- Animations
inserts a new vertex/edge into the vertex/edge list and returns the reference of the newly created vertex/edge object.drawEdge(edge: Edge, edgeColor: String, transitionType: TRANSITION_TYPE)
anddrawVertex(vertex: vertex: vertexColor: String, transitionType: TRANSITION_TYPE)
draws an vertex/edge to the canvas using an existing vertex/edge object.- Transition types:
: Draws the vertex/edge without any effects.fade
: Draws the vertex/edge fading in.twoPointFade
: Mainly intended for edge highlighting. Draws the edge fading in from vertex0 to vertex1.
- Transitions can be implemented using callback functions which are passed into the drawing methods.
- Clean up SCSS code.
- Maybe use Greek letters (because they look so cool).
- Implement some more algorithms:
- For example:
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Prim-Jarnik algorithm
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm
- If a grpah doesn't meet the requirements for an algorithm (e.g. negative cycle), display error message using
- For example: