Once the basic setup is complete (see README for further instructions), the game can be started like this:
python main.py
Please note that this software uses Python3, so make sure your python installation links to the correct version before executing.
Once started, the game will present you with a black screen and the words Press [Space] to play!
. Pressing Space
will automatically set-up and start a game cycle.
Before and during any part of the game, the arrow keys ←
and →
can be sued to navigate between different screens. In order from left to right, the available screens are:
- Game Start (waiting for keypress to start new game)
- Simulation (shows the simulation during a running game)
- Game End (show the result after a game)
- Settings (adjustable sliders for important parameters)
- Splash Screen (shown during load)
The following key bindings are available:
: Start a new game, if no agme is currently runningD
: Enable debug mode (currently only shows FPS and resolution)R
: Resets the game by finishing it immediately and starting a new cycle
python -m unittest discover antificial "*_test.py"