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Fancy Pants

Fancy Pants is a 1.21.3 (For 1.17 please see older commits) vanilla core shader that allows datapack developers to add custom armor to the game with custom coloured leather armor.

If you want a more optimized version of fancy pants that supports far more armor textures use lessfancypants.
Disclaimer: It does not support custom assignable colors and it does not support automatically animating armor.


Any pixel coordinates prefixed with ~ will be relative to the armor texture itself and will not be absolute. For example ~(0,0) in absolute coordinates could refer to (64,0), (128,0) etc. Otherwise, assume the pixel coordinate is absolute.

* The default speed is (roughly) 24 seconds per frame. So to get 1 frame per second the speed must be set to 24.

** This is a boolean and only has two states: on (> 0) and off (0).

  • leather_layer_1_overlay and leather_layer_2_overlay must at all times remain completely transparent.

  • Fancy Pants supports different texture resolution, but it must be specified in the shader. To change the texture resolution from the default 16 to something else, go to assets/minecraft/shaders/core/rendertype_armor_cutout_no_cull.fsh; go to line 3 and change the value of TEX_RES. The texture resolution is equal to the width of a single armor texture divided by 4. It is not possible to set different texture resolutions per armor texture, but you can however just upscale the textures in the png.

  • The pixel located at (0, 1) in leather_layer_1.png and leather_layer_2.png must at all times be white (rgba(255,255,255,255)).

  • The pixel located at ~(0,0) will be the color assigned to the armor texture. If two armor textures have the same color, only the most left one will be recognized.

  • An animated armor texture requires a marker pixel at ~(1,0) of the armor texture. This pixel contains rgb(amount of frames, speed*, interpolation**).See leather_layer_1.png in assets/minecraft/textures/models/armor/.

  • The pixel located at ~(2,0) contains information about extra texture properties. Currently this shader supports: toggling color tinting (by default disabled) and emissivity (both partial and full). rgb(emissivity, tint, N/A). Emissivity** can be set to 1 to allow for partial emissivity and > 1 to enable full emissivity.

  • If partial emissivity is enabled the armor texture to the right will be treated as an emissivity map, where the alpha of the pixel will be treated as the amount of emissivity.


Core shaders (what this pack uses) are not supported by alternative rendering engines, such as Iris and Optifine. They will be incompatible and display wrong and there is nothing I can do and nothing the creators of Optifine and Iris can do to fix it.

How to use

You are able to interact with the shader through the leather_layer_1.png and leather_layer_2.png located in assets/minecraft/textures/models/armor. An example of how those files could look is added to this example pack. To add new armor types you simply insert your armor texture to the right in the aforementioned png files, as shown in this pack.

The shader supports 2 formats: non-animated and animated.


Add an armor texture to the right in leather_layer_1.png and/or leather_layer_2.png, add a custom color with 255 alpha at ~(0,0) and you're done. To access the newly added custom armor texture, you simply equip the corresponding colored leather armor with the color. (Formula for that is r << 16 + g << 8 + b)


Fancy Pants supports animated textures (wow no-one expected that with the heading name). To add an animated texture, simply add frames below the corresponding armor texture (See leather_layer_1.png). Secondly, it is required to add some information for the shader at ~(1,0): rgb(amount of frames, speed*, interpolation**).

Emissivity map

Fancy Pants supports an emissivity map, meaning you can partially make your armor texture emissive. If partial emissivity is enabled the armor texture to the right will be treated as an emissivity map, where the alpha of the pixel will be treated as the amount of emissivity.

If you have any questions feel free to ping me in any discord or message me Ancientkingg#0420. Also let me know what your favourite ice cream flavour is when you message me so I know you've fully read the documentation. :)


Tutorial Video by VelVoxelRaptor

Tutorial Video by VelVoxelRaptor

Youtube Tutorial by TheMoneyRaider