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121 lines (82 loc) · 7.92 KB

Timber CSS Framework by unlimitDesign

A CSS Framework for Rapid Website Prototyping

Quick start

  • Install dependencies with npm: npm install
  • Run npm run start to see the site live as you work on the source under the dist content base directory.
  • Please freely explore what can be done with the timebrcss framework as the framework is published under the MIT license.

Read the documentation site on the framework contents, templates and examples, and more. The documentation hosted at the website is as same as the one under the docs directory.

Using .env file to have different configuration depending on your local environment.

You can use .timber.env.json environment file in the project root to alternate default settings to suit to your needs. You do not have to set every one of config settings. Shown below is an example of the environment file.

  "serverHost": "",
  "enablePurgeCSS": true

Available settings are as follows:

Server configs

Variable Default Value
serverPort '3000'
serverHost 'localhost'
disableHostCheck true
contentBase 'dist'
serverPublicPath '/js/'
watchEnabled true
watchContentBase true
enableHotModuleReplacement true

Source directory

Variable Default Value
contentSourceDir 'src/'

Output directory

Variable Default Value Notes
outputDir 'dist' Must be the same as contentBase otherwise the live preview does not work

Timber lib source file paths

Variable Default Value
timberJsSrcFilePath './src/js/custom.js'
timberCssSrcFilePath './src/scss/timber.scss'

Timber lib production file names

Variable Default Value
timberJsFileName 'tm.core.js'
timberJsMinFileName 'tm.core.min.js'
timberCssFilePath 'timber.css'
timberCssFileMinPath 'timber.min.css'

Image output options

Variable Default Value
jpgProgressive true
jpgQuality '65'
pngQuality '5-90'
pngSpeed '4'
gifInterlaced false
webpQuality '75'

PurgeCSS opions

Variable Default Value Notes
enablePurgeCSS false This option is set to false by default. Please make sure that you have html files under the contentBase directory
purgeCSS_whitelist ['video','iframe','object','embed','img','video-container','bg-video-container','loaded','in-view','out-of-view','bg-image','fixed-dimension','active','inactive','disabled','no-transition','freeze','header-compact','header-background','header-positioned','header-in','header-out','element-reveal-right','element-reveal-left','slide-in-reset','scale-in-reset','tm-lightbox','tml-content-wrapper','tml-content-wrapper.zoomed','tml-inner','tml-thumbnail-wrapper','tml-thumb-active','play','tml-content','tml-content.error','tml-caption','tml-nav','','tml-nav.tml-next','tml-nav.tml-prev','tml-zoom','tml-thumbnails','tml-exit','tml-toolbar'] You need to set as array.
purgeCSS_whitelistPatterns ["/\bw-\b/"] Use regular expression values in string. Use array if you have multiple patterns.


Variable Default Value Notes
debug false Outputs current webpack settings.

Using the compiled codes as is

  • Download the latest release from GitHub.
  • Copy compiled codes under dist/js and dist/css into your project. And load them in your html5 page as necessary.

Bugs and feature requests

Please use our Github repo issue board.


Timber CSS's documentation covers pretty much eveyrthing that the framework is capable of.

Contributing and Community and Versioning

We do not yet have a guideline for it yet. Please give a shout in the issue board. if there is anything you would like do for the framework.


Christian Lundgren

Shu Miyao


Copyright and license

Copyright 2020 and beyond unlimitDesign. Codes are released under the MIT license.