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This repo is for data structure question from SPPU AIDS third-sem


  • Question 1 (A1) : SET Theory

  • Question 2 (A2) : Write a Python program to store marks scored in subject “Fundamental of Data Structure” by N students in the class. Write functions to compute following

  • Question 3 (A3) : Write a Python program for department library which has N books, write functions for following: a) Delete the duplicate entries b) Display books in ascending order based on cost of books c) Count number of books with cost more than 500. d) Copy books in a new list which has cost less than 500.

  • Question 4 (B12) : a) Write a Python program to store names and mobile numbers of your friends in sorted order on names. Search your friend from list using binary search (recursive and non- recursive). Insert friend if not present in phonebook

  • Question 5 (B14) : Write a Python program to store first year percentage of students in array. Write function for sorting array of floating point numbers in ascending order using a) Selection Sort b) Bubble sort and display top five scores.

  • Question 6 (B16) : Write a Python program to store first year percentage of students in array. Write function for sorting array of floating point numbers in ascending order using quick sort and display top five scores

  • Question 7 (C19) : Department of Computer Engineering has student's club named 'Pinnacle Club'. Students of second, third and final year of department can be granted membership on request. Similarly one may cancel the membership of club. First node is reserved for president of club and last node is reserved for secretary of club. Write C++ program to maintain club member‘s information using singly linked list. Store student PRN and Name. Write functions to: a) Add and delete the members as well as president or even secretary. b) Compute total number of members of club c) Display members d) Two linked lists exists for two divisions. Concatenate two lists

  • Quesrion 8 (C20) : The ticket booking system of Cinemax theatre has to be implemented using C++ program. There are 10 rows and 7 seats in each row. Doubly circular linked list has to be maintained to keep track of free seats at rows. Assume some random booking to start with. Use array to store pointers (Head pointer) to each row. On demand a) The list of available seats is to be displayed b) The seats are to be booked c) The booking can be cancelled

  • Question 9 (D25) : A palindrome is a string of character that‘s the same forward and backward. Typically, punctuation, capitalization, and spaces are ignored. For example, “Poor Dan is in a droop” is a palindrome, as can be seen by examining the characters “poor danisina droop” and observing that they are the same forward and backward. One way to check for a palindrome is to reverse the characters in the string and then compare with them the original-in a palindrome, the sequence will be identical. Write C++ program with functions- a) To print original string followed by reversed string using stack b) To check whether given string is palindrome or not

  • Question 10 (D26): In any language program mostly syntax error occurs due to unbalancing delimiter such as (),{},[]. Write C++ program using stack to check whether given expression is well parenthesized or not.

  • Question 11 (E29) : Queues are frequently used in computer programming, and a typical example is the creation of a job queue by an operating system. If the operating system does not use priorities, then the jobs are processed in the order they enter the system. Write C++ program for simulating job queue. Write functions to add job and delete job from queue.

  • Question 12 (E31) : A double-ended queue (deque) is a linear list in which additions and deletions may be made at either end. Obtain a data representation mapping a deque into a one-dimensional array. Write C++ program to simulate deque with functions to add and delete elements from either end of the deque.

  • Question 13 (E32) : Pizza parlor accepting maximum M orders. Orders are served in first come first served basis. Order once placed cannot be cancelled. Write C++ program to simulate the system using circular queue using array.


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