🗄️ Configuration
namespaces/ Configuration for your Rivet cluster
secrets/ Credentials & secrets
⚙️ Services
svc/ Source code for services
api/ Public-facing API services
pkg/ Internal business logic
db/ Database migrations
ops/ Operations used within other packages
worker/ Chirp worker
standalone/ CRON, headless, and oneoff services
types/ Package-specific Protobuf types
lib/ Internal libraries
fern/ API type definitions (buildwithfern.com)
proto/ Protobuf types (protobuf.dev)
💻 Development
CHANGELOG.md keepachangelog.com
shell.nix Nix shell configuration (provides dev tools)
doc/ Internal documentation
errors/ Documentation of all error types used in Rivet
templates/ Templates used for bootstrapping services
tests/ Misc system tests
🏗️ Infrastructure
tf/ Terraform state files
docker/ Docker images required for Rivet's infra
tests/ Infra tests
nix/ Shared Nix configs