Here is how you could handle Circular references properties, by using FastDeepClonerPrimaryIdentifireAttribute
Example A class that have Circular references
public class Circular
// By adding this attribute the library will keep tracks of the objects that has already been cloned
public int Id { get; set; } = 1;
private Bar _bar;
public Bar myBar
if (_bar == null)
_bar = new Bar();
return _bar;
set => _bar = value;
public Circular()
myBar = new Bar();
public class Bar
// By adding this attribute the library will keep tracks of the objects that has already been cloned
public int Id { get; set; } = 105;
private Circular _myFoo;
public Circular myFoo
if (_myFoo == null)
_myFoo = new Circular();
return _myFoo;
set => _myFoo = value;
Now simple Clone the item
var item = new Circular();
var cloned = FastDeepCloner.DeepCloner.Clone(item);