This document introduces the new feature in the Spark Event Hubs connector which allows spark jobs to automatically adjust the number of events to be read from each partition in each batch in presence of slow partitions in the underlying Event Hubs instance. The goal of such adjustment is to prevent delaying an entire batch because of temporary performance issues in one or a few partitions.
As it has been discussed in Spark Structured Streaming Programming Guide, Structured Streaming queries process data streams as a series of small batch jobs. The Spark EventHubs connector uses the same methodology to run Structured Streaming queries. In each batch, it specifies and reads a range of events from each underlying partition. Assuming all partitions have sufficient events, each batch tries to read almost an equal number of events from each partition. Each batch execution is complete when all the specified events from all partitions are read and available on executor nodes.
In this model, the batch execution performance is determined by the performance of the slowest underlying partition. This means in a rare situation where one or a few partitions are experiencing performance issues, the batch execution takes more time despite the fact that majority of partitions have completed their tasks without any delay. The following example elaborates this issue:
Consider a scenario in which we are running a Spark Structured Streaming job to read events from an EventHubs instance
with 10 partitions. Lets assume the MaxEventsPerTrigger
is set to 10,000 in our job, which means in each batch we are
reading 1,000 events from each partition. Let's also assume in this set-up reading each event (from any partition)
takes about 0.2 ms, which results in reading all events from a single partition in about 200 ms. If we have enough
executor nodes to run all task in parallel, a batch is expected to be completed in about 200 ms.
Now consider a situation in which one of the partitions (e.g. partition 7) is becoming slower than other partitions and reading an event from that partition takes about 2 ms instead of 0.2 ms. In this case, reading 1,000 events from partition 7 would take 2 seconds. Since a batch performance is bounded by the slowest partition, the batch also takes 2 seconds to complete despite the fact that 90% of partitions have completed their tasks in 200 ms.
The above mentioned problem occurs because the number of events to be read from each partition is being assigned
without considering partitions performances. In order to resolve this issue, we are adding a feature which monitors
the performance of all partitions and automatically adjust the number of events assigned to each partition based on
their current performance. This new feature is called SlowPartitionAdjustment
and is disabled by default.
When SlowPartitionAdjustment
is enabled, we monitor the performance of each partition by measuring the time that
takes to read all events in a batch from that partition. We compare these times and if any of the underlying partitions
is experiencing a performance glitch, we assign less number of events (relative to its current performance) to be read
from that partition in the next batches until that partition reaches its expected performance.
Coming back to our example, by using the slow partition adjustment feature, the next batch would assign ~100 events to partitions 7 and therefore all partitions would complete their assigned tasks in 200 ms. As the result, the next batch would take the expected 200 ms.
In order to use the slow partition feature, SlowPartitionAdjustment
configuration should be set to true. You can set
the SlowPartitionAdjustment
in the EventHubsConf
object. Note that the default value for this configuration is false.
val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)
An important factor in slow partition adjustment feature is identifying the partitions which are experiencing performance issues during batch executions. In order to do that, we measure the time each partition takes to complete its task and mark partitions which take more than (average + standard deviation) time as slow partitions. This method is more sensitive for smaller/faster batches and there is higher chance it marks partitions as slow in such scenarios.
In order to avoid this, we have introduced another configuration option, MaxAcceptableBatchReceiveTime
, which
indicates the maximum acceptable time for a batch execution in the user defined job. We simply consider all partitions
to be performing as expected if the batch execution time does not exceed the MaxAcceptableBatchReceiveTime
and do not
mark any partition as slow in such scenarios. This configuration allows users to set the sensitivity of the slow
partition adjustment feature and trigger its logic only when batch execution time is higher than an expected value.
The MaxAcceptableBatchReceiveTime
value can be set in the EventHubsConf
object and its default value is 30 seconds.
val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)
Note that although you can set the MaxAcceptableBatchReceiveTime
value without enabling the SlowPartitionAdjustment
it is only being used when the SlowPartitionAdjustment
is enabled.
If you want to monitor when the slow partition adjustment feature marks a partition as slow and how it adjusts the next
batch, you can define a class which extends the
trait and set an object of that class in the EventHubsConf
using the ThrottlingStatusPlugin
configuration option.
The ThrottlingStatusPlugin
trait has two methods:
which provides the number of events and the execution time for each partition during the last batch execution in addition to the performance percentage metric for each partition which indicates if a partition is running slow or not. The performance percentage metric is a value in the range of [0, 1] where a lower value indicates a slower partition and 1 indicates a partition that is performing as expected. -
which provides the range of assigned offsets to be read from each partition in the next batch based on their throttling factor (aka performance percentage metric). The throttling factor (aka performance percentage metric) is also provided so that users can see how the performance of each partition affects the number of events in the next batch.
class SimpleThrottlingStatusPlugin extends ThrottlingStatusPlugin with Logging {
override def onBatchCreation(
partitionContext: PartitionContext,
nextBatchLocalId: Long,
nextBatchOffsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange],
partitionsThrottleFactor: mutable.Map[NameAndPartition, Double]): Unit = {"New Batch with localId = ${nextBatchLocalId} has been created for " +
s"partitionContext: ${partitionContext} with start and end offsets: ${nextBatchOffsetRanges} " +
s"and partitions throttle factors: ${partitionsThrottleFactor}")
override def onPartitionsPerformanceStatusUpdate(
partitionContext: PartitionContext,
latestUpdatedBatchLocalId: Long,
partitionsBatchSizes: Map[NameAndPartition, Int],
partitionsBatchReceiveTimeMS: Map[NameAndPartition, Long],
partitionsPerformancePercentages: Option[Map[NameAndPartition, Double]]): Unit = {
s"Latest updated batch with localId = ${latestUpdatedBatchLocalId} for partitionContext: ${partitionContext} " +
s"received these information: Batch size: ${partitionsBatchSizes}, batch receive times in ms: " +
s"${partitionsBatchReceiveTimeMS}, performance percentages: ${partitionsPerformancePercentages}.")
val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)
.setThrottlingStatusPlugin(new SimpleThrottlingStatusPlugin)
Note that although you can set the ThrottlingStatusPlugin
value without enabling the SlowPartitionAdjustment
, it is
only being used when the SlowPartitionAdjustment
is enabled.