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bpmn-renderer bpmn Element custom renderer


bpmn-renderer to solve the problem of bpmn.js style modification is troublesome. The plugin provides style modifiers directly into the configuration item, which you only need to configure, and comes with a nice set of default styles.



English document


  • 🎉 Node Size: width and height configuration
  • 🎉 Node border: Border color, border thickness, border rounded corner, Shadow, shadow animation
  • 🎉 Node background: Background color
  • 🎉 Text: text color, text size, font, position
  • 🎉 Connecting line: connecting line color, line thickness, arrow size
  • 🎉 ICONS: Flexible icon Settings

Currently supported types: User task, Script task, Service task, text comment, dotted line connecting comment text, text label, connection line, Start node, End node, Boundary event, Gateway、SendTask、ReceiveTask、ManualTask、BusinessRuleTask

personally backing

  • 🤔 More task nodes


Default style: All nodes in will state Default style: In ing state Default style: All nodes are in over state


npm i bpmn-renderer

calling method

import Renderer from 'bpmn-renderer';

new Viewer({
    // ...
    additionalModules: [
            // Node information. You can set a state for each node. Different states use different colors
            // The ing state will have a shadow animation by default
                // Each element is fixed to the following configuration, {  [元素ID]: {  status: "ing" } }
                    // status: "ing", // "will" | "over" | "ing"

            // Node styles in different states are configured using the built-in collocations by default
            // The ing and over states do not exist in the designer (node edit page).
            style: {
                will: {
                    node: {
                        backgroundColor: "red",

    moddleExtensions: {
        camunda: CamundaBpmnModdle,
        qnn: qnnBpmnModdle


Each element is divided into three states, the default being the will state (which can also be used for editing pages).

    base: {
        width: 100,
        height: 80,
    will: {
        name: "未办理",
        // task node
        node: {
            // 背景颜色
            backgroundColor: "#fff",
            // 边框颜色
            borderColor: "#dae2ec",
            // 边框圆角
            borderRadius: 10,
            // 边框粗细
            borderWidth: 2,
            // 节点文字颜色
            color: "#262c33",
            // color: "red",
            fontSize: 12,
            fontFamily: "苹方,微软雅黑",
			// textPosition: "bottom"
            // 阴影大小
            boxShadowSize: 0,

            /** The node styles specified below are preferred **/
            // 开始节点特殊样式
            'bpmn:StartEvent': {
                backgroundColor: "rgb(225, 250, 245)",
                borderColor: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            // 结束节点特殊样式
            'bpmn:EndEvent': {
                backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 217, 217)",
                borderColor: "rgb(255, 79, 79)",
            // 网关
            'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway': {
                borderColor: "#FFD400",
            // 边界事件
            'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent': {
                borderColor: "#FFD400",
        // Node connection line and arrow
        arrows: {
            // Line Width
            width: 1,
            backgroundColor: "#bfcbd9",
            // Angle connection type  "L" straight line | "C" curve,
            joinStyle: "C",
            // Arrow width and height, must be a number (unit: px)
            arrowsWidth: 12,
            arrowsHeight: 12,

        icon: {
            width: 20,
            height: 20,
            color: "#a7b7cb",
            left: 5, top: 5,
			// center: true, 
            * svg ICONS for individual elements
            * Must return a '<svg>... The </svg>' string cannot contain DOCTYPE xml tags
            svgs: {
                // 用户任务
                'bpmn:UserTask': ({ element }) => {
                    const nodeType = element.businessObject["userTaskType"];
                    return {
                        "1": chuanyue,
                        "2": guidang
                    }[nodeType] || userIcon;
                'bpmn:ScriptTask': ({ element }) => scriptIcon,
                'bpmn:ServiceTask': ({ element }) => fuwuliu,
                // 网关内部小图标
                'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway': ({ element }) => wubianxing,

            /** The node styles specified below are preferred **/
            // 网关
            'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway': {
                color: "#FFD400",
                width: 25,
                height: 25,

    // 被激活后的样式
    over: {
        name: "已办理",

        // 节点
        node: {
            backgroundColor: "rgb(225, 250, 245)",
            borderColor: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            borderRadius: 10,
            borderWidth: 2,
            // 节点文字颜色
            color: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            fontSize: 12,
            fontFamily: "苹方,微软雅黑",
            // 阴影大小
            boxShadowSize: 0,

            // 开始节点特殊样式
            'bpmn:StartEvent': {
                backgroundColor: "rgb(225, 250, 245)",
                borderColor: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
        // 节点连接线/箭头
        arrows: {
            // 线条粗细
            width: 1,
            backgroundColor: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            // 转角连接类型  "L" 直线 | "C" 曲线,
            joinStyle: "C",
            // 箭头宽高, 必须为数字(单位 px)
            arrowsWidth: 12,
            arrowsHeight: 12,
        // 图标
        icon: {
            width: 20,
            height: 20,
            color: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            left: 5, top: 5,
            * svg ICONS for individual elements
            * Must return a '<svg>... The </svg>' string cannot contain DOCTYPE xml tags
            svgs: {
                // 用户任务
                'bpmn:UserTask': ({ element }) => {
                    const nodeType = element.businessObject["userTaskType"];
                    return {
                        "1": chuanyue,
                        "2": guidang
                    }[nodeType] || userIcon;
                'bpmn:ScriptTask': ({ element }) => scriptIcon,
                'bpmn:ServiceTask': ({ element }) => fuwuliu,
                // 网关内部小图标
                'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway': ({ element }) => wubianxing,

    // 闪烁样式
    ing: {
        name: "正在办理",

        // 节点
        node: {
            backgroundColor: "rgb(225, 250, 245)",
            borderColor: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            borderRadius: 10,
            borderWidth: 2,
            // 节点文字颜色
            color: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            fontSize: 12,
            fontFamily: "苹方,微软雅黑",
            // 阴影大小
            boxShadowSize: 0,
        // 节点连接线/箭头
        arrows: {
            // 线条粗细
            width: 1,
            backgroundColor: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            // 转角连接类型  "L" 直线 | "C" 曲线,
            joinStyle: "C",
            // 箭头宽高, 必须为数字(单位 px)
            arrowsWidth: 12,
            arrowsHeight: 12,
        // 图标
        icon: {
            width: 20,
            height: 20,
            color: "rgb(67, 220, 188)",
            left: 5, top: 5,
            * svg ICONS for individual elements
            * Must return a '<svg>... The </svg>' string cannot contain DOCTYPE xml tags
            svgs: {
                // 用户任务
                'bpmn:UserTask': ({ element }) => {
                    const nodeType = element.businessObject["userTaskType"];
                    return {
                        "1": chuanyue,
                        "2": guidang
                    }[nodeType] || userIcon;
                'bpmn:ScriptTask': ({ element }) => scriptIcon,
                'bpmn:ServiceTask': ({ element }) => fuwuliu,
                // 网关内部小图标
                'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway': ({ element }) => wubianxing,

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