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High Level Organization

ctevans edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 23 revisions

Theresa Ngo

  • Functional Requirement 1: Registration and Login

    • Reason: I've done some research on this before and have a general interest in it.

  • Use Case Diagrams

    • Reason: I have some experience with use case diagrams from CMPUT 301.

Connor Sheremeta

  • Functional Requirement 2: Importing information on scientists and research publications

    • Reason: I have experience in extracting information from sources using various techniques.

  • Coarse­ grained project plan

    • Reason: I am interested in the planning and scheduling of our project

Daniel Shin

  • Functional Requirement 3: Editing/curating information about scientists, relations between scientists (supervised, studied with, collaborated on, …), ideas, …

* Reason: I have some experience on editing pages and I am also interested in working at the front end UI for the project. I'd also like to help with the visualization of the project

  • Coarse­ grained project plan

  • Reason: I have experience planning out projects and am interested in scheduling our future release dates.

Cole Evans

  • Functional Requirement 4: Maintaining an Audit Trail of Edits

    • Reason: Gives me a fantastic opportunity to interact with design patterns, backend work and a fair bit of frontend. A complete and great experience lies ahead!

  • Use Cases, Tests, Wireframes, Slack

    • Reason: I wanted to get more experience with writing Use Cases, felt inspired to do wireframes when I looked up some web pages, and I set up Slack as I had amazing experiences with it before.

Ji Hwan Kim

  • Functional Requirement 5 : Search

    • reason: I want to work on the back-end module, also I have written search module before so this will not be totally new to me.

  • User Storyboard

    • reason: I'm very familiar with User Storyboard from the past experience with CMPUT 301

Steven Myers

  • Functional Requirement 6: Interactive visualization and exploration (how are A and B related? What ideas contributed to idea X?)
    reason: Has multiple books on the subject, has studied computer graphics and long term interest in the subject

  • Technology choices and pointers

    reason: involved in all group discussions involving technology and has a conceptual understanding of web applications

  • Initial software design (high­level architectural description, including (a) deployment view and (b) high­ level component and connector view)

    reason: discussed architectural concerns with TA and researched the aforementioned views.