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Ansible x AWS [VPC,Load Balancer] x Docker

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261 lines (180 loc) · 8.33 KB

Ansible x AWS [VPC,Load Balancer] x Docker


1. Create 3 Private Servers On AWS

- Create new VPC in AWS

       Name = My_VPC IPV4 CIRD = (Gives Approx 65K ips)

- Create 1 Public Subnet and 3 Private Subnet in My_VPC

      My_Public_Subnet  -  ipv4 subnet cidr - [256 ips] in Availability Zone 1a

      My_Private_Subnet1 -  ipv4 subnet cidr - [256 ips] in Availability Zone 1a

      My_Private_Subnet2  -  ipv4 subnet cidr - [256 ips] in Availability Zone 1b

      My_Private_Subnet3  -  ipv4 subnet cidr - [256 ips] in Availability Zone 1c

      ps. [ Make Sure The Private Subnets Are In Different Availability Zones or AZs]


- Create 1 Internet Gateway [IGW]

       Attach To My_VPC

- Create 1 NAT Gateway and Associate it with the public subnet

       Name - My_NAT 

       Select My_Public_Subnet  as Subnet

       Allocate A Elastic Ip 

- Create Route Tables for All Subnets,

       for My_Public_Subnet  route to IGW [edit routes]

        **Explicit subnet associations -**My_Public_Subnet **[subnet association ]**

       for My_Private_Subnet123 route to NAT [edit routes]

       **Explicit subnet associations -**My_Private_Subnet123 **[subnet association ] [ For all 3 ]**

       ps. total 4 routes tables will be created [for each subnet]

- Create 3 instance without public-IP and select the Created VPC and Private Subnet 1,2,3

      3 instances will be created in different Subnets

Private_ubuntu_1 -    My_VPC - My_Private_Subnet_1 

Private_ubuntu_2 -    My_VPC - My_Private_Subnet_2

Private_ubuntu_3 -    My_VPC - My_Private_Subnet_3 

- Create 1 instance with public-IP and select the Created VPC and Public Subnet
    Public_ubuntu -    My_VPC - My_Public_Subnet 
    ![VPC Resource Map Should Look Like This](Ansible%20x%20AWS%20%5BVPC,Load%20Balancer%5D%20x%20Docker%20957e416d9ecd489fa62e80650278d29f/Screenshot_2024-07-30_at_12.06.34_AM.png)
    VPC Resource Map Should Look Like This

2. Config SSH And Test Connection Between The Instances

- In You Local Machine Go to ~/.ssh/config , and write the config for private and public servers

Host jump-server
	HostName <Public_IP_of_Public_Instance>
        Port 22
	IdentityFile /path/to/key.pem/for/instance/#
	User ubuntu

Host private1
	HostName <Private_IP_of_Private_Instance_1>
	IdentityFile ~/Downloads/Key.pem
	Port 22
	User ubuntu
	ProxyJump jump-server

Host private2
	HostName <Private_IP_of_Private_Instance_2>
	IdentityFile /path/to/key.pem/for/instance/#
	Port 22
	User ubuntu
	ProxyJump jump-server

Host private3
	HostName <Private_IP_of_Private_Instance_3>
	IdentityFile /path/to/key.pem/for/instance/#
	Port 22
	User ubuntu
	ProxyJump jump-server

- Added The  3 private servers and 1 public server [the public servers works as Bastion Server, to access the private server]
- Test SSH to all the instances

ssh jump-server 
ssh private1
ssh private2
ssh private3

3. Install Ansible On Local Machine

- install pipx

brew install pipx

- install ansible by pipx

$ pipx install --include-deps ansible

4. Create Hosts File For Ansible Host [Nodes - (instances - Private_ubuntu_1,2,3)]

- Create  a hosts File and add the ssh Host [create this file in the same directory as the ansible_playbook.yml is present in  or the path you want to run ansible commands on]



5. Create Load_Balancer [AWS Service] To Host [access] The Nginx Running on Private Host.

- Create A Target Group Named [My_Target_Group]

      Select Target Type as  Instances 

      Select My_VPC 

      Select All 3 Private_ubuntu_1,2,3 Instances

- Create A Load Balancer

      Application Load Balance [internet-facing]

        Select My_VPC
        Select Subnets Present In Different Availability Zones

         ps. Minimum 2 Different Availability Zones Should Be Selected [Thats Why We Created 3  Different Private_Subnet In Different Availability Zones]

          My_Private_Subnet_1 - ap-south-1a
          My_Private_Subnet_2 - ap-south-1b

          My_Private_Subnet_3 - ap-south-1c

        In Listener HTTP: 80  [because the nginx on private server is hosted on 80 by default ]

        Select target group [My_Target_Group]

![The Load Balancer Resource Map Should Look Like This](Ansible%20x%20AWS%20%5BVPC,Load%20Balancer%5D%20x%20Docker%20957e416d9ecd489fa62e80650278d29f/Screenshot_2024-07-30_at_1.32.58_AM.png)

The Load Balancer Resource Map Should Look Like This

Hit The DNS name In The Load Balancer Details [to Server The Hosted Content on Private Servers By Nginx] 

6. Write a Ansible_Playbook

- To Deploy Nginx on Private_servers
- With Different Content And Info About The Host
- Install Docker
- Pull an Nginx Image
- Run a Container From The Nginx Image and Expose 3000 Port To Host
- Send Telegram Message If All Work Correctly [Bot_father and Raw_data_Bot used ]

- name: Install and configure Nginx and Docker
  hosts: private_servers
      chat_id: "1187236965"
      token: "7476406886:AAEqSf6RzsylrKQxfl_00-bAycthlJUBKDc"
      load_balancer_dns_url: ""
  become: yes

    - name: apt-get update
        update_cache: yes

    - name: Install Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: present

    - name: Start and enable Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: started
        enabled: yes

    - name: Create Different HTML for all
        dest: /var/www/html/index.html
        content: |
          Arun Lohar <br> Host Name = {{ inventory_hostname }} <br> Private IP = {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} <br> Operating System ={{ ansible_distribution }} <br> User = {{ ansible_user_id }}

    - name: Install dependencies for Docker
          - apt-transport-https
          - ca-certificates
          - curl
          - software-properties-common
        state: present

    - name: Add Docker’s official GPG key
        state: present

    - name: Add Docker repository
        repo: deb [arch=amd64] {{ ansible_distribution_release }} stable
        state: present

    - name: Update apt cache after adding Docker repository
        update_cache: yes

    - name: Install Docker
        name: docker-ce
        state: present

    - name: Start and enable Docker
        name: docker
        state: started
        enabled: yes

    - name: Pull Nginx Docker image
        name: nginx
        source: pull

    - name: Run Nginx container with port 3000 exposed
        name: nginx_container
        image: nginx
          - "3000:80"
        state: started
        restart_policy: always

    - name: Sending Message To Telegram For Success 
      command: curl -I{{token}}/sendMessage?chat_id={{chat_id}}&text=PlayBook%20Executed%20Successfully%20on%20Server%20={{inventory_hostname}},%20Private%20IP={{ansible_default_ipv4.address}},%20Operating%20System%20={{ansible_distribution}},%20User%20=%20{{ansible_user_id}},Visit-%20{{load_balancer_dns_url}}
      register: curl_result
