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my to‐do list

Ro edited this page Nov 16, 2023 · 4 revisions

my temporary to-do list

-rewrite other themida packed portions

-fix x1024, x1366, and x1600? idk about other ppl but it's crash for me for some reason

-hw breakpoints for dr-check check, trydoattack calling GetThreadContext?

-smega and other pop-up boxes displaying outside of window or downwards

-custom hwid -tubi hook

-quickbar shrink

-internal windows like equips and items, not saving outside of default 800x600 area when placed there

-change channel pop-up centered

-finish digesting dummps of diffs from "public resources"

-analyze and test more resolution addresses (commented in client.cpp) from popcorn's relead diff of a hd client

-run img working

gfx fix-info-heap fragmentation -cache clear -change gfx function fix temporary in game as it resets some cache states -pre-allocate and call pre-allocated portion at fail -boss fight script create and destroy mob-allocation size -loading directly from .img helps (likely to circumvent Harepacker faults) -caused by heap memory fragmentation -from boss fights or anything that relies heavily on gfx use -custom wz files compressed by harepacker contribute to the issue because it uses more heap memory, this is because harepacker does not (re?de)compress png files back into wz files properly -只记得有个人说是游戏里缺一个resman.dll里的函数调用。 -我尝试过hook rtlallocate.但那太乱了,毕竟所有的资源都从那里过 -if you want to straight up hex edit to fix it, you need to apply 2 patches in resman.dll and 2 patches in maplestory.exe actually 9 patches in MapleStory.exe because prebb client -lazyloading to save memory -

-define all magic numbers in comments

-call cashshop restore focus properly with function replacement

-backgrounds for stat window

  • how is backgrnd loaded by main stat window 212/218 //offsets

-vr changes for maps (address noted in client.cpp (new one)) test

-(attempted)get diaphora/bindiff/sigmaker working in ida 7(help me)

-search get_screen_height in 95 (look at vr section for example)

  • check find these functions in v83 if they haven't already been touched; these use get_screen_height in 95, which means they are related to resolution
__thiscall CWndMan::ResetOrgWindow(CWndMan *this)  
__userpurge CWnd::OnMoveWnd(CWnd *this@<ecx>, int a2@<edi>, int a3@<esi>, int l, int t)  
__thiscall CUIArtSpeakerSample::CUIArtSpeakerSample(CUIArtSpeakerSample *this, int nItemID, tagPOINT pt)  
__thiscall CUIContextMenu::CUIContextMenu(CUIContextMenu *this, ZXString<char> sCharacterName, tagPOINT pt, int bCantFollow)  
int __cdecl get_screen_height()			(originating function, likely doesnt exist in v83)  
__thiscall CUIToolTip::SetToolTip_Equip2(CUIToolTip *this, int x, int y, GW_ItemSlotEquip *pe1, GW_ItemSlotEquip *pe2, int bVertical, int nNpcShopTimeLimitedItemPeriod, int bSetItemView)  
__thiscall CUIToolTip::AddToolTip_SetItem(CUIToolTip *this, int x, int y, GW_ItemSlotEquip *pe, _com_ptr_t<_com_IIID<IWzGr2DLayer,&_GUID_6dc8c7ce_8e81_4420_b4f6_4b60b7d5fcdf> > pLayerEquip)  
_com_ptr_t<_com_IIID<IWzCanvas,&_GUID_7600dc6c_9328_4bff_9624_5b0f5c01179e> > *__thiscall CUIToolTip::MakeLayer(CUIToolTip *this, _com_ptr_t<_com_IIID<IWzCanvas,&_GUID_7600dc6c_9328_4bff_9624_5b0f5c01179e> > *result, int nLeft, int nTop, int bDoubleOutline, int bLogin, int bCharToolTip, unsigned int uColor, int bAdditional)  
__thiscall CSummoned::ProcessAttack(CSummoned *this, int tCur)  
__cdecl CScreenShot::SaveFullScreenToJpg(ZXString<char> *sFileName)  
__thiscall CMapLoadable::RestoreViewRange(CMapLoadable *this)  
__thiscall CMapLoadable::TransientLayer_Weather(CMapLoadable *this, ZXString<unsigned short> *sPath, int nType, int nDirection, int nSpeed)  
__thiscall CMapLoadable::MakeGrid(CMapLoadable *this, _com_ptr_t<_com_IIID<IWzGr2DLayer,&_GUID_6dc8c7ce_8e81_4420_b4f6_4b60b7d5fcdf> > pLayer, int type, int cx, int cy, int alpha, int nAnimate, int bObj, ZRef<ZList<_com_ptr_t<_com_IIID<IWzGr2DLayer,&_GUID_6dc8c7ce_8e81_4420_b4f6_4b60b7d5fcdf> > > > pList, unsigned int ulColor)  

__thiscall CInputSystem::Init(CInputSystem *this, HWND__ *hWnd, void **ahEvent)   

__thiscall CInputSystem::SetCursorPos(CInputSystem *this, int x, int y)  
  • !!hard!!-find way to despawn cuiscreenmsg messages instead of letting it loop back to the bottom once max messages is reached, otherwise the re-used layers will fade at a faster time but appear below old messages, making the new messages fade faster and leaving an empty space with messages in the middle of the screen (note this also happens in vanilla client, but it's less noticeable with only 6 max messages)

  • change input using right mouse button to be the same sensitivity as right mouse button (for left handed ppl and those that just like to use right mouse button click)

  • way to detect if server msg is present from the client, and if it is, move the boss bar below the server message (low prio)

  • vrtop and bottom working for all maps, this means getting it to work with a custom vr top and bot (likely based on chosen resolution or some sort of map data) when maps lack vr top and bottom data (many old ones lack it, new ones have it and standard vrtop and vrbot edits work with those)

  • any way to make the background of maps scale better to resolution without editting it on a map per map basis (hard, not likely because map background is highly variable in how the elements are arranged)

  • remove limit of 15 letters when displaying gaining items with long names (considering not because 1280x720 already has display length issues with longer names)

other potential vanilla bug fixes:

  • patch character alliance info? is alliance info in character view broken?
  • patch UI stat exp tool tip? is exp amount pop up (transparent black ###/### pop up) not working when hovering over certain UI?
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