- Made compatible with XP 12 - @thekid
- Added PHP 8.4 to the test matrix - @thekid
- Merged PR #2: Migrate to new testing library - @thekid
- Fixed "Creation of dynamic property" warnings in PHP 8.2 - @thekid
- Made compatible with XP 11 as well as new major versions of
- Implemented xp-framework/rfc#334: Drop PHP 5.6:
. Heads up: Minimum required PHP version now is PHP 7.0.0
. Rewrote code base, grouping use statements
. Converted
to anonymous classes . Rewroteisset(X) ? X : default
toX ?? default
- Implemented RFC #335: Remove deprecated key/value pair annotation syntax (@thekid)
- Made compatible with XP 10 - @thekid
- Merged PR #1: Make compatible with newer XP / PHP versions - @thekid
- Added version compatibility with XP 7 - @thekid
- Code quality assurance: Add api documentation where missing (@thekid)
- Verify escaping works as described in JSON pointer RFC (@thekid)
- Made it possible to shorten array by allowing the remove operation in conjunction with "-". This is not specified by the RFC, but I've seen it implemented in other places. (@thekid)
- Made it possible to modify, add and remove "-" keys from objects. (@thekid)
- Fixed RFC compliance problem: Numbers must be numerically equal, not
strictly; meaning
(and vice versa). (@thekid)
- Hello World! First release - @thekid