modName | DaMichel's CargoBays (DCB) |
license | CC-BY-SA-4.0 |
author | DaMichel, Bezzier and zer0Kerbal |
curseforge | ( |
github | ( |
forum | (*/) |
spacedock | ( |
ckan | DMTanks-CargoBays |
- Released
- 13 Apr 2023
- Released for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5
- by zer0Kerbal
- DaMichel Limited (DML) agency, flag, common files
Can now search for 'dcb' or
in the editor search bar to find all CargoBay parts. -
- some missing, some incorrect, some doubled
- Linted all files
- reconverted .tga textures to .dds
- ghostparts.cfg
- CargoBays.cfg
split out TweakScale.cfg from parts
added missing strings from localization files
- closes #46 - DaMichel's CargoBays (DCB)
<Thank you DaMichel>
edition - closes #47 - Additional Tasks
- closes #44 - Normals in .dds textures
- closes #45 - Parts in closed cargo bay have drag [Bug 🐞]:
- closes #46 - DaMichel's CargoBays (DCB)
- 27 Jul 2022
- Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]
- Initial Prerelease
- New Dependency
- DaMichel Limited (DMLL) agency, flag, common files
- Can now search for 'DCB' or
in the editor search bar to find all CargoBay parts. - All thumbs should now be available.
- NEW Parts!
- 1.25m in three lengths: 0.5m, 1m, and 2m
- 1.875m in three lengths: 0.75m, 1.5m, and 3m
- 5.00m in three lengths: 2m, 4m, and 8m
Updated License: CC-BY-SA-4.0
- was: CC-BY-SA-3.0
closes #34 - Update License
Initial Prerelease
- DaMichel Ltd (agency, flag, common files)
- [FSAnimate.cfg] v1.0.1.0
- [FSanimateGeneric]
- Localization
- [startEventGUIName] = #autoLOC_502058 // Open Doors
- [endEventGUIName] = #autoLOC_502058 // Open Doors
- [actionGUIName] = #autoLOC_502077 // Toggle Bay Doors
- Localization
- [FSanimateGeneric]
- Update
- [ghostparts.cfg] v1.3.0.0
- moved from Compatibility/ to Config/
- Ghosts:
- v1.1.0.1
- 2.5m --> dm-round-cargobay
- v1.1.99.0
- 2.5m --> dm-round-cargobay250
- 3.75m --> dm-round-cargobay375
- v1.1.0.1
- Will be deactivated / removed in future releases.
- [ghostparts.cfg] v1.3.0.0
- Add
- [CargoBays.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- updates parts with localization strings
- adds three localizations strings together
- [CargoBays.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- NEW Parts!
- 1.25m in three lengths: 0.5m, 1m, and 2m
- 1.875m in three lengths: 0.75m, 1.5m, and 3m
- 5.00m in three lengths: 2m, 4m, and 8m
- Add
- header
- @thumbs
- [ModuleCargoPart] = packedVolume = -1
- [ModuleConductionMultiplier]
- Update
- [manufacturer] = #DML-Agency-titl
- [tags] now #autoLOC_500899
- [dcb-???-?] v1.0.1.0
- lint and reorganize
- closes #38 - Update Parts
- closes #39 - Add Parts: 1.25 (size1) (I)
- closes #40 - Add Parts: 1.875 (size1p6) (IS)
- closes #41 - Add Parts: 1.25 (size4) (IV)
- create Assets/ folder
- convert from mesh to MODEL
- rename
- models to unique names
- textures to unique names
- update
- model pointers (.png et al to .dds)
- model texture pointers to new names
- relocate assets to Assets/
- eliminate
- duplicate textures
- duplicate models
- relocate part.cfg to Parts
- updates #28 - Asset Updates
- Update
- clean and update all localizations
- <en-us.cfg> v1.1.0.0
- <es-es.cfg> v1.1.0.0
- <fr-fr.cfg> v1.1.0.0
- <it-it.cfg> v1.1.0.0
- [] v2.1.2.0
- [] v1.0.1.1
- Parts
- [ModuleToggleCrossfeed]
- {toggleText} = #autoLOC_236032
- {enableText} = #autoLOC_236028
- {disableText} = #autoLOC_236030
- [ModuleAnimateGeneric]
- {startEventGUIName} = #autoLOC_502069 //#autoLOC_502069 = Open
- {endEventGUIName} = #autoLOC_502051 //#autoLOC_502051 = Close
- {actionGUIName} = #autoLOC_502077 //#autoLOC_502077 = Toggle Bay Doors
- [ModuleToggleCrossfeed]
- clean and update all localizations
- updates #6 - Localization - Master
- closes #7 - English <en-us.cfg>
- closes #10 - Spanish (Español) <es-es.cfg>
- closes #11 - French (Français) <fr-fr.cfg>
- closes #12 - Italian (Italiano) <it-it.cfg>
- closes #35 - Add localized tags to parts
- closes #23 - Part Localization
- Add/Update
- [] v1.0.7.1
- [] v1.1.8.0
- [] v1.0.3.2
- [] v1.0.5.1
- [] v1.1.7.0
- [] v1.0.1.0
- [] v1.0.1.0
- [] v1.1.4.0
- [] v1.1.0.0
- [_config.yml]
- []
- add header for docs/
- closes #36 - docs/
- Update
- [] v1.6.9.2
- [] v1.3.1.1
- [CargoBays.version]
- remove
- remove
- closes #37 - Update Documentation
- Issues
- closes #2 - CargoBays (DCB)
<Split'n'Polish: CargoBays>
- closes #3 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- closes #4 - Update Documentation
- closes #5 - Update Social Media
- closes #2 - CargoBays (DCB)
Released for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1
thank you to BenjaminCronin
- for pointed out decorative right brace in changelogs
- wite-out applied
Also dangling VERSION
- superglue applied.
updated product hero shots
created SpaceDock header
- Introducing
- 3.75m models
- 1.5m, 3m, 6m lengths
- [TechRequired] = largeVolumeContainment
- 3.75m models
- Update
- <us-en.cfg>
- url's updated and updated to 2.5m
- corrected several small typo's in the localization dictionary
- Add
- <es-es.cfg>
- <fr-fr.cfg>
- <it-it.cfg>
- Localization/
- [] v2.1.2.0
- [] v1.0.1.0
- <es-es.cfg>
- updates #7 - American English <us-en.cfg>
- updates #6 - Localization - Master
- closes #10 - Spanish (Español) <es-es.cfg>
- closes #11 - French (Français) <fr-fr.cfg>
- closes #12 - Italian (Italiano) <it-it.cfg>
- [ghostparts.cfg]
- introduced
- original three parts have had their internal part names changed
- this file should prevent any Kraken attacks.
- automatic GitHub action:
- Validate AVC .version files
- corresponding shield to Readme's
- Thank you @DasSkelett, and @HebaruSan
- FSAnimateGeneric
- into patch
- integrated TweakScale patches
- if you don't have TweakScale installed, won't show up and won't hurt anything
- corrected
- integrated tweakscale scale module
- reduced scales available
- 2.5m parts
- [techRequired] = largeVolumeContainment, specializedConstruction, largeVolumeContainment
- 3.75m parts
- [techRequired] = metaMaterials, largeVolumeContainment, metaMaterials
- integrated tweakscale scale module
- new KERBALCHANGELOG formating
- hopefully I got it right this time :o
- Issues
- closes #24 - Previous Releases
- closes #26 -
- updates #28 - Asset Updates
- 2020-02-17
- Released for Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1
- create Assets/ folder
- convert from mesh to MODEL
- rename
- models to unique names
- textures to unique names
- update
- model pointers (.png et al to .dds)
- model texture pointers to new names
- relocate assets to Assets/
- eliminate
- duplicate textures
- duplicate models
- relocate part.cfg to Parts
- closes #28 - Asset Updates
- Localization/
- []
- []
- <en-us.cfg>
- translations welcomed through GitHub Push Request
- updates #6 - Localization - Master
- closes #7 - American English <us-en.cfg>
- closes #32 - Part Localization
- Localization/
updated license to CC BY-SA 4.0
file structure and modernization
modernized part.cfg
many little changes to patches/parts.
- Kerbal Changelog
- Readme
- github repo
- SpaceDock entry
- CKAN entry
- Curseforge entry
- Forum post
- .json
- Forum thread
- Issues
- updates #24 - Previous Releases
- closes #25 -
- updates #28 - Asset Updates
Nov 03, 2017
Kerbal Space Progrtam 1.3.1
This release increases the cost of the AeroRTG by 50%, to offset its aerodynamic nature as compared to the original RTG.
The part continues to function, so this brings it up to date for 1.3.1.
- May 10, 2016
- Kerbal Space Progrtam 1.0.5
- adopted by Bezzier (Color Curves)
Correcting typos
- Correcting typos
- Rebalancing to stock values
- costs
- masses
- temperatures
- drag
- Adding Core Heat
- [techRequired] to experimentalElectrics
- unknown version number
- Apr 18-2014
- First release