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Nx plugin for structuring a monorepo with domains and layers following Domain Driven Development


This plugin adds some enhancements to @manfredsteyer DDD Nx plugin

  • State Management with ngxs
  • Shell Library patterns
  • Ability to add entities independently as well as along with adding feature modules

This library was generated with Nx.


This npm package is available on GitHub Packages at nxp-ddd

Please add following to ~/.npmrc

ng add @xmlking/nxp-ddd


# scaffold workspace
ng new yeti -c=@nrwl/workspace --preset=empty --style=scss --npm-scope=yeti --app-name=yeti -v

cd yeti
# update deps
ng update --all  --allow-dirty --force

# add nx plugins (schematics)
ng add @nrwl/angular --defaults
ng add @xmlking/nxp-ddd

# (Optional) In development, here is what I do to use without publishing to NPM:
yarn build:ddd # in nxp project
ng add ~/Developer/Work/SPA/nxp/dist/libs/ddd # in target project

# add web-app. optional flags: --platform <web/mobile/desktop/node>
ng g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:app yeti
# ng g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:app yeti --platform web

# generate domain. optional flags: --platform <web/mobile/desktop/node>  --app <appName> --lazy <true/false>
# defaults platform=web, app=defaultProject, lazy=true
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:domain booking
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:domain boarding  --platform web  --app yeti-web-app
# generate feature module. optional flags: --platform <web/mobile/desktop/node> --lazy  --entity <entity>
# defaults platform=web, app=defaultProject, lazy=true
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:feature search --domain booking
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:feature search --domain booking --entity flight
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:feature search --domain booking --platform web --lazy
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:feature search --domain booking --platform web --lazy=false
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:feature manage --domain boarding --entity user

# generate entity.
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:entity user --domain booking
nx g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:entity seat --domain boarding

Post-Setup Actions

After generation all modules, you might have to remove pathMatch: 'full' and adjust your routes in some module's Router config .
Optionally add <router-outlet></router-outlet> in shell component's HTML

Running unit tests

Run nx test ddd to execute the unit tests via Jest.