# lc_US.lang

! &bUsing &3"lc_US.lang" &btranslated by &6PandaClod

# Change the messages here, you can use & to use colors.
# buyMessage must contain %Item% and %price%
# database can contain %count%

messages.prefix: &6HeadDB> &r
messages.database: &4Hed DB&8 %count% heds
messages.search: &4Hed Serch&8 %count% heds
messages.page: Page
messages.price: &aPrice: &2
messages.heads: heds
messages.head: hed
messages.other: els
messages.loading: &c..uwu..
messages.recentHeads: &aBorn yesterday
messages.noPermissionToBuyLore: &cWont allow dis >:O
messages.searchCommand: &7/hdb search [input]
messages.pheadCommand: /phead [name]
messages.loreColor: &8
messages.headItemColor: &9
messages.categoryColor: &c&l
messages.categoryLoreColor: &e

messages.suggest: &bU can suggest heds here:
messages.submit: &bU can submeet heds here:
messages.noPermission: &cU cant do dat, it illegal!!
messages.notEnoughMoney: &cCat bancc says u broke, get more coin!!1!
messages.notEnoughSpace: &cDelete inventori, heds be more importans uwu!!!1
messages.buyMessage: &aU buy'd %item% &afor &2%price%
messages.backToMenu: &cBacc to menu uwu
messages.clickToSearch: &a&n&lPress dis&b to find the heds owo
messages.noHeadsFound: &eNo heds found, try again!...u dingus
messages.moreSpecific: &ePls be specifical!>;(
messages.headsFound: &eI found dis owo
messages.searchForHeads: &cSearch 4 heds
messages.pluginInfo: &cPlugin info 4 no0bz
messages.pluginSuggest: &cU can place ur ideas owo
messages.pluginSuggestLore: &7Pls look at databes
messages.chatSearch: &bType what u want uwu
messages.databaseStillLoading: &cPls wait, stil doing de loding uwu!
messages.customCommandItemName: &cBacc 2 main place uwu
messages.patience: &cPls wait a sec pls before get moar hed!unu


category.alphabet: Leders
category.animals: Cattos
category.blocks: Blocc
category.decoration: Pretty things owo
category.food_drinks: Borger and Slurpee
category.humans: Hoomans
category.humanoid: Hoomanoodles
category.miscellaneous: ...Stuff
category.monsters: Big bad wolf unu
category.plants: lettuce
category.custom: Custom Server Heds
category.custom2: Custom Server Heds 2
category.custom3: Custom Server Heds 3
category.custom4: Custom Server Heds 4
category.custom5: Custom Server Heds 5
category.online_players: Peeple here owo
category.disabled: unu No work this thing


event.halloween: &eHalloweenie nwn
event.christmas: &bSaunty Claus day owo
event.newYear: &6Happ new year
event.valentines: &cLovey Dovey Day
event.4thOfJuly: &cHapp 4th of July
event.easter: &fEester
event.winter: &fWeenter cold
event.summer: &6Sommer warm
event.MayThe4th: &3May the 4th be with you
event.piDay: &3Pie day
event.pokemon: &6Pokémon Day owo
event.pirate: &cSpeek Like a Sea Man Dude Day, yarr
event.taco: &6Taco Day owo
event.mario: &cMario Day nwn