AlertifyBundle eases the confirm dialog you may use when protecting link or form.
Please note that FOSJsRoutingBundle is required so you need to setup it properly before following next steps.
Add this to your routing.yml file:
resource: "@AvAlertifyBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
Add this to your template:
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/avalertify/js/confirm.js') }}"></script>
Add the following attributes to your link|form tag :
- data-toggle="confirm"
- data-confirm-class="myModal"
- data-title="Are you sure ?"
- data-body="This is forever !"
- data-cancel-button-class="btn-cancel"
- data-confirm-button-class="btn-primary"
You can also add a callback like this:
- data-confirm-callback="someFunctionToRunIfTheConfirmButtonIsClicked();"
In this cas, after confirm, the link won't be directly followed (or the form won't be submit). Instead of that, the js we'll be ran.
<form action="/your_url" data-toggle="confirm" data-confirm-class="myModal" data-title="Sur ?" data-body="Butterfly will die. Do you confirm ?" data-cancel-button-class="cancel" data-confirm-button-class="danger" method="post" {{ form_enctype(delete_form) }}>
{{ form_errors(delete_form) }}
{{ form_widget(delete_form) }}
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-danger span4" style="width:100%" value="Kill Butterfly"/>
<a href="/your_url" class="btn btn-mini btn-danger" data-toggle="confirm" data-title="Are you sure ?" data-body="Kittens will suffer ! Do you confirm ?" data-cancel-button-class="cancel" data-confirm-button-class="danger">Burn some cats</a>