- IAM role setup
- VPC setup
- S3 bucket for UI data
- Register UI Service
- Packer
- Deploy UI
Create EC2 profile role for UI using cloudformation template. This template creates a role named athenz.ui-service
Setup VPC using the cloudformation template and giving the following mandatory parameters:
(Created during ZMS Setup)Environment
The other parameters are set by default. Change them as per your requirement
NOTE - Modifying the other defaults might require subsequent changes.
Following resources will be created after executing the template
- 2 availability zones
- Public & Private subnets for ui in each availability zone
- 2 NAT gateways and elastic IPs
- NACL's for the subnets
- Internet gateways for all public subnets
- Route tables for all subnets
- Elastic load balancer
- Route 53 DNS entry
- UI server & ELB security groups
Create S3 bucket for storing ui certificates & keys with appropriate policy as follows:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<aws_account_id>:role/athenz.ui-service"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3::: <bucket-name> /*"
Also enable Default Encryption for your bucket.
NOTE - athenz.ui-service is the EC2 role created using IAM template above
Generate a unique private key that UI Server will use to sign user's authorized service tokens. The UI has already been authorized to be allowed to carry out the users' requested operations.
openssl genrsa -out service_private_key 2048
openssl rsa -in service_private_key -pubout > ui_service_x509_key_public
Upload the service private key with name service_private_key
onto the s3 bucket
NOTE - For Athenz UI production server it is strongly recommended to purchase a certificate for HTTPS access from a well known certificate authority.Follow the instructions provided by the Certificate Authority to generate your private key and then the Certificate Request (CSR).
However if you want to use the self signed certificate, you can generate a self signed certificate as below:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout service_x509_key -x509 -days 365 -out service_x509_cer
- Verify your certs
openssl x509 -in service_x509_cert -text -noout
- Once you have received your X509 certificate and key,
- Upload the certificate on s3 bucket with name
- Upload the private key with name
- Upload the certificate on s3 bucket with name
- Upload ZMS CA Cert with key
. They will be needed so that UI can communicate securely with ZMS
- Upload ZMS public key with name
It is required to generate athenz.conf file at /opt/athenz-ui/conf/athenz.conf
to include the ZMS Server URL and the registered public keys that the athenz client libraries and utilities will use to establish connection and validate any data signed by the ZMS Server.
- Upload UI service public key to ZMS Data Bucket with key
In order for UI to access ZMS domain data, it must identify itself as a registered service in ZMS. Use zms-cli
utility to register a new service in athenz
domain. If ZMS Servers are running with a X509 certificate from a well known certificate authority (not a self-signed one) we don't need to reference the CA cert like we are doing below for self signed certs.
Login into your zms-server instance as domain admin you created during zms setup and run the below commands:
- Download ZMS CA Certs(If using self signed certs)
aws s3 cp s3://<zms_bucket_name>/zms_service_x509_ca_certs /tmp/zms_service_x509_ca_certs
- Download UI public key
aws s3 cp s3://<zms_bucket_name>/ui_service_x509_key_public.pem/tmp/ui_service_x509_key_public.pem
- Add a new domain named `athenz`
/opt/zms/bin/zms-cli -c /tmp/service_x509_ca_certs -z <zms_url> -add-domain athenz
- Register Service using zms-cli
/opt/zms/bin/zms-cli -c /tmp/service_x509_ca_certs -z <zms_url> -d athenz add-service ui 0 /tmp/ui_service_x509_key_public.pem
For e.g. If your zms server is running at https://athenz.zms.com:4443 then pass https://athenz.zms.com:4443/zms/v1
Packer VPC was set during zms setup, update packer.json
"vpc_id": "<vpc_id>",
"aws_region": "<aws-region where you created the resources>",
"aws_ami_name": "ui-aws-cd-image",
"aws_access_key": "{{env `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`}}",
"aws_secret_key": "{{env `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`}}",
"aws_session_token": "{{env `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`}}",
"source_ami": "ami-02c71d7a"
Build the image with packer using the following command
cd ui-setup
packer build packer/aws/packer.json
Run cloudformation template to bring up the ui-instances in 2 availability zones.
- The imageID parameter should be set to the image created in above step.
The UI Server is now up and running.
NOTE - If using self-signed X509 certificates for Athenz ZMS and UI servers, the administrator must add exceptions when accessing Athenz UI or install the self-signed certificates for those two servers into his/her own web browser. The administrator must first access the ZMS Server endpoint in the browser to accept the exception since the Athenz UI contacts ZMS Server to get an authorized token for the user when logging in. Alternatively, the administrator may decide to install the self-signed certificates for the ZMS and UI servers in their browser.