Underlined features show what was available in the project this was based on: https://github.com/mshr-h/vscode-verilog-hdl-support
- Symbols in the current file
- ModuleName #
- PackageName::
- Builtins on $
- Ports/Params
- Macros and more
- Symbols in current file
- Modules/Packages in the form ModuleName.sv
- Module Ports/Params
- Macros and global symbols in .svh files
- In-memory lazy module cache, which makes everything a lot snappier
- Hierarchical references, interface array references
- jump to file on include directives
- Verilog formatting provider
- Format on save for specific directories
- Slang and Verilator linting
- Managed symlink index in vscode storage, allowing tools to use -y on the index
passed to all tools- Parses lint width from tool instead of underlining whole line
- Parses slang instance paths when given
- Fixed Icarus linting on windows
- Xcelium Lint, terminal links for Xcelium's file/lineno format
- Lint an entire project with multiple linters
- Hierarchy View
- Set top module
- Toggle Params and Data in tree
- Set Instance by Path
- Instances View
- View each module in the design, and the instances of each
- Terminal links for hierarchical paths- opens paths in views and editor
- Split view macro expansion
- Improvements to syntax highlighting
- Improve symbol tree generation and icon choice
- Expand macros on hover
- Slang language server / Slang json parsing instead of ctags
- Improved codecomplete/defs for OOP/UVM
- Specify build.f file (defines, includes), not just top level
- Commmand to generate build.f file
- param inlay hints for selected instance
- wire inlay hints from waveform + timestamp
- Open instance/file from waveform viewer
- Open waveform viewer from instance signal
- VCS Lint