Experimentational web framework for Lua 5.1 running on Axum for potential use at ArkForge. The goal is to get as much performance as possible and write web server logic in lua instead for faster iteration, fault-tolerance and no-build requirements.
The performance has not been thoroughly tested, but it should be expected to be close to Rust as this is a thin wrapper. However the fault-tolerance can be ensured through error handling policies set within the codebase.
Typically in lua you can register routes like below, binded to a method
Astra.get("/", function()
return "hello from default Astra instance!"
You can also use the local variables within routes
local counter = 0
Astra.get("/count", function()
counter = counter + 1
-- and also can return JSON
return { counter }
Requests and Responses and their configuration are provided when needed
Astra.get("/", function(req, res)
-- set header code
-- set headers
res:set_header("header-key", "header-value")
-- consume the request body
return "Responding with Code 300 cuz why not"
There are also utilities provided such as a PostgreSQL, http client requests, lua extra utils, and async tasks.
-- spawn an async task that does not block the running thread
new_task(function ()
-- HTTP Request to check your IP address
http_request("https://myip.wtf/json", nil, function(response)
This project is NOT recommended for production. It is very much experimental and at the very early staged. Contributions, however, are welcome.
Some features that are missing but are planned:
- Websockets
- TLS/SSL support
- Middleware
- SQLite support
- Templating