Sample Game Engine
Download SDL 2.0 Framework to machine and copy folder into /Library/Frameworks/
@TODO include Visual Studio Project file The Cmake file should work the same.
- Support Mac
- Support Linux
- Support Windows
- Xcode Generate sln
- Move all dependencies
- Visual Studio Generate sln
- ErrorHandler
- Shader Programmer and Compiler
- Custom Shaders
- Custom Textures
- Image Loader
- Texture Processor
- CMake Universal Relative Paths
- IO Mangement
- Vertex Buffer Output handler
- Sprites
- Convert to 3D
- Support 3D & 2D
- Map and Binary Search Caching
- Resource Manager
- Texture Cache
- FPS Counter
- Limiter
- VSync Handling
- Window Class
- Engine Namespace abstraction
- Custom Library Support
- Camera Class
- GLM Setup
- Sprite Batch
- Input Manager
- Transparency POC
- Mouse Event Handler
- Basic Physics (Projectiles)
- Debug/Release Mode
- Time thread handler
- Font Support
- Audio Setup
- ParticleEngine
- Lambda POC
- Custom Rendering Engine
- MainGame GameScreen Architecture
- Macros (annotations)
- Platform Player Controller
- Debug Renderer
- Capsule Collision
- Animation Pipeline
- Lighting and Additive blends
- SDL Input Injection
- Event Handling
- Level Editor
- Level Reader Writer
- Organize Classes
- JavaScript V8 Bindings for scripting