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GridBots Api

Please read General API Information first

Create Grid Bot (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/grid_bots/manual

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
name string NO Grid Bot's name
account_id integer YES id from GET /ver1/accounts
pair string YES
upper_price number YES
lower_price number YES
quantity_per_grid number YES
grids_quantity number YES
upper_stop_loss_price number NO
upper_stop_loss_enabled boolean NO
upper_stop_loss_action string NO stop_bot, stop_bot_and_buy, stop_bot_and_sell, stop_bot_and_close_position (stop_bot)
lower_stop_loss_price number NO
lower_stop_loss_enabled boolean NO
lower_stop_loss_action string NO stop_bot, stop_bot_and_buy, stop_bot_and_sell, stop_bot_and_close_position (stop_bot)
leverage_type string NO custom, cross, not_specified, isolated (not_specified) Leverage type for futures accounts
leverage_custom_value number NO Required if leverage_type = 'isolated'
note string NO
max_active_buy_lines integer NO
max_active_sell_lines integer NO
order_currency_type string NO base, quote (base) Order currency type
profit_currency_type string NO base, quote (quote) Profit currency type
ignore_warnings boolean NO Ignore any warnings and create grid bot
trailing_up_enabled boolean NO Trailing up enabled
trailing_down_enabled boolean NO Trailing down enabled
grid_type string NO geometric, arithmetic (arithmetic) Grid Type
mode string NO reversal, long, short Grid Mode (Futures only)
expansion_down_enabled boolean NO Expansion down enabled
expansion_down_stop_price number YES Expansion down stop price (mandatory if Expansion down enabled)
expansion_up_enabled boolean NO Expansion up enabled
expansion_up_stop_price number YES Expansion up stop price (mandatory if Expansion up enabled)

Grid bots list (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/grid_bots

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
account_ids string NO Filter by account id
account_types string NO Filter by account type
state string NO enabled, disabled Filter by bot state
sort_by string NO current_profit, profit, bot_id, pair, created_at, updated_at, name Sort column
sort_direction string NO desc, asc Sort direction
limit integer NO (10)
offset integer NO (0)
from string NO Param for a filter by created date
base string NO Base currency
quote string NO Quote currency

Grid Bot Note (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/grid_bots/{id}/note

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
note string NO
id integer YES

Grid Bot Events (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/grid_bots/{id}/events

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
page integer YES (1)
per_page integer YES (100)
id integer YES

Grid Bot Market Orders (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/grid_bots/{id}/market_orders

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
limit integer NO (100)
offset integer NO (0)
id integer YES

Grid Bot Profits (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/grid_bots/{id}/profits

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
from string NO Param for a filter by created date
to string NO Param for a filter by created date
id integer YES


grid_line_id: integer 
 profit: string 
 usd_profit: string 
 created_at: string 
 grid_line: GridLineEntity 

Edit Grid Bot (Manual) (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

PATCH /ver1/grid_bots/{id}/manual

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
name string NO Grid Bot's name
pair string NO Deprecated
upper_price number YES
lower_price number YES
quantity_per_grid number YES
grids_quantity number YES
upper_stop_loss_price number NO
upper_stop_loss_enabled boolean NO
upper_stop_loss_action string NO stop_bot, stop_bot_and_buy, stop_bot_and_sell, stop_bot_and_close_position
lower_stop_loss_price number NO
lower_stop_loss_enabled boolean NO
lower_stop_loss_action string NO stop_bot, stop_bot_and_buy, stop_bot_and_sell, stop_bot_and_close_position
leverage_type string NO custom, cross, not_specified, isolated (not_specified) Leverage type for futures accounts
leverage_custom_value number NO Required if leverage_type = 'isolated'
note string NO
max_active_buy_lines integer NO
max_active_sell_lines integer NO
ignore_warnings boolean NO Ignore any warnings and edit grid bot
trailing_up_enabled boolean NO Trailing up enabled
trailing_down_enabled boolean NO Trailing down enabled
grid_type string NO geometric, arithmetic Grid Type
expansion_down_enabled boolean NO Expansion down enabled
expansion_down_stop_price number YES Expansion down stop price (mandatory if Expansion down enabled)
expansion_up_enabled boolean NO Expansion up enabled
expansion_up_stop_price number YES Expansion up stop price (mandatory if Expansion up enabled)
id integer YES

Show Grid Bot (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/grid_bots/{id}

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Delete Grid Bot (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

DELETE /ver1/grid_bots/{id}

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Disable Grid Bot (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/grid_bots/{id}/disable

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Enable Grid Bot (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/grid_bots/{id}/enable

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Get required balances to start bot(Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/grid_bots/{id}/required_balances

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Response Entities


id: 5                                     
account_id: 10                            
account_name: 'My account'                
is_enabled: true                          
grids_quantity: '20'                      
created_at: 2018-08-08 08:08:08           
updated_at: 2018-08-10 10:10:10           
strategy_type: 'manual'                   
upper_stop_loss_enabled: true             
lower_stop_loss_enabled: true             
note: Best pair                           
editable: false                           
lower_price: '8000'                       
lower_stop_loss_price: '7500'             
lower_stop_loss_action: 'stop_bot'        
upper_price: '10000'                      
upper_stop_loss_price: '12000'            
upper_stop_loss_action: 'stop_bot'        
quantity_per_grid: '100'                  
leverage_type: 'isolated'                 
leverage_custom_value: '20.1'             
name: 'GridBot1'                          
pair: 'BTC_ETH'                           
start_price: '9000'                       
grid_price_step: '100'                    
current_profit: 100                       
current_profit_usd: 1000                  
total_profits_count: 10                   
bought_volume: 1000                       
sold_volume: 1000                         
profit_percentage: 0.1                    
current_price: 100.1                      
max_active_buy_lines: 10                  
max_active_sell_lines: 10                 
order_currency_type: base                 
profit_currency_type: quote               
trailing_up_enabled: true                 
grid_type: arithmetic                     
investment_base_currency: 100             
investment_quote_currency: 100            
unrealized_profit_loss: 2500.0            
current_profit_loss: 0.2284               
current_profit_loss_percent: 2.007        
orderbook_price_currency: USDT            
expansion_down_enabled: false             
expansion_down_stop_price: 10500.0        
grid_lines: GridLineEntity    


id: 21                                   Uniq id 
price: '8000'                             
side: 'SELL'                              
order_placed: true                        


grid_line_id: '8000'                      
profit: '0.01'                            
usd_profit: '100'                         
created_at: 2018-08-08 08:08:08           
grid_line: GridLineEntity    


message: Bot Message                      
created_at: 2021-07-08 08:08:08           