Sourcify Monitor is a standalone service that listens to various EVM chains for new contract creations and automatically submits them to the Sourcify API for verification.
This is only possible for Solidity contracts that has its metadata hash published in a DecentralizedStorage (IPFS, Swarm, etc). Currently only IPFS is supported.
Learn more about the contract metadata in the Solidity docs and Sourcify docs. We also have a nice playground showing everything in action at
First you need to provide which chains to monitor in a json file.
"chainId": 1,
"name": "Ethereum Mainnet",
"rpc": ["http://localhost:8545", "{INFURA_API_KEY}"],
"chainId": 11155111,
"name": "Ethereum Sepolia Testnet",
"rpc": ["http://localhost:8545", " "],
Infura and Alchemy keys must be placed in the url string as above in {INFURA_API_KEY}
See monitorChains.json for a full example and to see which chains we monitor ourselves. You can also use the to find chains.
Optionally you can pass a monitor config in a config.json
file. If you don't, the default config will be used. If you leave any field blank, it will be filled with the default config.
The structure of the file is as such:
decentralizedStorages: {
ipfs: {
enabled: true,
gateways: [
// Passing gateway as a string will use default settings
// If you need gateways specific settings you can pass them in an object
url: "http://localhost:8080/ipfs/",
headers: {
"Authentication": "xxx"
// Time when the request to the gateway will timeout i.e. canceled in ms
timeout: 30000,
// Time between each request to the gateway in ms
interval: 5000,
// Number of retries before giving up
retries: 5,
// (optional) Headers passed to the fetch headers parameter
headers: {}
// can also have swarm
// Sourcify instances to verify the contracts on. Can be multiple
sourcifyServerURLs: ["", "http://localhost:5555/"],
sourcifyRequestOptions: {
// Maximum number of retry attempts for contract verification requests after encountering an error
maxRetries: 3,
// Delay in milliseconds between each retry attempt for verification requests to Sourcify
retryDelay: 30000,
defaultChainConfig: {
// Block to start monitoring from. If undefined, it will start from the latest block by asking the RPC `eth_blockNumber`
startBlock: undefined,
// Time between each block check in ms. This value is dynamically adjusted based on the block time.
// When a block is successfully fetched, it's decreased by `blockIntervalFactor`, and vice versa.
blockInterval: 10000,
// The factor to increase/decrease the block interval by. Must be greater than 1.
blockIntervalFactor: 1.1,
// The upper and lower limit of the block interval in ms
blockIntervalUpperLimit: 300000,
blockIntervalLowerLimit: 100,
// Time between each `eth_getCode` requets in ms
bytecodeInterval: 5000,
// Number of retries before giving up getting the contract bytecode.
bytecodeNumberOfTries: 5,
// Can also pass each chain the same config as above. Non specified fields will be filled with the defaultChainConfig. Non specified chains will use the whole defaultChainConfig.
chainConfigs: {
1: {
startBlock: 10000000,
blockInterval: 12000, // Ethereum mainnet is set to 12s
By default you can pass the following environment variables in .env.template
for authenticating with the RPCs:
# If your RPCs are Alchemy or Infura
# In the rpc url it must have {INFURA_API_KEY} or {ALCHEMY_API_KEY}
# authentication
# Overrides the log level. Normally, if NODE_ENV production set to "info", otherwise "debug". Values can be silly, debug, info, warn, error
# Port of the HTTP server to change the log level dynamically while the monitor is running
You can run the Sourcify Monitor in two ways:
Clone the Sourcify monorepo
git clone
cd sourcify
Install and build the project:
npm install
npx lerna run build --scope sourcify-monitor
node dist/index.js --chainsPath /path/to/your-chains.json --configPath /path/to/config.json
The --chainsPath
and --configPath
are optional. If not provided, the default paths will be used.
If you want to build yourself, the builds need to be run from the project root context, e.g.:
cd sourcify/ && docker build -f services/server/Dockerfile .
The containers are published in the Github Container Registry
The recommended way to run the Sourcify Monitor is via Docker.
You need to pass the monitorChains.json
and config.json
files to the container. You can do this by mounting them as volumes:
$ docker pull
$ docker run \
-v /path/to/chains.json:/home/app/services/monitor/monitorChains.json \
-v /path/to/config.json:/home/app/services/monitor/config.json \
The default log level of the monitor is set to "info". You can change the default value by setting the env var NODE_LOG_LEVEL
on start.
You can also change the log level dynamically while the monitor is running through a simple (unauthenticated) HTTP server endpoint. The server port is set in NODE_LOG_LEVEL_SERVER_PORT
env var (default: 3333
). Simply call:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"level": "debug"}' http://localhost:3333