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Fancy Tree

The right way to log a Binary search tree


How to use fancy tree

In fancy_tree.hpp line:9 include the header file with the definition of your node (test.hpp in our case).

//header file that contains Node definition
#include "test.hpp"

Replace the flowing macros according to your Node definition fancy_tree.hpp line:20

// Node class
#define NODE Node<T>

// Node class attributes
#define LEFT _left				// left attribute
#define RIGHT _right			// right attribute
#define PARENT _parent			// parent attribute (can be ignnored)
#define CONTENT _value			// data attribute + element of pair(if exists)

According to this defnition in our test file test.hpp

template <typename T>
class Node {

        T           _value;
        Node<T>     *_left;
        Node<T>     *_right;
        Node<T>     *_parent;

        Node(T value)
            this->_value = value;
            this->_left = nullptr;
            this->_right = nullptr;
            this->_parent = nullptr;

By running the following test test.cpp

int main()
    Node<int> *root = new Node<int>(38);
    root->_left = new Node<int>(26);
    root->_right = new Node<int>(70);
    root->_left->_left = new Node<int>(6);
    root->_left->_right = new Node<int>(15);
    root->_right->_left = new Node<int>(43);
    root->_right->_right = new Node<int>(88);
    root->_left->_left->_left = new Node<int>(3);
    root->_left->_left->_right = new Node<int>(15);
    root->_left->_right->_left = new Node<int>(27);
    root->_left->_right->_right = new Node<int>(36);
    root->_right->_left->_left = new Node<int>(40);
    root->_right->_right->_left = new Node<int>(85);
    root->_right->_right->_right = new Node<int>(89);
    root->_left->_left->_right->_left = new Node<int>(12);

    // construct and object of type FancyTree
    fancy_tree<int> tree; 

    // to print in a vrtical view (root on the top mid of the tree)
    tree.print_tree(root, V_VIEW);

    // to print in a horizontal view (root on the left mid of the tree)
    tree.print_tree(root, H_VIEW);


  • Vertical view print_tree(root, V_VIEW);
                                   ┌───────────────────────────┤ 38 ├───────────────────────────┐
                                   │                           └────┘                           │
                                   │                                                            │
                               ┌───┴┐                                                          ┌┴───┐
                   ┌───────────┤ 26 ├───────────┐                                  ┌───────────┤ 70 ├───────────┐
                   │           └────┘           │                                  │           └────┘           │
                   │                            │                                  │                            │
               ┌───┴┐                          ┌┴───┐                          ┌───┴┐                          ┌┴───┐
           ┌───┤ 6  ├───┐                  ┌───┤ 15 ├───┐                  ┌───┤ 43 │                      ┌───┤ 88 ├───┐
           │   └────┘   │                  │   └────┘   │                  │   └────┘                      │   └────┘   │
           │            │                  │            │                  │                               │            │
       ┌───┴┐          ┌┴───┐          ┌───┴┐          ┌┴───┐          ┌───┴┐                          ┌───┴┐          ┌┴───┐
       │ 3  │        ┌─┤ 15 │          │ 27 │          │ 36 │          │ 40 │                          │ 85 │          │ 89 │
       └────┘        │ └────┘          └────┘          └────┘          └────┘                          └────┘          └────┘
                   │ 12 │
  • Horizontal view print_tree(root, H_VIEW);
        │   └──┤85
    │   └──┤43
    │       └──┤40
    │       ┌──┤36
    │   ┌──┤15
    │   │   └──┤27
        │   ┌──┤15
        │   │   └──┤12