Here are the cluster definitions for apiVersion "vlabs":
Name | Required | Description |
apiVersion | yes | The version of the template. For "vlabs" the value is "vlabs" |
describes the orchestrator settings.
Name | Required | Description |
orchestratorType | yes | Specifies the orchestrator type for the cluster |
Here are the valid values for the orchestrator types:
- this represents the DC/OS orchestrator.linuxBootstrapProfile
describes the Linux Bootstrap node settings
Name | Required | Description |
bootstrapURL | no | URL for downloading a custom |
extraConfigs | no | This is an array of valid extra configs to be added to config.yaml on the Linux Bootstrap node. (bring your own Bootstrap examples) |
describes the Windows Bootstrap node settings
Name | Required | Description |
bootstrapURL | no | URL for downloading a custom |
extraConfigs | no | This is an array of valid extra configs to be added to config.yaml on the Windows Bootstrap node. (bring your own Bootstrap examples) |
describes the settings for master configuration.
Name | Required | Description |
count | yes | Masters have count value of 1, 3, or 5 masters |
dnsPrefix | yes | The dns prefix for the master FQDN. The master FQDN is used for SSH or commandline access. This must be a unique name. (bring your own VNET examples) |
subjectAltNames | no | An array of fully qualified domain names using which a user can reach API server. These domains are added as Subject Alternative Names to the generated API server certificate. NOTE: These domains will not be automatically provisioned. |
firstConsecutiveStaticIP | only required when vnetSubnetId specified | The IP address of the first master. IP Addresses will be assigned consecutively to additional master nodes |
vmsize | yes | Describes a valid Azure VM Sizes. These are restricted to machines with at least 2 cores and 100GB of ephemeral disk space |
osDiskSizeGB | no | Describes the OS Disk Size in GB |
vnetSubnetId | no | Specifies the Id of an alternate VNET subnet. The subnet id must specify a valid VNET ID owned by the same subscription. (bring your own VNET examples) |
extensions | no | This is an array of extensions. This indicates that the extension be run on a single master. The name in the extensions array must exactly match the extension name in the extensionProfiles |
vnetCidr | no | Specifies the VNET cidr when using a custom VNET (bring your own VNET examples) | | no | The name of the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with resourceGroup, below |
imageReference.resourceGroup | no | Resource group that contains the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with name, above |
distro | no | Select Master(s) Operating System (Linux only). Currently supported value is: ubuntu |
customFiles | no | The custom files to be provisioned to the master nodes. Defined as an array of json objects with each defined as "source":"absolute-local-path", "dest":"absolute-path-on-masternodes" .See examples |
A cluster can have 0 to 12 agent pool profiles. Agent Pool Profiles are used for creating agents with different capabilities such as VMSizes, VMSS or Availability Set, Public/Private access, user-defined OS Images, attached storage disks, attached managed disks, or Windows.
Name | Required | Description |
availabilityProfile | no | Supported values are VirtualMachineScaleSets (default) and AvailabilitySet . |
count | yes | Describes the node count |
scaleSetPriority | no | Supported values are Regular (default) and Low . Only applies to clusters with availabilityProfile VirtualMachineScaleSets . Enables the usage of Low-priority VMs on Scale Sets. |
scaleSetEvictionPolicy | no | Supported values are Delete (default) and Deallocate . Only applies to clusters with availabilityProfile of VirtualMachineScaleSets and scaleSetPriority of Low . |
diskSizesGB | no | Describes an array of up to 4 attached disk sizes. Valid disk size values are between 1 and 1024 |
dnsPrefix | Required if agents are to be exposed publically with a load balancer | The dns prefix that forms the FQDN to access the loadbalancer for this agent pool. This must be a unique name among all agent pools. |
name | yes | This is the unique name for the agent pool profile. The resources of the agent pool profile are derived from this name |
ports | only required if needed for exposing services publically | Describes an array of ports need for exposing publically. A tcp probe is configured for each port and only opens to an agent node if the agent node is listening on that port. A maximum of 150 ports may be specified. |
storageProfile | no | Specifies the storage profile to use. Valid values are ManagedDisks or StorageAccount. Defaults to ManagedDisks |
vmsize | yes | Describes a valid Azure VM Sizes. These are restricted to machines with at least 2 cores |
osDiskSizeGB | no | Describes the OS Disk Size in GB |
vnetSubnetId | no | Specifies the Id of an alternate VNET subnet. The subnet id must specify a valid VNET ID owned by the same subscription. (bring your own VNET examples) | | no | The name of a a Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with resourceGroup, below |
imageReference.resourceGroup | no | Resource group that contains the Linux OS image. Needs to be used in conjunction with name, above |
osType | no | Specifies the agent pool's Operating System. Supported values are Windows and Linux . Defaults to Linux |
distro | no | Specifies the agent pool's Linux distribution. Supported value is ubuntu |
acceleratedNetworkingEnabled | no | Use Azure Accelerated Networking feature for agents (You must select a VM SKU that support Accelerated Networking) |
provides the linux configuration for each linux node in the cluster
Name | Required | Description |
adminUsername | yes | Describes the username to be used on all linux clusters |
ssh.publicKeys.keyData | yes | The public SSH key used for authenticating access to all Linux nodes in the cluster. Here are instructions for generating a public/private key pair |
secrets | no | Specifies an array of key vaults to pull secrets from and what secrets to pull from each | | no | describes the search domain to be used on all linux clusters |
customSearchDomain.realmUser | no | describes the realm user with permissions to update dns registries on Windows Server DNS |
customSearchDomain.realmPassword | no | describes the realm user password to update dns registries on Windows Server DNS |
customNodesDNS.dnsServer | no | describes the IP address of the DNS Server |
details which certificates to install on the masters and nodes in the cluster.
A cluster can have a list of key vaults to install certs from.
On linux boxes the certs are saved on under the directory "/var/lib/waagent/". 2 files are saved per certificate:
: this is the full cert chain saved in PEM format{thumbprint}.prv
: this is the private key saved in PEM format
Name | Required | Description |
---|---|---| | yes | The azure resource manager id of the key vault to pull secrets from |
vaultCertificates.certificateUrl | yes | Keyvault URL to this cert including the version |
format for , can be obtained in cli, or found in the portal: /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{keyvaultname} |
format for vaultCertificates.certificateUrl
, can be obtained in cli, or found in the portal: