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study log day 1: learning C++11

rvalues and lvalues

An l-value is anything that you can get the address of, and is always the “left hand side” of an assignment operator.

The parameters of a function are always l-values, as is the LHS of an assignment operator. Function calls that return a reference are also l-values.

An expression is an r-value if it returns a temporary object, eg anything that doesn’t have an explicit address. So literals like 23 and “c strings” are r-values. If a function returns an object (not a reference), the return value is also an r-value.

This tutorial on move semantics has a nice explanation of l-values and r-values.

type inference rules, function templates, and ‘auto’

You can apparently (this is not new) do something like this:

template<typename T> void foo(T param) {
  std::cout << param << "\n";

foo("hello world!");

It turns out that the rules for type inference used for function templates also all apply to the auto keyword. The one exception of this is {1,2,3} syntax, which auto recognizes as some variety of array, but templates will barf over.

arrays are a distinct type from pointers

Interestingly, arrays are a type that is defferent from a pointer, but will often be downgraded to a pointer.

An array’s length is also part of its type - so arrays of two different lengths but contain the same item type are not necessarily compatible with one another, though they wil degrade to the same pointer type.

Array notation in a function parameter is, however, a pointer, unless it is written out so as to reference an array (in which length will be needed too).

When an array degrades to a pointer, it is a pointer to the first item in the array.

decltype and type deduction

“Given a name or an expression, decltype tells you the name�s or the expression�s type.”

This seems to be used mostly for deriving a return type from an expression.

In this example, ‘auto’ indicates that the return value is defined after the params, denoted by the ‘->’ symbol.

template<typename Container, typename Index>
authAndAccess(Container&& c, Index i) 
  -> decltype(std::forward<Container>(c)[i])
  return std::forward<Container>(c)[i];

One of the many gotchas for decltype is that if decltype(x) will be ‘int’ (assuming x is an int) but decltype((x)) will be int&.

Decltype is something that is never actually evaluated. Here is another example of its use:

auto floob = "This is a test!";
decltype(floob) thingy = "hello world";


Auto can be tripped up by proxy classes. For example std::vector<bool>[] returns a proxy class instead of a bool. If the return result from a function is being indexed like this, a pointer to the return result might be generated before the return result is GC’d! Or it might behave as expected.

Otherwise, auto is a miracle that makes C++’s proliferation of types to be bearable to deal with.


So if something is behaving wrong, it might be worthwhile to cast to what you think should be when assigning to an auto.

aliases vs TYPEDEF

Aliases make function pointers more clear:

typedef void (*function_pointer)(int, const std::string&);
using function_pointer = void (*)(int, const std::string&);

Basically, typedef is a keyword you put before a standard variable declaration, whereas ‘using’ is more like the assignment syntax.

nullptr vs NULL vs 0

When you set a pointer’s address to 0, the compiler will coerce this to mean it is now a null pointer rather than pointing to that specific address.

The definition of “NULL” is implementation dependent, and is often 0.

“nullptr” by contrast is the null pointer itself, and so is more semantically correct to use.

study log day 2: review of the basics, more C++11

pointers and references review

int a = 10;
int& b = a;
b += 10;
std::cout << " 'a' is " << a << "\n";
std::cout << " 'b' is " << b << "\n";

int c = 10;
int* d = &c;
std::cout << " 'c' is " << c << "\n";
std::cout << "'&c' is " << &c << "\n";
std::cout << " 'd' is " << d << "\n";
std::cout << "'*d' is " << *d << "\n";
std::cout << "'&d' is " << &d << "\n";

So, the simple rule here is:

  • &foo gives the address of foo
  • foo gives the value of foo
  • *foo gives the value of what foo points to

…and, pointers are normal variables that store memory addresses.

Declaring pointers takes this form:

  • type * foo;

Whitespace is optional, so “type*foo”, “type* foo” and “type *foo” are all valid.

Declaring reference variables takes this form:

  • type & foo;

Curiously in this case, the only acceptable values are l-values, and you don’t provide the address. I think this basically means that you pass an variable that presumably has an address associated to it, and the compiler is able to infer so without any special syntax.

casting semantics

These two casting conventions will yield an identical output for value-based casting:

double some_num = 1.4;
// C style
int a = (int) some_num;
// C++ style
int b = static_cast<int> (some_num);

C++ also includes ‘dynamic_cast’, ‘reinterpret_cast’, and ‘const_cast’, which operate entirely on pointers and are used for some varieties of polymorphism.

The static_cast mechanism can be used on pointers, too. For example:

SomeClass* foo = static_cast<SomeClass*>(malloc(sizeof(SomeClass)));

malloc and free

The dreaded malloc() takes a number of bytes and returns a void pointer to the uninitialized newly allocated memory.

Calling free() on the pointer returned by malloc frees the memory.

function templates

OMG these things are great! They work with very similar rules to auto, differing only in what the array/universal initialization syntax denotes. As such, they are a great way to sort of force duck typing onto C++.

#include <iostream>

template<typename T> void foo(T param) {
  std::cout << param << "\n";

int main() {

  foo("hello world!");

  return 0;

const, volitile, mutable

Const means that the memory for the object shouldn’t be modified.

Volatile means that the compiler shouldn’t try to optimize out a thing, supposedly useful for signal handlers.

Mutable applies to class members and means that the member does not affect the externally visible state of the class. This is used for things like memos, lazy evaluation, mutexes, etc. This also allows you to make members of a const class modifiable.

Mutable and const are mutually exclusive. Const and Volatile can be combined.

public, protected, private, and friends

Public works as you’d expect.

Protected means children can also see it.

Private is totally private to the base class.

A class that is designated as a “Friend” can view all three. A class defines who their friends are, not vice versa.

deleted functions and using auto& instead of auto

Consider the following broken code and compiler error:

for (auto future : futures) {
locking_rewrite.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
locking_rewrite.cpp:80:22: error: use of deleted function ‘std::future<void>::future(const std::future<void>&)’
   for (auto future : futures) {
In file included from locking_rewrite.cpp:2:0:
/usr/include/c++/5.3.1/future:832:7: note: declared here
       future(const future&) = delete;

The important part here is the deleted function:

  • “std::future<void>::future(const std::future<void>&)”

What this means is that std::future objects can’t be copied. As a result, if you try to return (by value) one from a function, it’ll call the copy constructor and fail.

To fix this, you just change the code to read:

for (auto& future : futures) {

…and everything will work fine.

async calls and std::bind

Async calls return a ‘future’ type, which you can call a number of variations of ‘get’, ‘wait’ etc on. This is really nice for job-based concurrency, as you can just define your thread as having input and producing some output, and not worry about using queues etc to communicate.

auto future = std::async(std::launch::async, f, arg1, arg2...)

This however screams “20 type pileup”, not to mention it is annoying to have to tell it that you absolutely do want threading to be employed.


std::bind is a template function that is handy because it encapsulates the arguments and is good for things like timeouts. This lends itself well with the async stuff, because you can write a small boilerplate method like so:

std::dequeue<std::future<void> > futures;
template<typename T> void async(T call) {
  futures.push(std::async(std::launch::async, call));

… and call it like so:

async(std::bind(some_method, some_arg, some_arg));

Of course, this could also just be re-written to use multiple argument syntax and eschew the std::bind; but I like this because it makes the boiler plate simple.

default arguments

Super easy:

template<typename T> void print (T value, const char* label = "result") {
  std::cout << label << ": " << value << "\n";

// ..

print("hello", "some string");

range based for-loops

Ranged based for loops provide a nice syntax for looping over iterators.

auto nums = std::vector<int>;
for (int i=0; i<10; i+=1) {

// ranged base loop
for (int i : nums) {
  std::cout << i << "\n";

rvalue references

An r-value reference is a new reference type that lets you store a temporary object. An example:

string get_name() {
  return "Aeva";

string copied = get_name();
string&& moved_1 = get_name();
string&& moved_2 = get_name();

In this example, both ‘moved’ vars will have the same final address. The rvalue reference syntax shown above will produce lvalues ‘moved_1’ and ‘moved_2’, which will both have the same memory address. The lvalue ‘copied’ will however have its own unique memory address.

Now, what happens when && refs are used as function arguments?

template<typename T> T detect(T& name) {
  std::cout << "---> L\n\n";
  return name;
template<typename T> T detect(T&& name) {
  std::cout << "---> R\n\n";
  return name;

auto foo = detect("hello");  // r value
detect(foo); // l value
detect(detect(foo)); // l value, then r value


move constructors and std::move

A class can have a copy constructor, which is a method without a return type that takes this form:

ClassName (const ClassName& other) { … }

Note that “const ClassName& arg” will catch both l-values and r-values unless a rvalue reference constructor also exists, such as:

We can also define a move constructor now,

ClassName (ClassName&& other) { … }

Where the copy constructor is responsible for manually making a deep copy of another instance of the class, a move constructor simply does this:

  1. copy over primitives (eg ints)
  2. for pointers, create a new pointer of the same type, assign the new one the value of the old one, and zero out the old pointer.

The idea here being that we really just want to reuse existing memory, and we want the new things to be “owned” by our class.

— std::move —

Sometimes however you need to chain move constructors. You can’t simply call the move constructor for the child object because you only have an l-value handle for it.

What std::move does is you pass in an l-value, and get an r-value in return.

class constructor member initialization list

It is a syntax for initializing non-static member variables of the class. The member initialization list is executed before the constructor is.

A contrived example:

class Floob
  Floob(int n)
    : a_vars( new int[n] )
    , b_vars( new double[n] )
    delete [] a_vars;
    delete [] b_vars;
  int *a_vars;
  double *b_vars;

study log day 3: more review, more C++11


Smart pointers are defined under the header <memory>.

A unique pointer is a container for a raw pointer, which prevents copying its contained pointer.

The copy constructor and assignment constructers on the class are deleted, so one can only use the move constructor to hand unique_ptrs around.

It seems that a unique pointer can Only Very Definatively be set via its constructor, the reset command, or the move constructor.

uptr = std::move(other_uptr); works uptr = std::move(some_lvalue); refuses to compile

The point of these is a pointer type that can only ever live in one scope at a time, and thus the memory can be automatically freed when the scope exits.


Shared pointers are another container type for wrapping raw pointers. Unlike unique_ptr, it may be copied, but it employes reference counting. When the last copy of a shared pointer is deleted, only then is the encapsulated object reference counted.

Shared pointers are awesome.


These are compatible with shared pointers, but do not effect reference counting, and therefor may be used to prevent reference loops.


Lambda expressions allow you to construct closure objects (and thus closure classes for those objects). These are probably most powerfully demonstrated with the standard library’s <algorithm> functions, providing the joy of basic functional programming through a very fraught implementation.

The syntax is simple:

auto closure = [capture](args) {body};

Closure objects are able to access some of the local scope that they were defined in via the capture clause. Some permutations:

// some local scope
int x = 10;
auto y = std::shared_ptr<int>(new int(20));

// capture nothing
auto closure_a = [](int arg1) { return arg1; };

// capture all local scope by reference
auto closure_b = [&]() { return x+y; };

// capture explicit local variables by reference
auto closure_b = [&x, &y]() { return x+y; };

// capture all local scope by value
auto closure_b = [=]() { return x+y; };

// capture explicit local scope by value
auto closure_b = [x, y]() { return x+y; };

You can approximate r-value capturing by using std::bind and the arguments list:

auto special_snowflake = std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(20));
auto closure = std::bind([](const std::unique_ptr<int>& floob) {},

The non-const variation requires the ‘mutable’ keyword:

auto closure = std::bind([](std::unique_ptr<int>& floob) mutable {},

Some final notes on lambdas,

  • They only capture local scope - so if you generate one in a function, you can only access member variables via the function’s ‘this’ pointer. Which is fraught.
  • They are somewhat preferential to bind in most cases, according to that book I’m reading right now.

variadic templates, variable arg functions

This is a syntax for variable type arguments for class and function templates. It looks something like this:

// variadic class template
template<typename First, typename... Rest> class tuple;

// variadic function template
template<typename... Params>
void printf(const std::string &str_format, Params... parameters);

To access the arguments list, you’d do so with “args…” in the function. Wikipedia proclaims that there is no simple way to iterate over the arguments the list unsurprisingly, though you can pass it on to a different method easily:


At a guess, this is mainly used for meta programming.

classes and structs

Classes and structs are literally the same damn thing in C++. The only difference between the two that I am aware of, is that the members of structs are public by default whereas the members of classes are private by default.

The basic syntax for both looks like this:

class Thingy {
  Thingy() : res(new Resource) {
    std::cout << "thingy initialized\n";
  Thingy(const Thingy&) {
    std::cout << "copy constructor was called\n";
  Thingy(Thingy&&) {
    std::cout << "move constructor was called\n";
  ~Thingy() {
    std::cout << "thingy deleted\n";
  Thingy operator=(const Thingy& rhs);
  Thingy &operator[](int arg);
  operator int() { return 10; } // type conversion operator
  Thingy(int rhs); // constructor for implicit conversion eg "Thingy foo = 10;"
  // pseudo-private namespace that child classes and "friends" can access
  // actually private, except to "friends"
  unique_ptr<Resource> res;

defining class methods

In more complicated projects or in libraries, a class and all of its methods are usually declared in a header file separately from its method implementations.

The example class in the section above defines its constructor and destructor methods inline, but then only declares the operator methods.

Here is an example of defining your methods separately from their declaration:

// This would usually be in some header file.
struct AnotherThing
  void SpectacularMethod (int beep);

// The following methods would then be in a cpp file that includes the
// header:

AnotherThing::AnotherThing() {
  std::cout << "AnotherThing's constructor was called.\n";

AnotherThing::SpectacularMethod (int beep)
  std::cout << beep << " is a number!\n";


Basic inheritance looks like so:

class BaseClass {
    // ...

class ChildClass : public BaseClass {
    // ...

An instance of a child class is considered to have a “sub-object” of the type of it’s parent class. So that means the parent constructor is always called, like so:

  1. parent constructs
  2. child constructs

Deletion happens in reverse order, so:

  1. child destructs
  2. parent destructs

By default, the compiler assumes you want the vanilla constructor. To specify otherwise, you would define a child class like so:

class ChildClass : public BaseClass {
  ChildClass() : BaseClass(10) {
    cout << "derived class initializer called\n";
  ~ChildClass() {
    cout << "derived class destructor called\n";


If you have a pointer to BaseClass, but it points to DerivedClass, it will only be able to call methods that were implemented on BaseClass.

Unless you marked a method on BaseClass as “virtual”, in which case it will call DerivedClass’s implementation of the method.

The reason for this is static_binding is used at compile time (early binding), unless the keyword is present, in which case dynamic binding (late binding) is used instead to determine what function to call.

A good rule is that if you are going to have a virtual method on BaseClass, you should mark the DerivedClass version of that method with “override”. This will prevent the program from compiling unless there is actually the desired corresponding virtual method.


A base class can be left as an “abstract base class” by defining one or more virtual methods as not having a body. These are called “pure virtual” functions, since they can’t be statically bound. Pure virtual functions are defined like so:

struct AbstractBaseClassExample
  virtual void OverrideMe() = 0;

A derrived class might then look something like this:

struct DerivedClass : public AbstractBaseClassExample
  void OverrideMe() override;

multiple inheritance

You can have a class derive from multiple parent classes in C++ :(

In these cases you will also likely need to use the ‘explicit parent constructor’ syntax.

class ChildClass : public BaseClassA, public BaseClassB {
  ChildClass() : BaseClassA(10), BaseClassB("meep") {

In the odd case that you have a hierarchy like so:

a b->a c->a d->b,c

And are not using poly morphism, and call upon an instance of ‘d’ a method that is defined on ‘a’, there is the question as to which version of ‘a’ should be used - the one that belongs to ‘b’ or the one that belongs to ‘c’?

The solution here is to define ‘b’ and ‘c’ like so:

class ExampleB : public virtual ExampleA {};

And then for an instance of class ‘d’, there will only be one created instance of class ‘a’ instead of two.

c-strings vs string objects

C-strings are \0 terminated arrays of bytes, of which the compiler has syntatic sugar for recognizing and composing ascii encoded bytes, and a number of helper functions exist.

C-strings are often of the type (const char*).

A std::string is an object that encapsulates these to make things a lot cleaner. You instance them by passing a c-string into the constructor. The class defines a number of member functions to replace the functionality standard library for manipulating c-strings.


Similar to JS, but the type system applies, allowing for multiple catch statements.

try {
  throw ("error");
catch (const char* err) {
  // what actually gets called in this case
catch (CustomErrorClass foo) {
  // what might have been called instead

If an exception is not called, you’ll get something in the consoles saying “Aborted (core dumped)” (or whatever platform-specific crash handler).

debugging (gcc)

You can add debugging symbols by adding ‘-g’ to the compiler. This will pick the native format for the platform. ‘-ggdb’ produces debugging symbols for gdb, which seems to work fine with nemiver.

> g++ -std=c++11 -ggdb sourcefile.cpp > nemiver a.out

custom namespaces


namespace FancyNamespace {
    class blorf {

    void some_function () {

atomic types

The std::atomic template is used to produce the atomic types from “trivially copyable” types like int.

Atomic types are supposedly types where it is “impossible to observe” the memory of the object in a halfway complete state. This could mean that for some types, thier read/write ops are single instruction. It could also mean that a lock is employed behind the scenes.


Atomic types are praised for being “lockless”, but are still effectively a form of synchronization primative :P.

As best I can tell, you would use these when an atomic type is the only thing you want to share between threads.

Atomics are non-movable and non-copiable.


Thread objects, when constructed without args do not represent any threads. A move constructor is provided, and you can also construct a thread with a function and some arguments. There is no copy constructor.

In the event that a function and arguments was passed without error, a new thread will be created, and the thread will branch to the provided function (the return value is ignored). The returned thread object will represent the newly created thread.

There can only be one thread object to a thread.

Predictably there is a mechanism for joining and one for detaching the thread.

Where this differs from std::async - async is a high level interface that can create a std::thread object, but does not necessarily need to (see async policy). Async returns a future, and the function passed into the async statement is assumed to return at some point.

study log day 4: review — oh and regexes!

Things that didn’t quite stick.


This keyword is to prevent the compiler from optimizing out a variable.


Mutable allows you to declare some members of a const class to be mutable, thus allowing you to change them. This is useful for things like memoization, lazy eval, mutexes, and so on.

Also, with lambdas, capture-by-value’d vars are const by default. To change that,

int foo = 10;
auto closure = [=]() mutable { foo = 20; };

rvalue references

These references seem to mostly be useful as function arguments to use different behavior for handling r-value params. An example of this is a move constructor.

default args

This is fairly easy - works like it does in python.

int example_function(int arg1, int arg2 = -1) {
  return arg1 + arg2;


Apparently C+11 has regexes and nobody told me! Well then.

C++11 uses javascript’s gramar, though it seems to lack the same flags.

Here is a simple usage example, wherein the regex finds all of the numbers in a given string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>

int main () {
  auto raw = std::string("vertex -1.624555 -4.999952 -8.506543");
  std::smatch match_itr;
  std::regex pattern("[0-9-.]+");
  while(std::regex_search(raw, match_itr, pattern)) {
    std::cout << match_itr[0] << "\n";
    raw = match_itr.suffix().str();
  return 0;