###Jeff Klann, PhD
ADD_SCILHS_100*: The SCILHS Annotated Data Dictionary Reporting Tool: A SQL Server version of a Python script to populate a summary spreadsheet of your PopMedNet tables.
MSSQL\PCORNetLoader.sql: SQL Server version of a script to re-create PopMedNet tables, prepare the transform, and load the stored procedures.
MSSQL\run_ms.sql: Script that selects all patients with at least one fact since 1/1/2010 and transforms them into PopMedNet tables. (No longer restricted to loyalty cohort - these are flagged in the Enrollment table.)
MSSQL\CDM2sas_mssql.sas: SAS program that copies the output tables from run_ms.sql into a SAS dataset.
Note: Oracle files are provided. These have been adapted by Wake Forest. They have not been tested by SCILHS Central and the version might lag behind (see the changelog).
Oracle\PCORNetLoader.sql: Oracle version PCORNetLoader.sql, adapted by Wake Forest
PopMedNet-i2b2 Transform Documentation.md: This document describing the transform and the process of loading it.
You must be running at least v2.0.2 of our CDM ontology for the transform to work.
You have probably performed the following steps when preparing for previous versions of the transform. If not, please check the following.
a. Remember, If you used the Mapping tool, you must use the script to provided in the prepare_xxx_mappings to fix your pcori_basecode column after. This might also be necessary if you manually added child nodes. In this case, please verify that the nodes you added have the parent's pcori_basecode.
b. The transform requires that labs are mapped to or are children of a specific LOINC code, not a lab category. If a matching LOINC code does not exist in our ontology, remember that you are supposed to add it and inform us.
You must run the PCORI_MEDS_SCHEMA_CHANGE script on the database with your mapped pcornet_med ontology. This will add a pcori_cui and pcori_ndc code based on your mapping.
Back up all of your pcornet ontology tables (if you have changed them since the last backup).
Once you have run the latest version of the transform, you can skip this section when you want to refresh your data (re-writing your old PopMedNet data), unless you have changed your demographics mapping. If you have, you will need to re-run the PCORNetLoader script. Start at step 4.
Create a database for your PopMedNet tables. Our transform requires that they be on the same server as your i2b2 instance - though you can move them later.
Make sure the database user that will be running the scripts can also read from your i2b2 data and ontology databases. Some Oracle code that changes the permission is below:
-- First change "username" to the execution account username and run this in the i2b2metadata account:
connect i2b2metadata/demouser@xe
grant all on pcornet_demo to username;
grant all on pcornet_diag to username;
grant all on pcornet_proc to username;
grant all on pcornet_enroll to username;
grant all on pcornet_vital to username;
grant all on pcornet_enc to username;
connect i2b2demodata/demouser@xe
-- AND run this in the i2b2Demodata account:
grant all on observation_Fact to username;
grant all on patient_dimension to username;
grant all on visit_dimension to username;
If you are upgrading, you might need to manually delete script-generated views. If you do not, you will get errors in step 4. In this case, go back and delete the views and rerun step 4. Contact us if this occurs so we can develop a version that does not require this manual step.
From your new PopMedNet database, open the PCORNetLoader.sql script. Note that the entire transform (including create tables) is now in this single script. Edit the preamble to match your local setup, according to the instructions in the file. This now includes the following:
- synonym names
- the USE line
- datamart parameters that will go in the Harvest table
- pointer to loyalty_cohort_summary
- (loyalty cohort date range - you will probably not need to change this - by the time the range has changed we will release a new version that does not require manual entry)
- Enable or Diasble the Height and Weight unit conversion functions depending on whether your data mart uses inches versus centimeters or pounds versus kilograms (unit conversion disabled by deafault; Presumes your datamart uses inches and pounds).
- Change 'LOINC:' in the lab results procedure to whatever term your local site uses.
This script will delete your existing PopMedNet tables. If you do not want this behavior, please back them up.
Run the script.
Verify that you have 15 tables (pmndemographic, pmndiagnosis, pmnencounter, pmnenrollment, pmnprocedure, pmnvital, pmnlabresults_cm, pmndispensing, pmncondition, pmnprescribing, pmndeath, pmndeath_cause ,pmnharvest, pmnpcornet_trial, pmnpro_cm), that there were no errors, and that the pcornet_codelist table has some data (demographics code lists).
- Separately from the above steps, be sure you have run the loyalty cohort script on your i2b2 database (this is distributed separately, in the SCILHS-utils repository). If your data has not changed since running it previously and you have not deleted its tables, you do not need to run it again.
- Load the run.sql script and prepare to run it on your PopMedNet database. Modify the database names marked by comments. Run the script. It could take several hours or to complete (approximately 4 hours for 1 million patients).
- When first setting up the process, try testing on a subset of data by changing the "top 100000000" in the script to a smaller number.
- When testing the process, try running the procedures (at the bottom of run.sql) separately and looking for errors in each one.
- When finished, the only errors should be in some of the 'DROP' commands at the beginning of the script - these are expected. There are also some warnings being issued about key constraints being violated on demographics. This seems to be an issue in mapping but it generally does not cause problems. If this does occur, please send us an error report. However, it is not a problem at this point. You will also see some warnings about set aggregation - these are not erros and are expected.
- Please look at the i2pReport table to verify that data was transferred to PopMedNet.
- The 'difference' column should be 0 or null.
- The 'in popmednet' column should be large (likely >1 million for all but patients and enrollment).
- NULL is expected in the i2b2 column for some entries.
- If your 'in i2b2' entries are larger than 'in popmednet', you might have run the transform without executing pcornetclear (which is part of run.sql).
- Enrollment should be <= the number of patients
- If encounters are 0, everything else will fail due to constraints. If your i2b2 does not use globally unique encounter numbers, email us for a solution.
- Send us the data in the i2pReport table as verification that you have run the transform.
- **Troubleshooting: **Note that the transform expects mappings in your ontology according to our instructions in the ontology documentation. If you run into problems, look there first. Mapping problems are the most likely culprit. For example, check that all of your local children are children of valid observation types in the ontology (for example, LOINC codes in labs, not lab groupers) and that pcori_basecode is set for all added rows.
PCORnet requires the ability to execute SAS queries on the PopMedNet tables. The most straightforward way to do this is to copy the output to a SAS datamart. You will need to obtain a SAS license to do this.
- Load the included CDM2sas script into SAS.
- Follow the instructions in the file to create an ODBC connection to your database and to change the output directory.
- Run the script. It will take an hour or so.
- Verify the numbers printed at the end of the log file match the destval count in i2preport (from step 3 above).
- NOTE: You will need to be running at least version 0.6.3 of the transform or manually correct the four typos in the field names output by PCORnetLoader.sql. See the changelog for more information.
- Download and run the diagnostic query provided by PCORNet. Verify that no errors are listed in the report.
Once refreshes begin occurring, you will be required to run this at every refresh. At this time, it is not required.
This section describes how to use the Annotated Data Dictionary Reporting Tool to automatically populate the summary spreadsheet on the data in your PopMedNet tables. If you choose not to use this tool, you can run the queries in ETL_DICT_Queries by hand. Note that this tool only runs on SQLServer, but adapting for Oracle should not be too difficult. See the note below.
- Install python and pypi on your machine.
- Run pip install -r requirements.txt
- Edit config.ini. If you are using Oracle, change db_type to ORACLE and change sql_file to point to the ORACLE version of the scripts (*). Change the host and sid for your environment.
- Edit the environment variables you selected in config.ini with your username (or domain\username) and password. In Windows, the SET command does this.
- If you are using Oracle, uncomment the line 'import cx_Oracle' in query.py. No other Python changes should be needed, but you will need to alter the SQL Script.
- Run python populate_spreadsheet.py config.ini -- hopefully this will run without error, which should take 5-10 minutes.
- The Excel file that ends with _SITE should now contain your summary data of the PopMedNet tables.
(*) Note: We have not modified the Oracle scripts to work with SCILHS. The Greater Plains Collaborative version is included for reference, but you will need to make changes. In particular, our table names begin with 'pmn', which will have to be appended, and our enrollment start date column has a different name.
The following features have not been developed yet:
- Further testing and optimization of Oracle version.
- Code translation in Encounters (other than DRG and inout_cd) - v6 assumes all other visit_dimension columns use PCORI codes.
- Vitals unit conversions - v6 assumes the fact table uses the units PCORI is expecting.
- The Demographics transform assumes all data is in the patient dimension and there are no local children added below the PCORI leaf nodes.
- The lab transform does not verify qualitative results (tval_char) match the metadata
Other issues:
- There is a also a known issue somewhere in the demographics transform where a handful of patients get inserted twice. This only happens on a small subset of patients.
- Encounter and Demographic transforms assume that dimcodes for dimension tables are single-quoted, comma-separated lists. Unquoted strings are not supported.
If you have another method of creating PopMedNet databases or generating the annotated data dictionary, that is fine. You will still need to send us reports similar to the i2pReport table and the annotated data dictionary.
"PopMedNet database" refers to the database in the PCORnet CDM physical data model which will be queried by PopMedNet.