Artado Search supports a powerful feature called "Bangs" that allows you to quickly search specific websites directly from the search bar. By typing a bang keyword followed by your search query, you can bypass Artado's search results and go directly to the search results of the targeted website.
Using bangs in Artado is simple. Just type the bang keyword followed by your search term in the Artado search bar and press Enter. For example:
!g artificial intelligence
This will take you directly to Google's search results for "artificial intelligence."
Here’s a comprehensive list of the supported bangs in Artado Search and what they do:
- Google: Search directly on Google.- Example:
!g climate change
- Example:
- Wikipedia: Look up information on Wikipedia.- Example:
!w OpenAI
- Example:
- YouTube: Find videos on YouTube.- Example:
!yt machine learning tutorial
- Example:
- Amazon: Shop on Amazon.- Example:
!a wireless headphones
- Example:
- Twitter: Search tweets on Twitter.- Example:
!tw OpenAI
- Example:
- Facebook: Search on Facebook.- Example:
!fb artado search
- Example:
- Reddit: Browse Reddit threads.- Example:
!r web development
- Example:
- GitHub: Find repositories on GitHub.- Example:
!gh artado search
- Example:
- AMA (Ask Me Anything): Find AMA threads.- Example:
!ama space exploration
- Example:
- DuckDuckGo: Search on DuckDuckGo.- Example:
!d privacy tools
- Example:
- IMDb: Look up movies and TV shows on IMDb.- Example:
!imdb Inception
- Example:
- eBay: Shop on eBay.- Example:
!ebay vintage watches
- Example:
- Netflix: Search movies and shows on Netflix.- Example:
!netflix science fiction
- Example:
- Google Maps: Search locations on Google Maps.- Example:
!maps New York City
- Example:
- Pinterest: Find inspiration on Pinterest.- Example:
!p home decor ideas
- Example:
- Stack Overflow: Search coding questions on Stack Overflow.- Example:
!so JavaScript fetch API
- Example:
- Gmail: Search emails on Gmail.- Example:
!gmail job application
- Example:
- Google News: Find news articles on Google News.- Example:
!gnews technology trends
- Example:
- WhatsApp: Search chats on WhatsApp Web.- Example:
!wp meetup
- Example:
- Google Images: Find images on Google.- Example:
!img sunsets
- Example:
- Tumblr: Search posts on Tumblr.- Example:
!t art illustration
- Example:
- Look up word definitions.- Example:
!dic plethora
- Example:
- TheHackerNews: Find articles on TheHackerNews.- Example:
!th cybersecurity
- Example:
- Netflix: Another way to search Netflix.- Example:
!net comedy movies
- Example:
- Yahoo: Search on Yahoo.- Example:
!y financial news
- Example:
- Quora: Find answers on Quora.- Example:
!q startup advice
- Example:
- Medium: Search articles on Medium.- Example:
!m productivity hacks
- Example:
- Etsy: Shop handmade and vintage items on Etsy.- Example:
!eb handmade jewelry
- Example:
- HackerRank: Practice coding on HackerRank.- Example:
!hr algorithms
- Example:
- Craigslist: Find listings on Craigslist.- Example:
!cra used cars
- Example:
- Outlook: Search emails on Outlook.- Example:
!o project meeting
- Example:
- Dribbble: Search designs on Dribbble.- Example:
!drib UI inspiration
- Example:
- Instagram: Search posts on Instagram.- Example:
!it travel photography
- Example:
- Google Calendar: Search events on Google Calendar.- Example:
!gcal team meeting
- Example:
- SoundCloud: Find music on SoundCloud.- Example:
!sc lo-fi beats
- Example:
- Wolfram Alpha: Search computational knowledge on Wolfram Alpha.- Example:
!wol prime numbers
- Example:
- Moz: Search SEO tools and articles on Moz.- Example:
!mz keyword research
- Example:
- NPR: Search news and podcasts on NPR.- Example:
!npr daily news podcast
- Example:
- Airbnb: Search stays on Airbnb.- Example:
!ar Paris apartment
- Example:
- CNN: Search news articles on CNN.- Example:
!cnn election coverage
- Example:
- BBC: Find news on BBC.- Example:
!bbc world news
- Example:
- Vimeo: Find videos on Vimeo.- Example:
!v short films
- Example:
- The Pirate Bay: Search torrents on The Pirate Bay.- Example:
!tpb open-source software
- Example:
- Google Docs: Search documents on Google Docs.- Example:
!gdoc project report
- Example:
- WordPress: Search blogs on WordPress.- Example:
!wo tech blog
- Example:
- Rotten Tomatoes: Search movie ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.- Example:
!rt action movies
- Example:
- Ars Technica: Find articles on Ars Technica.- Example:
!ars tech news
- Example:
- LinkedIn: Search profiles and jobs on LinkedIn.- Example:
!ln software engineer
- Example:
- SlideShare: Search presentations on SlideShare.- Example:
!sl digital marketing
- Example:
- Hacker News: Find tech news on Hacker News.- Example:
!hn programming languages
- Example:
- Meetup: Find events on Meetup.- Example:
!me photography group
- Example:
- Wikipedia: Another way to search Wikipedia.- Example:
!wik renewable energy
- Example:
- Etsy: Another way to shop on Etsy.- Example:
!ea custom gifts
- Example:
- Bing: Search on Bing.- Example:
!b latest technology
- Example:
- PayPal: Search transactions on PayPal.- Example:
!pay recent payments
- Example:
- Dropbox: Search files on Dropbox.- Example:
!dp client documents
- Example:
- Flickr: Find photos on Flickr.- Example:
!fc nature photography
- Example:
- Yelp: Search reviews on Yelp.- Example:
!yelp restaurants near me
- Example:
- VSCO: Find photos on VSCO.- Example:
!vs travel photos
- Example:
- Foursquare: Search places on Foursquare.- Example:
!fm coffee shops
- Example:
- Google: Another way to search on Google.- Example:
!gd AI research
- Example:
- Spotify: Search music on Spotify.- Example:
!sp workout playlist
- Example:
- Pocket: Find saved articles on Pocket.- Example:
!pg productivity tips
- Example:
- Adobe: Search Adobe resources.- Example:
!ad Photoshop tutorials
- Example:
- Giphy: Find GIFs on Giphy. -Example:!gif happy dance
- IBM: Search on IBM's site.- Example:
!ibm cloud services
- Example:
- MyFitnessPal: Track nutrition on MyFitnessPal.- Example:
!mf daily calorie intake
- Example:
- Google Scholar: Find academic papers on Google Scholar.- Example:
!sch artificial intelligence
- Example:
- MedicineNet: Search medical information on MedicineNet.- Example:
!med symptoms of flu
- Example:
- Azure: Search resources on Microsoft Azure.- Example:
!az cloud computing
- Example:
- CNET: Search tech news on CNET.- Example:
!c new smartphones
- Example:
- Google Analytics: Search reports on Google Analytics.- Example:
!ga user engagement report
- Example:
- Mozilla Developer Network (MDN): Find documentation on MDN.- Example:
!md CSS grid
- Example:
- AliExpress: Shop on AliExpress.- Example:
!al smartphone accessories
- Example:
Bangs are a powerful feature in Artado Search, offering a fast and efficient way to search your favorite websites directly. Whether you need to quickly find information, shop, or browse specific sites, Artado’s bangs provide a shortcut that can save you time.
Try them out and streamline your online searches with Artado!