes a description of the last command in the pipe to have
   an error (or the last command, if there was no error)

 * IO Int returns the exit code from a program directly.  If a signal
   caused the command to be reaped, returns 128 + SIGNUM.

 * IO Bool returns True if the program exited normally (exit code 0,
   not stopped by a signal) and False otherwise.

class RunResult a where
    {- | Runs a command (or pipe of commands), with results presented
       in any number of different ways. -}
    run :: (CommandLike b) => b -> a

-- | Utility function for use by 'RunResult' instances
setUpCommand :: CommandLike a => a -> IO CommandResult
setUpCommand cmd =
    do -- Initialize our closefds list
       closefds <- newMVar []

       -- Invoke the command
       invoke cmd closefds []

instance RunResult (IO ()) where
    run cmd = run cmd >>= checkResult

instance RunResult (IO ProcessStatus) where
    run cmd =
        do res <- setUpCommand cmd

           -- Process its output
           output <- cmdOutput res
           putStr output

           getExitStatus res

instance RunResult (IO Int) where
    run cmd = do rc <- run cmd
                 case rc of
                   Exited (ExitSuccess) -> return 0
                   Exited (ExitFailure x) -> return x
                   Terminated x -> return (128 + (fromIntegral x))
                   Stopped x -> return (128 + (fromIntegral x))

instance RunResult (IO Bool) where
    run cmd = do rc <- run cmd
                 return ((rc::Int) == 0)

instance RunResult (IO [String]) where
    run cmd = do r <- run cmd
                 return (lines r)

instance RunResult (IO String) where
    run cmd =
        do res <- setUpCommand cmd

           output <- cmdOutput res

           -- Force output to be buffered
           evaluate (length output)

           ec <- getExitStatus res
           checkResult ec
           return output

checkResult :: ProcessStatus -> IO ()
checkResult ps =
    case ps of
         Exited (ExitSuccess) -> return ()
         x -> fail (show x)

{- | A convenience function.  Refers only to the version of 'run'
that returns @IO ()@.  This prevents you from having to cast to it
all the time when you do not care about the result of 'run'.
runIO :: CommandLike a => a -> IO ()
runIO = run

-- Utility Functions
cd :: FilePath -> IO ()
cd = setCurrentDirectory

{- | Takes a string and sends it on as standard output.
The input to this function is never read. -}
echo :: String -> String -> String
echo inp _ = inp

-- | Search for the regexp in the lines.  Return those that match.
grep :: String -> [String] -> [String]
grep pat = filter (ismatch regex)
    where regex = mkRegex pat
          ismatch r inp = case matchRegex r inp of
                            Nothing -> False
                            Just _ -> True

{- | Creates the given directory.  A value of 0o755 for mode would be typical.
An alias for System.Posix.Directory.createDirectory. -}
mkdir :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
mkdir = createDirectory

{- | Remove duplicate lines from a file (like Unix uniq).
Takes a String representing a file or output and plugs it through
lines and then nub to uniqify on a line basis. -}
uniq :: String -> String
uniq = unlines . nub . lines

-- | Count number of lines.  wc -l
wcL, wcW :: [String] -> [String]
wcL inp = [show (genericLength inp :: Integer)]

-- | Count number of words in a file (like wc -w)
wcW inp = [show ((genericLength $ words $ unlines inp) :: Integer)]

sortLines :: [String] -> [String]
sortLines = sort

-- | Count the lines in the input
countLines :: String -> IO String
countLines = return . (++) "\n" . show . length . lines

Here’s what has changed:

  • A new CommandLike instance for String that uses the shell to evaluate and invoke the string.
  • New CommandLike instances for String -> IO String and various other types that are implemented in terms of this one. These process Haskell functions as commands.
  • A new RunResult type class that defines a function run that returns information about the command in many different ways. See the comments in the source for more information. runIO is now just an alias for one particular RunResult instance.
  • A few utility functions providing Haskell implementations of familiar Unix shell commands.

Let’s try out the new shell features. First, let’s make sure that the command we used in the previous example still works. Then, let’s try it using a more shell-like syntax.

ghci> :load RunProcess.hs

    Could not find module `Text.Regex':
      Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Failed, modules loaded: none.
ghci> runIO $ ("ls", ["/etc"]) -|- ("grep", ["m.*ap"]) -|- ("tr", ["a-z", "A-Z"])



ghci> runIO $ "ls /etc" -|- "grep 'm.*ap'" -|- "tr a-z A-Z"




That was a lot easier to type. Let’s try substituting our native Haskell implementation of grep and try out some other new features as well:

ghci> runIO $ "ls /etc" -|- grep "m.*ap" -|- "tr a-z A-Z"




ghci> run $ "ls /etc" -|- grep "m.*ap" -|- "tr a-z A-Z"




ghci> run $ "ls /etc" -|- grep "m.*ap" -|- "tr a-z A-Z"




ghci> run $ "ls /nonexistant"

ghci> run $ "ls /nonexistant"


    Not in scope: type constructor or class `ProcessStatus'
ghci> run $ "ls /nonexistant"

ghci> runIO $ echo "Line1\nHi, test\n" -|- "tr a-z A-Z" -|- sortLines






Final Words on Pipes

We have developed a sophisticated system here. We warned you earlier that POSIX can be complex. One other thing we need to highlight: you must always make sure to evaluate the String returned by these functions before you attempt to evaluate the exit code of the child process. The child process will often not exit until it can write all of its data, and if you do this in the wrong order, your program will hang.

In this chapter, we have developed, from the ground up, a simplified version of HSH. If you wish to use these shell-like capabilities in your own programs, we recommend HSH instead of the example developed here due to optimizations present in HSH. HSH also comes with a larger set of utility functions and more capabilities, but the source code behind the library is much more complex and large. Some of the utility functions presented here, in fact, were copied verbatim from HSH. HSH is available from


[fn:1] There is also a function system that takes only a single string and passes it through the shell to parse. We recommend using rawSystem instead, because the shell attaches special meaning to certain characters, which could lead to security issues or unexpected behavior.

[fn:2] Some will note that UTC defines leap seconds at irregular intervals. The POSIX standard, which Haskell follows, states that every day is exactly 86,400 seconds in length in its representation, so you need not be concerned about leap seconds when performing routine calculations. The exact manner of handling leap seconds is system-dependent and complex, though usually it can be explained as having a “long second”. This nuance is generally only of interest when performing precise subsecond calculations.

[fn:3] It is not normally possible to set the ctime on POSIX systems.

[fn:4] The main exception is threads, which are not cloned.

[fn:5] This extension is well-supported in the Haskell community; Hugs users can access the same thing with hugs -98 +o.

[fn:6] The Haskell library HSH provides a similar API to that presented here, but uses a more efficient (and much more complex) mechanism of connecting pipes directly between external processes without the data needing to pass through Haskell. This is the same approach that the shell takes, and reduces the CPU load of handling piping.