These labs are designed for delivery in a classroom setting with the Azure Global Blackbelt Team. We typically provide an Azure subscription and a Linux VM (jumpbox) for attendees to complete the labs.
Register for the class with the URL provided by the team (eg -
On the next page, click the
Launch Lab
button. -
Wait for the lab to be prepared. You will receive TWO emails. Wait for the second email and the lab details to appear in the browser. This can take a few minutes.
Note the details for your On Demand Lab:
The first two labs will require you to RDP into a Linux jumpbox in the Azure subscription created for you.
- Ensure you have a proper RDP client on your PC.
- On the Mac, use Remote Desktop Client in the App Store.
Setup Azure Cloud Shell:
Browse to
Login with the Azure credentials that were created in the previous steps (eg - "")
Click on the cloud shell icon to start your session.
Bash (Linux)
You will be prompted to setup storage for your cloud shell. Click
Show advanced settings
Provide a unique value for Storage account name. This must be all lower case and no punctuation. Use "cloudshell" for File share name. See example below.
Create storage
Note: You can also use the dedicated Azure Cloud Shell URL:
It is possible to use your own machine outside of the classroom. You will need the following in order to complete these labs:
- Azure subscription
- Linux, Mac, or Windows with Bash
- Docker
- Azure CLI
- Visual Studio Code
- Helm
- Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)
- MongoDB (only lab #1 requires this)
- GitHub account and git tools