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Microsoft DC/OS Engine - Cluster Definition

Cluster Defintions for apiVersion "vlabs"

Here are the cluster definitions for apiVersion "vlabs":


Name Required Description
apiVersion yes The version of the template. For "vlabs" the value is "vlabs"


orchestratorProfile describes the orchestrator settings.

Name Required Description
orchestratorType yes Specifies the orchestrator type for the cluster

Here are the valid values for the orchestrator types:

  1. DCOS - this represents the DC/OS orchestrator.
  2. linuxBootstrapProfile describes the Linux Bootstrap node settings
Name Required Description
bootstrapURL no URL for downloading a custom
extraConfigs no This is an array of valid extra configs to be added to config.yaml on the Linux Bootstrap node. (bring your own Bootstrap examples)
  1. windowsBootstrapProfile describes the Windows Bootstrap node settings
Name Required Description
bootstrapURL no URL for downloading a custom
extraConfigs no This is an array of valid extra configs to be added to config.yaml on the Windows Bootstrap node. (bring your own Bootstrap examples)


masterProfile describes the settings for master configuration.

Name Required Description
count yes Masters have count value of 1, 3, or 5 masters
dnsPrefix yes The dns prefix for the master FQDN. The master FQDN is used for SSH or commandline access. This must be a unique name. (bring your own VNET examples)
subjectAltNames no An array of fully qualified domain names using which a user can reach API server. These domains are added as Subject Alternative Names to the generated API server certificate. NOTE: These domains will not be automatically provisioned.
firstConsecutiveStaticIP only required when vnetSubnetId specified The IP address of the first master. IP Addresses will be assigned consecutively to additional master nodes
vmsize yes Describes a valid Azure VM Sizes. These are restricted to machines with at least 2 cores and 100GB of ephemeral disk space
osDiskSizeGB no Describes the OS Disk Size in GB
vnetSubnetId no Specifies the Id of an alternate VNET subnet. The subnet id must specify a valid VNET ID owned by the same subscription. (bring your own VNET examples)
extensions no This is an array of extensions. This indicates that the extension be run on a single master. The name in the extensions array must exactly match the extension name in the extensionProfiles
vnetCidr no Specifies the VNET cidr when using a custom VNET (bring your own VNET examples) no The name of the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with resourceGroup, below
imageReference.resourceGroup no Resource group that contains the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with name, above
distro no Select Master(s) Operating System (Linux only). Currently supported value is: ubuntu
customFiles no The custom files to be provisioned to the master nodes. Defined as an array of json objects with each defined as "source":"absolute-local-path", "dest":"absolute-path-on-masternodes".See examples


A cluster can have 0 to 12 agent pool profiles. Agent Pool Profiles are used for creating agents with different capabilities such as VMSizes, VMSS or Availability Set, Public/Private access, user-defined OS Images, attached storage disks, attached managed disks, or Windows.

Name Required Description
availabilityProfile no Supported values are VirtualMachineScaleSets (default) and AvailabilitySet.
count yes Describes the node count
scaleSetPriority no Supported values are Regular (default) and Low. Only applies to clusters with availabilityProfile VirtualMachineScaleSets. Enables the usage of Low-priority VMs on Scale Sets.
scaleSetEvictionPolicy no Supported values are Delete (default) and Deallocate. Only applies to clusters with availabilityProfile of VirtualMachineScaleSets and scaleSetPriority of Low.
diskSizesGB no Describes an array of up to 4 attached disk sizes. Valid disk size values are between 1 and 1024
dnsPrefix Required if agents are to be exposed publically with a load balancer The dns prefix that forms the FQDN to access the loadbalancer for this agent pool. This must be a unique name among all agent pools.
name yes This is the unique name for the agent pool profile. The resources of the agent pool profile are derived from this name
ports only required if needed for exposing services publically Describes an array of ports need for exposing publically. A tcp probe is configured for each port and only opens to an agent node if the agent node is listening on that port. A maximum of 150 ports may be specified.
storageProfile no Specifies the storage profile to use. Valid values are ManagedDisks or StorageAccount. Defaults to ManagedDisks
vmsize yes Describes a valid Azure VM Sizes. These are restricted to machines with at least 2 cores
osDiskSizeGB no Describes the OS Disk Size in GB
vnetSubnetId no Specifies the Id of an alternate VNET subnet. The subnet id must specify a valid VNET ID owned by the same subscription. (bring your own VNET examples) no The name of a a Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with resourceGroup, below
imageReference.resourceGroup no Resource group that contains the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with name, above
osType no Specifies the agent pool's Operating System. Supported values are Windows and Linux. Defaults to Linux
distro no Specifies the agent pool's Linux distribution. Supported value is ubuntu
acceleratedNetworkingEnabled no Use Azure Accelerated Networking feature for agents (You must select a VM SKU that support Accelerated Networking)


linuxProfile provides the linux configuration for each linux node in the cluster

Name Required Description
adminUsername yes Describes the username to be used on all linux clusters
ssh.publicKeys.keyData yes The public SSH key used for authenticating access to all Linux nodes in the cluster. Here are instructions for generating a public/private key pair
secrets no Specifies an array of key vaults to pull secrets from and what secrets to pull from each no describes the search domain to be used on all linux clusters
customSearchDomain.realmUser no describes the realm user with permissions to update dns registries on Windows Server DNS
customSearchDomain.realmPassword no describes the realm user password to update dns registries on Windows Server DNS
customNodesDNS.dnsServer no describes the IP address of the DNS Server


secrets details which certificates to install on the masters and nodes in the cluster.

A cluster can have a list of key vaults to install certs from.

On linux boxes the certs are saved on under the directory "/var/lib/waagent/". 2 files are saved per certificate:

  1. {thumbprint}.crt : this is the full cert chain saved in PEM format
  2. {thumbprint}.prv : this is the private key saved in PEM format
Name Required Description yes The azure resource manager id of the key vault to pull secrets from
vaultCertificates.certificateUrl yes Keyvault URL to this cert including the version
format for, can be obtained in cli, or found in the portal: /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{keyvaultname}

format for vaultCertificates.certificateUrl, can be obtained in cli, or found in the portal: https://{keyvaultname}{secretName}/{version}