GitLab CI cli for changesets like its GitHub Action, it creates a merge request with all of the package versions updated and changelogs updated and when there are new changesets on master, the MR will be updated. When you're ready, you can merge the merge request and you can either publish the packages to npm manually or setup the action to do it for you.
Note: environment variables are case-sensitive
- The command to use to build and publish packagesINPUT_VERSION
- The command to update version, edit CHANGELOG, read and delete changesets. Default tochangeset version
if not providedINPUT_COMMIT
- The commit message to use. Default toVersion Packages
- The merge request title. Default toVersion Packages
- Command executed after publishedINPUT_ONLY_CHANGESETS
- Command executed on only changesets detectedINPUT_REMOVE_SOURCE_BRANCH
- Enables the merge request "Delete source branch" checkbox. Default false.INPUT_TARGET_BRANCH
-> The merge request target branch. Defaults to current branchINPUT_CREATE_GITLAB_RELEASES
- A boolean value to indicate whether to create Gitlab releases after publish or not. Default true.INPUT_LABELS
- A comma separated string of labels to be added to the version package Gitlab Merge request
- A boolean value to indicate whether a publishing is happened or notPUBLISHED_PACKAGES
- A JSON array to present the published packages. The format is[{"name": "@xx/xx", "version": "1.2.0"}, {"name": "@xx/xy", "version": "0.8.9"}]
GLOBAL_AGENT_HTTP_PROXY # optional, if you're using custom GitLab service under proxy
GLOBAL_AGENT_HTTPS_PROXY # As above but for https requests
GLOBAL_AGENT_NO_PROXY # Like above but for no proxied requests
# http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy environment variables are supported at the same time
GITLAB_HOST # optional, if you're using custom GitLab host, will fallback to `CI_SERVER_URL` if not provided
GITLAB_TOKEN # required, token with accessibility to push
GITLAB_TOKEN_TYPE # optional, type of the provided token in GITLAB_TOKEN. defaults to personal access token. can be `job` if you provide the Gitlab CI_JOB_TOKEN or `oauth` if you use Gitlab Oauth token
GITLAB_CI_USER_NAME # optional, username with accessibility to push, used in pairs of the above token (if it was personal access token). If not set read it from the Gitlab API
GITLAB_CI_USER_EMAIL # optional, default `gitlab[bot]`
GITLAB_COMMENT_TYPE # optional, type of the comment. defaults to `discussion`. can be set to `note` to not create a discussion instead of a thread
GITLAB_ADD_CHANGESET_MESSAGE # optional, default commit message for adding changesets on GitLab Web UI
DEBUG_GITLAB_CREDENTIAL # optional, default `false`
Create a file at .gitlab-ci.yml
with the following content.
- comment
- release
before_script: yarn --frozen-lockfile
image: node:lts-alpine
stage: comment
only: merge_requests
script: yarn changesets-gitlab comment # comment automatically like
image: node:lts-alpine
only: main
script: yarn changesets-gitlab
Before you can setup this action with publishing, you'll need to have an npm token that can publish the packages in the repo you're setting up the action for and doesn't have 2FA on publish enabled (2FA on auth can be enabled). You'll also need to add it as a custom environment variable on your GitLab repo with the name NPM_TOKEN
. Once you've done that, you can create a file at .gitlab-ci.yml
with the following content.
- comment
- release
before_script: yarn --frozen-lockfile
image: node:lts-alpine
stage: comment
only: merge_requests
script: yarn changesets-gitlab comment
image: node:lts-alpine
only: main
script: yarn changesets-gitlab
INPUT_PUBLISH: yarn release
By default the GitLab CI cli creates a .npmrc
file with the following content:
However, if a .npmrc
file is found, the GitLab CI cli does not recreate the file. This is useful if you need to configure the .npmrc
file on your own.
For example, you can add a step before running the Changesets GitLab CI cli:
script: |
cat << EOF > "$HOME/.npmrc"
If you need to add additional logic to the version command, you can do so by using a version script.
If the version script is present, this action will run that script instead of changeset version
, so please make sure that your script calls changeset version
at some point. All the changes made by the script will be included in the MR.
- comment
- release
before_script: yarn --frozen-lockfile
image: node:lts-alpine
stage: comment
- merge_requests
script: yarn changesets-gitlab comment
image: node:lts-alpine
only: main
script: yarn changesets-gitlab
INPUT_VERSION: yarn version
If you are using Yarn Plug'n'Play, you should use a custom version
command so that the action can resolve the changeset
- comment
- release
before_script: yarn --frozen-lockfile
image: node:lts-alpine
stage: comment
- merge_requests
script: yarn changesets-gitlab comment
image: node:lts-alpine
only: main
script: yarn changesets-gitlab
INPUT_VERSION: yarn changeset version
You may also want to run yarn install
after the changeset verion
command to update the yarn.lock
in the version MR. You need to disable immutable lock file setting using an env variable:
image: node:lts-alpine
only: main
script: yarn changesets-gitlab
INPUT_VERSION: yarn update-versions
And your update-versions
script would be:
"update-versions": "changeset version && yarn install"
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Detailed changes for each release are documented in