- KEYWORDS: Module,Accelerometer,I2C,Sensor,Wii,Nunchuck,Joystick,Joy Stick,Button
The Wii Nunchuck is an optional accessory that plugs into the Wiimote for for the Wii games console. It is a small, rugged, hand-held device that contains two buttons, a JoyStick, and a 3 axis accelerometer. While the original is relatively expensive, cheap copies are available for less than $10.
The Nunchuck itself is an I2C peripheral, and needs just 4 wires - GND, VDD (3.3v), SDA and SCL. SDA and SCL just need wiring up to the corresponding I2C pins (of the same I2C port) on your Espruino.
The connector itself is non-standard with 6 pins (the middle two on each side are unused) but can be connected with either a double-sided PCB, a connector from a scrapped Wiimote, a special adaptor PCB (for example from SparkFun), or the connector can just be cut off.
The connector viewed from the end is connected like this:
| |
\ |
| X X |
/ |
SCL | X X | VDD (3.3v)
Once wired up, you can use the Wii nunchuck with just the following - using the [[wii_nunchuck.js]] module:
var wii = require("wii_nunchuck").connect(I2C1);
This will output something like:
Where the values for joy are between -1 and 1, and values for 'acc' are in G (that is, 1 for normal gravity).