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# EDtunnel

<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="edgetunnel" style="margin-bottom: -50px;">
<img src="" alt="edgetunnel" style="margin-bottom: -50px;">

GitHub Repository for [](
EDtunnel 是一个基于 Cloudflare Workers 和 Pages 的代理工具,支持多种协议和配置选项。

ask question and cloudflare ips: [](
EDtunnel is a proxy tool based on Cloudflare Workers and Pages, supporting multiple protocols and configuration options.


## available branches and explain
## ✨ 特性 | Features

| Branch Name | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| remote-socks5 | Branch for remote SOCKS5 proxy pool used implementation |
| socks5 | Branch for SOCKS5 proxyIP implementation |
| vless | Branch for outbound VLESS protocol implementation |
| vless2 | Branch for alternative outbound VLESS protocol implementation |
| code1 | Branch for code1 feature development |
| code2 | Branch for code2 alternative feature development |
| dns | Branch for DNS alternative related development |
| main | Main branch for the project |
| pages | New version for deployment on Cloudflare Pages |
- 支持 Cloudflare Workers 和 Pages 部署
- 支持多 UUID 配置
- 支持自定义代理 IP 和端口
- 支持 SOCKS5 代理
- 提供自动配置订阅链接
- 简单易用的部署流程

## Deploy in
- Support for Cloudflare Workers and Pages deployment
- Multiple UUID configuration support
- Custom proxy IP and port support
- SOCKS5 proxy support
- Automatic configuration subscription link
- Simple and easy deployment process

1. See YouTube Video:
## 🚀 快速部署 | Quick Deployment

### 在 部署 | Deploy on

2. Clone this repository deploy in cloudflare pages.
1. 观看部署教程视频 | Watch deployment tutorial video:
[YouTube Tutorial](

<!-- 3. Add `nodejs_compat` at setting Compatibility flags -->
2. 克隆此仓库并在 Cloudflare Pages 中部署 | Clone this repository and deploy in Cloudflare Pages

<!-- ![note](image/image.png) -->
### 在 部署 | Deploy on

## Deploy in
1.[这里](复制 `_worker.js` 代码 | Copy `_worker.js` code from [here](

1. Copy `_worker.js` code from [here](

2. Alternatively, you can click the button below to deploy directly.
2. 或者点击下方按钮一键部署 | Or click the button below to deploy directly:

[![Deploy to Cloudflare Workers](](

<!-- 3. Noneed add `nodejs_compat` at setting Compatibility flags -->
## ⚙️ 配置说明 | Configuration Guide

## How to use non 443 port as proxyIP
### 环境变量配置 | Environment Variables

1. copy `ProxyIP:proxyport` to `` and click `Check` button.
2. if `Proxy IP` is `true`, you can use this `ProxyIP:proxyport` as `ProxyIP`
3. if `Proxy IP` is `false`, you can see `Origin` is `443` this means the port can be accessed website.
4. edit worker `PROXYIP` variable example ``
| 变量名 (Variable) | 是否必需 (Required) | 示例 (Example) | 说明 (Description) |
| `UUID` | 否 (No) | 单个 (Single): `12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012`<br>多个 (Multiple): `uuid1,uuid2,uuid3` | 用户识别码 / User identification |
| `PROXYIP` | 否 (No) | `` 或 (or) ``<br>多个 (Multiple): `,` | 自定义代理IP和端口 / Custom proxy IP and port |
| `SOCKS5` | 否 (No) | `user:pass@host:port`<br>多个 (Multiple): `user1:pass1@host1:port1,user2:pass2@host2:port2` | SOCKS5代理配置 / SOCKS5 proxy configuration |
| `SOCKS5_RELAY` | 否 (No) | `true` 或 (or) `false` | 启用SOCKS5流量转发 / Enable SOCKS5 traffic relay |

Note: the proxyIP with port may not vaild some cloudflare site that use http only.
### 非443端口配置 | Non-443 Port Configuration

## How to change UUID
1. 访问 (Visit) ``
2. 输入 (Enter) `ProxyIP:proxyport` 并点击检查 (and click Check)
3. 当显示 (When showing) `Proxy IP: true` 时可用 (it's available)
4. 在 Worker 中配置 (Configure in Worker): `PROXYIP=`

1. edit `wrangler.toml` file `UUID` variable(not recommended at public repo)
2. edit `UUID` in cloudflare dashboard secret enviroment variable (recommended)
Note: Proxy IPs with ports may not work on HTTP-only Cloudflare sites.

## Support Environment Variables
### UUID 配置方法 | UUID Configuration

| Variable | Required | Example | Description |
| -------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| `UUID` | No | `12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` | Unique identifier |
| `PROXYIP` | No | `` or `` or with port `` or `[2a01:4f8:c2c:123f:64:5:6810:c55a]:443` or use multiple proxyIPs `,,` | Redirect cloudflare ips to ProxyIP |
| `SOCKS5` | No | `` or `user:pass@host:port` | SOCKS5 proxy cloudflare ips |
| `SOCKS5_RELAY` | No | `true` or `false` | Enable SOCKS5 relaying all traffic |
#### 方法一 | Method 1
`wrangler.toml` 文件中设置(不推荐在公共仓库中使用)
Set in `wrangler.toml` file (not recommended for public repositories)

### Enviroment variable setting
UUID = "your-uuid-here"

#### 方法二 | Method 2
在 Cloudflare Dashboard 的环境变量中设置(推荐方式)
Set in Cloudflare Dashboard environment variables (recommended method)

### Enviroment variable setting
## ⚠️ 重要提示:多项配置分隔符 | Important Note: Multiple Configuration Separator

All multiple configurations MUST use English comma(,) as separator, NOT Chinese comma(,)

<!-- ## How to use trojan
✅ 正确示例 | Correct Examples:
# UUID多个配置 | Multiple UUID

1. the `UUID` enviroment variable is `trojan` password
2. v2ray path is `/trojan` -->
# SOCKS5多个代理 | Multiple SOCKS5 proxies

## Lazy to deploy
# PROXYIP多个地址 | Multiple PROXYIP

subscribe link`` (auto detect client config)
❌ 错误示例 | Wrong Examples:
# 错误:使用中文逗号 | Wrong: Using Chinese comma

## UUID Setting (Optional)
# 错误:使用中文逗号 | Wrong: Using Chinese comma

1. When deploy in cloudflare pages, you can set uuid in `wrangler.toml` file. variable name is `UUID`. `wrangler.toml` file is also supported. (recommended) in case deploy in webpages, you can not set uuid in `wrangler.toml` file.
## 📱 快速使用 | Quick Start

2. When deploy in, you can set uuid in `_worker.js` file. variable name is `userID`. `wrangler.toml` file is also supported. (recommended) in case deploy in webpages, you can not set uuid in `wrangler.toml` file. in this case, you can also set uuid in `UUID` enviroment variable.
### 自动配置订阅 | Auto Configuration Subscribe

Note: `UUID` is the uuid you want to set. and all of them method supported, but depend on your deploy method.
使用以下链接获取自动配置 | Use the following link for auto configuration:

### UUID Setting Example
### 查看配置 | View Configuration

1. single uuid environment variable
- 访问您的域名 | Visit your domain: ``
- 使用特定UUID | Use specific UUID: `/sub/[uuid]`
- 查看完整配置 | View full configuration: 直接访问域名根路径 (visit domain root path)
- 获取订阅内容 | Get subscription content: 访问 `/sub/[uuid]` (visit `/sub/[uuid]`)

UUID = "uuid here your want to set"
## 🔧 高级配置 | Advanced Configuration

### 多UUID支持 | Multiple UUID Support

您可以通过以下方式配置多个UUID | You can configure multiple UUIDs in these ways:

2. multiple uuid environment variable
1. 环境变量方式 | Via environment variables:

2. 配置文件方式 | Via configuration file:
UUID = "uuid1,uuid2,uuid3"

note: uuid1, uuid2, uuid3 are separated by commas`,`.
when you set multiple uuid, you can use `` to get the clash config and vless:// link.
### SOCKS5代理配置 | SOCKS5 Proxy Configuration

## subscribe vless:// link (Optional)
支持以下格式 | Supports the following formats:
- 基础格式 | Basic format: `host:port`
- 认证格式 | Authentication format: `username:password@host:port`
- 多代理格式(使用英文逗号分隔)| Multiple proxies (separated by English comma): `proxy1,proxy2,proxy3`

1. visit ` your set` to get the subscribe link.
#### 配置示例 | Configuration Examples:

2. visit ` your set` to get the subscribe content with `uuid your set` path.
1. 单个代理 | Single Proxy:
# 基础格式 | Basic format

Note: `uuid_your_set` is the uuid you set in UUID enviroment or `wrangler.toml`, `_worker.js` file.
when you set multiple uuid, you can use `` to get the subscribe content with `uuid1` path.(only support first uuid in multiple uuid set)
# 带认证格式 | With authentication

3. visit `` to get the subscribe content with `uuid_your_set` path and `clash` format. content will return with base64 encode.
2. 多个代理(使用英文逗号分隔)| Multiple Proxies (separated by English comma):
# 多个基础代理 | Multiple basic proxies

Note: `uuid_your_set` is the uuid you set in UUID enviroment or `wrangler.toml`, `_worker.js` file.
when you set multiple uuid, you can will use `` to get the subscribe content with `uuid1` path and `clash` format.(only support first uuid in multiple uuid set)
# 多个带认证代理 | Multiple proxies with authentication

## subscribe Cloudflare bestip(pure ip) link
# 混合格式 | Mixed format

1. visit `` to get subscribe info.
#### SOCKS5 代理负载均衡 | SOCKS5 Proxy Load Balancing

2. cpoy subscribe url link `` to any clients(clash/v2rayN/v2rayNG) you want to use.
When multiple proxies are configured, the system will automatically perform load balancing:

3. done. if have any questions please join [@edtunnel](
- 随机选择 | Random selection
- 自动故障转移 | Automatic failover
- 支持混合认证方式 | Support mixed authentication methods

## multiple port support (Optional)
#### SOCKS5_RELAY 设置 | SOCKS5_RELAY Settings

<!-- let portArray_http = [80, 8080, 8880, 2052, 2086, 2095];
let portArray_https = [443, 8443, 2053, 2096, 2087, 2083]; -->
启用 SOCKS5 全局转发 | Enable SOCKS5 global relay:

For a list of Cloudflare supported ports, please refer to the [official documentation](
注意事项 | Notes:
- 确保代理服务器稳定可用 | Ensure proxy servers are stable and available
- 建议使用私有代理以提高安全性 | Recommend using private proxies for better security
- 多代理配置时使用英文逗号分隔 | Use commas to separate multiple proxies
- 支持动态添加和移除代理 | Support dynamic proxy addition and removal

By default, the port is 80 and 443. If you want to add more ports, you can use the following ports:
## 🚨 注意事项 | Notes

80, 8080, 8880, 2052, 2086, 2095, 443, 8443, 2053, 2096, 2087, 2083
http port: 80, 8080, 8880, 2052, 2086, 2095
https port: 443, 8443, 2053, 2096, 2087, 2083
- 带端口的代理IP可能在某些仅HTTP的Cloudflare站点上无效
- 多UUID配置时使用英文逗号分隔
- 建议通过环境变量设置敏感信息
- 定期更新以获取最新功能和安全修复

if you deploy in cloudflare pages, https port is not supported. Simply add multiple ports node drictly use subscribe link, subscribe content will return all Cloudflare supported ports.
- Proxy IPs with ports may not work on HTTP-only Cloudflare sites
- Use commas to separate multiple UUIDs
- Recommend setting sensitive information via environment variables
- Update regularly for latest features and security fixes

## proxyIP (Optional)
## 🔧 环境变量设置 | Environment Variable Settings

1. When deploy in cloudflare pages, you can set proxyIP in `wrangler.toml` file. variable name is `PROXYIP`.
### 设置 | Settings
在 Workers 设置页面配置环境变量 | Configure environment variables in Workers settings page

2. When deploy in, you can set proxyIP in `_worker.js` file. variable name is `proxyIP`.
### 设置 | Settings
在 Pages 设置页面配置环境变量 | Configure environment variables in Pages settings page

3. You can now set multiple proxy IPs by separating them with commas. For example:
PROXYIP = ",,"
The system will randomly select one of these proxy addresses for each request, providing basic load balancing.
## 💬 获取帮助 | Get Help

- Telegram 群组 | Telegram Group: [EDtunnel](
- GitHub 仓库 | Repository: [edgetunnel](
- 问题反馈 | Issue Report: [创建新问题 | Create New Issue](
- 功能建议 | Feature Request: [提交建议 | Submit Request](

Note: `proxyIP` is the ip or domain you want to set. This means that the proxyIP is used to route traffic through a proxy rather than directly to a website that is using Cloudflare's (CDN). If you don't set this variable, connection to the Cloudflare IP will be cancelled (or blocked).
## 📝 贡献指南 | Contributing

Reasons: Outbound TCP sockets to Cloudflare IP ranges are temporarily blocked, please refer to the [tcp-sockets documentation](
欢迎提交 Pull Request 来改进项目!请确保:
Welcome Pull Requests to improve the project! Please ensure:

## Usage
1. 代码符合项目规范 | Code follows project standards
2. 添加必要的测试 | Add necessary tests
3. 更新相关文档 | Update relevant documentation
4. 描述清楚改动原因 | Clearly describe the reasons for changes

frist, open your domain `` in your browser, then you can see the following page:
The path `/uuid_your_set` to get the clash config and vless:// link.
you will see the following page:
## 📜 许可证 | License

![alt text](/image/image-3.png)
本项目采用 MIT 许可证 - 查看 [LICENSE](LICENSE) 文件了解详情
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details

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