kubectl set image deployment/nba-api nba-api=<new image name> (for ex naturalis/nba-api:V2.11.3-e39fae)
kubectl edit configmap <what you want to change>
kubectl delete deployment nba-api
kubectl create -f api/nba-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f api/dwca-clone-job.yaml
kubectl create -f api/dwca-clone-job.yaml
There are many sources of data in the NBA. Here is a github list with some extra info
Allmost all source data repositories have two scrips, and a 3 support files
compress.sh, uncompress.sh, filelist, .gitignore, README.md
. Compressing works only
on linux.
The dump is a manual (and long process). Done by IM.
CRS is moved to drive, for speed improvements. A better how to for this is needed.
Only dumps of the static sets. Done by SD. When importing check in
if the settings col-year
matches the dump.
Full dump,compress and push of NSR, is fully automatich including tags
Dataset is created and pushed by SD
This is a supporting dataset, run in on the medialib-dataserver.
docker run --rm -it --env-file env.file -v $(pwd)/out:/payload atzedevries/docker-nba-ml-mimetype
And commit it to this repository. Done by Infra
This is a supporting dataset, should be there before a import. Data is injected in etl docker image. Data is managed by IM.