type LanguageMap = { [key: string]: string }; declare const strings: LanguageMap; declare const ASSETS_DIRECTORY: string; declare const DATA_STORAGE: string; declare const CACHE_STORAGE: string; declare const PLUGIN_DIR: string; declare const KEYBINDING_FILE: string; declare const IS_FREE_VERSION: string; declare const ANDROID_SDK_INT: number; declare const DOES_SUPPORT_THEME: boolean; declare const acode: object; interface Window { ASSETS_DIRECTORY: string; DATA_STORAGE: string; CACHE_STORAGE: string; PLUGIN_DIR: string; KEYBINDING_FILE: string; IS_FREE_VERSION: string; ANDROID_SDK_INT: number; DOES_SUPPORT_THEME: boolean; acode: object; } interface String { /** * Capitalize the first letter of a string */ capitalize(): string; /** * Generate a hash from a string */ hash(): string; }