CL-CSV - a Common Lisp library for csv reading and writing
A common lisp library providing easy csv reading and writing.
The code license is found here.
CL-CSV together with this documentation can be downloaded from
[Special variable] *default-external-format*
The external format used for opening files
[Special variable] *write-newline*
Default newline string
[Special variable] *quote*
Default quote character
[Special variable] *quote-escape*
Default setting for escaping quotes
[Special variable] *separator*
Default separator character
[Condition type] csv-parse-error
csv-parse-error ( msg &rest
args ) => *result*
do-csv ((row-var stream-or-pathname &rest
body) => *result*
row-var: a variable that is passed into body
stream-or-pathname: a stream or a pathname to read the CSV data from
read-csv-keys: keys and values passed to the read-csv function
body: body of the macro
[Generic function] format-csv-value ( val ) => *result*
[Method] format-csv-value ( val ) => *result*
Print values in ways that are most cross compatible with the csv format
read-csv ( stream-or-string &key
row-fn map-fn sample
skip-first-p ( separator *separator* ) (quote *quote*) (escape
*quote-escape*))* => *result*
Read in a CSV by data-row (which due to quoted newlines may be more than one line from the stream)
row-fn: passing this parameter will cause this read to be streaming and results will be discarded after the row-fn is called with data
map-fn: used for manipulating the data by row during collection if specified; (funcall map-fn data) is collected instead of data
sample: when a positive integer, only take that many samples from the input file
skip-first-p: when true, skips the first line in the csv
separator: character separating between data cells. Defaults to *separator*
quote: quoting character for text strings. Defaults to *quote*
escape: escape character. Defaults to *quote-escape*
read-csv-row ( stream-or-string &key
(separator *separator*)
(quote *quote*) (escape *quote-escape*) &aux
current state line
llen c elen) => *result*
Read in a CSV by data-row (which due to quoted newlines may be more than one line from the stream)
write-csv (rows-of-items &key
stream (separator *separator*)
(quote *quote*) (escape *quote-escape*) (newline *write-newline*)
(always-quote *always-quote*) ) => *result*
Writes a CSV
rows-of-items: iterable
stream: stream to write to. Default: nil.
quote: quoting character. Defaults to *quote*
escape: escaping character. Defaults to *quote-escape*
newline: newline character. Defaults to *write-newline*
always-quote: Defaults to *always-quote*
write-csv-row ( items &key
stream (separator *separator*)
(quote *quote*) (escape *quote-escape*) (newline *write-newline*)
(always-quote *always-quote*) ) => *result*
Writes a list items to stream
rows-of-items: iterable
stream: stream to write to. Default: nil.
quote: quoting character. Defaults to *quote*
escape: escaping character. Defaults to *quote-escape*
newline: newline character. Defaults to *write-newline*
always-quote: Defaults to *always-quote*
[Generic function]
write-csv-value ( val csv-stream &key
formatter quote separator
escape always-quote ) => *result*
write-csv-value ( val csv-stream &key
formatter quote separator
escape always-quote ) => *result*
Writes val to csv-stream in a formatted fashion.
formatter: used to format val. Defaults to format-csv-value.
quote: quoting character. Defaults to *quote*
escape: escaping character. Defaults to *quote-escape*
newline: newline character. Defaults to *write-newline*
always-quote: Defaults to *always-quote*
This documentation was prepared with DOCUMENTATION-TEMPLATE, then passed through pandoc, then hand-edited.