layout | title | date | comments | categories |
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Issue#13 |
2014-07-27 18:01 |
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Issue#13 |
#Issue #13
New Social APIs(
In ICS Google introduced some new Social APIs. Here is a quick walkthrough on how to use them.
Low level image manipulation( Did you ever wanted to create an Android version of Instagram? Here you can read on how to do low level image manipulation at lightning speed.
Twitter Code For Android Applications( In Abhinava's blog he shares some code with you and builds a very simple Twitter Client.
Here are some nice extensions to the ViewPager UI Component(
Android Income Report #9(
The latest Android Income Report #9 with some juicy insights on how to monetize apps
Google is planning to add a new layer of security to Android(
Circle of Android Developers(
Paul Bennett put together a curated circle of Android Developers on Google Plus, so if you want to have fresh resources be sure you add this circle.
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