"""Log Anomaly Detector.""" from prometheus_client import start_http_server from anomaly_detector.config import Configuration from anomaly_detector.facade import Facade import click import os from anomaly_detector.fact_store.app import create_app from anomaly_detector.fact_store.app.deploy_prod import GunicornFactstore CONFIGURATION_PREFIX = "LAD" @click.group() @click.option("--metric-port", default=8080, help="sets up metrics to publish to custom port") def cli(metric_port: int): """Cli bootstrap method. :param metric_port: 8080 by default and will start prometheus metrics endpoint :return: None """ start_http_server(metric_port) click.echo("starting up log anomaly detectory with metric_port: {}".format(metric_port)) @cli.command("ui") @click.option("--env", default="dev", help="Run Flask in dev mode or prod.", type=click.Choice(['dev', 'prod'])) @click.option("--workers", default=2, help="No. of Flask Gunicorn workers. Only applies to --env=prod") @click.option("--debug", default=False, help="Sets flask in debug mode to true") @click.option("--port", default=5001, help="Select the port number you would like to run the web ui ") @click.option("--host", default="", help="Select the host. ") def ui(debug: bool, port: int, env: str, workers: int, host: str): """Start web ui for user feedback system. :param debug: enable debug mode for flask. :param port: port to use for flask app. :return: None """ click.echo("Starting UI...") if env == "dev": app = create_app() app.run(debug=debug, port=port, host=host) else: options = { 'bind': '%s:%s' % (host, port), 'limit_request_field_size': 0, 'limit_request_line': 0, 'timeout': 60, 'workers': workers, } GunicornFactstore(create_app(), options).run() @cli.command("run") @click.option( "--job-type", default="all", help="select either 'train', 'inference', 'all' by default it runs train and infer in loop", ) @click.option("--config-yaml", default=".env_config.yaml", help="configuration file used to configure service") @click.option("--single-run", default=False, help="it will loop infinitely pause at interval if set to true") @click.option("--tracing-enabled", default=False, help="allows you to expose tracing metrics using jaegar") def run(job_type: str, config_yaml: str, single_run: bool, tracing_enabled: bool): """Perform machine learning model generation with input log data. :param job_type: provide user the ability to run one training or inference or both. :param config_yaml: provides path to the config file to load into application. :param single_run: for running the system a single time. :param tracing_enabled: enabling open tracing to see the performance. :return: None """ click.echo("Starting...") config = Configuration(prefix=CONFIGURATION_PREFIX, config_yaml=config_yaml) anomaly_detector = Facade(config=config, tracing_enabled=tracing_enabled) click.echo("Created jobtype {}".format(job_type)) if job_type == "train": click.echo("Performing training...") anomaly_detector.train() elif job_type == "inference": click.echo("Perform inference...") anomaly_detector.infer() elif job_type == "all": click.echo("Perform training and inference in loop...") anomaly_detector.run(single_run=single_run) if __name__ == "__main__": cli(auto_envvar_prefix="LAD")