-Search google
-calculate any mathematical equation
-search youtube video
-search Wikipedia
-you should have downloaded gcekodriver for firefox(or chrome instead) for firefox browser.
-Driver should be located in same directory where programme is saved.
-IMPORTANT: gcekodriver’s Path should be set in environment variable.
1.For searching google
-Search google [your query]
e.x search google chameleon
2.For searching wikipedia
-Search wikipedia [your query]
e.x search wikipedia ostrich
3.For searching youtube video
-Play youtube [Video name] or search youtube [Video name]
e.x Play youtube shape of you or search youtube shape of you
4.For Calculating your equation or anything methamatical
Calculate [your query]
EX:Calculate 2+3
Calculate integration of xdx
Basic Tips:
When terminal print speak... right after that statement you have to start speaking,
once it print stop than it will be stop listening(Time Limit is 5 second).
For Exit of Assistant.
Just Say Exit or Sleep or Bye.
For Calculation of Methamatical equation and sum you have to register on wolframalpha and get your own app_id and paste it.